#indieweb 2024-04-09

2024-04-09 UTC
Specifically inspired me to create a zine. It’s going to be so manual that I’m almost looking forward to the hurt…
e.g. type 2 fun
AramZS, jjuran_, stefen_, _dissolve22[d], plantroon, aldur3, sp1ff`, strugee_, chimo, Oclair, joshproehl, dissolve22[d], fcser, rdg, geoffo, hedy[t] and gerben joined the channel
oops... I did not notice the writing event time zone was not local 😅 sounds like it was a good conversation, sorry to have missed it!
[indienews] New post: "Partial credit for CSS Naked Day" https://seirdy.one/notes/2024/04/09/partial-credit-for-css-naked-day/
jjuran, mauromotion, mahboubine, ren, scottishstoater and rvalue joined the channel
scottishstoater, ttybitnik and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
that's extra fun as it's Yahoo aping 60s vegas kitsch
Thanka for the notes. Nice to see you discussed zines. Made me think of BNet, formerly a blog/newsletter, now a PDF zine: https://peeingandpoop.ing/
n8n, AramZS, Achylles, scottishstoater, geoffo and [Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Writing a web-first resumé" https://werd.io/2024/writing-a-web-first-resum%C3%A9
bret, [contact898], scottishstoater, barnaby and gRegor joined the channel
thanks capjamesg[d] !
Some tangentally related news involving the matrix client I uses along with the website engine lots of us use:
I really like beeper and I'm super happy for them
The foundation for Beeper's multi-flavored chat is Matrix. In fact, I'm using it now to chat here. This is Good News™️ indeed!
AramZS and ShockTohp joined the channel
If I were to think of Beeper as being like Adium, how wrong or right would that be? (I am embarrassed to say I had not heard of Beeper before today). I am using Element (which uses Matrix under the hood) for a contract gig right now.
hmm so only finding out now about adium
I'd say the principle looks to be the same
The bridges aren't the same though, beeper has WhatsApp, slack, discord, instagram, FB messenger etc, so not the exact same services
Adium is a different open-source IM project based on XMPP/Jabber and has been around for about 20 years; Matrix is about 10 years old and a different protocol. But both are open-source and many feel that Matrix is the successor to XMPP.
Thanks. Appreciate the nuance there. Helpful!
n8n, [aciccarello] and [qubyte] joined the channel
Oh wow, I really miss adium.
I only just now realised how much. I don’t remember when I stopped using it… 😕
I used it a lot back in the days of msn messenger.
geoffo, ttybitnik, [tantek] and JadedBlueEyes joined the channel
[benatwork]++ for web resume and blogging the thinking behind it!
[benatwork] has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (21 in all channels)
scottishstoater, geoffo, barnaby, barnabywalters, Prullenman and Afdal joined the channel
Can anyone explain to me why I should bother getting a TLS certificate from a centralized authority rather than just generating my own?
I'm an HTTPS newb...
Afdal that is best asked in #indieweb-dev. I will answer there.
ah, thanks
Also, gross, proprietary spyware relay in a Libera channel... Guess I'm not coming back here >:(
Afdal left the channel