#indieweb 2024-04-08

2024-04-08 UTC
benl, kleb, bret, to2ds and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
I'd be more convinced about POTUS and former POTUS federating if there was an actual mastodon.gov.
Or maybe they should have their own IndieWeb sites and use brid.gy?
Exactly. Federate directly from http://whitehouse.gov
Even better!
bret joined the channel
A candidate who champions the open web / open source, within reason, would definitely elicit my favor 😄
AramZS and benl joined the channel
gRegorLove__ and to2ds joined the channel
I'm starting to believe that web browsers are becoming the rotary phones of the 21st century.
oh dear
gRegor and earlps joined the channel
Though these late evening musings would seem more applicable to an #indieweb-soapbox, if it existed.
AramZS joined the channel
Coincidentally I installed the lynx browser on my terminal tonight, @to2ds, if that makes you feel better. Very eye-opening experience.
laker and [Jo] joined the channel
I love lynx
[aciccarello] joined the channel
Finally published my old tweets to my website. Still need to do some cleanup on the post describing how I did it.
[qubyte] joined the channel
I use lynx quite a lot. Mostly for _what does this look like in lynx_, but also for checking my own stuff doesn’t regress.
ren and mauromotion joined the channel
Testing with lynx is a good idea for sure. It’s like checking that the new track that you mixed and mastered sounds good on car stereos. Like it’s probably not the intented experience but it should still sound tolerable. I try to make sure to use js only for progressive enhancement in my hobby web projects nowadays
[tantek] and gRegor joined the channel
> Humans. That I know. My friends.
gRegorLove_, to2ds and gRegorLove__ joined the channel
[Al_Abut] - Loved using lynx. Yes feeling better now 😄
lojik, cimento, AramZS, ttybitnik, chee, n8n and scottishstoater joined the channel; lowtech left the channel
Hello, is anyone using Laravel as a backend? Just looking for some examples out there in the wild. Just about to start a backend for my blog (currently 11ty) to Laravel + Filament.
[marksuth] does!
Me too. Happy to talk about the details in #indieweb-dev
scottishstoater and [Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "My wander page" https://jamesg.blog/2024/04/08/wander/
[indienews] New post: "homebrew website club" https://jamesg.blog/2024/04/03/homebrew-website-club/
Is it still indieweb if you have multiple domains, and you link stuff from your web site to say, your nextCloud instance which bares a different domain? I have two; https://cambridgeport90.org, which is my public web site, and goes, right now, to Micro.blog, though I intend to either go back to Wordpress or to Known, but probably the former for now, until I can roll my own CMS in .NET, but that's a long way off, and https://silvercou
Any of my, say, audio post kinds would probably link to NextCloud instead of having all the files on the web server's root.
[contact898] joined the channel
why wouldn't it be? you seem to own where you publish, that's the only criteria :)
Yeah, there’s no single “correct” way to indieweb! If you have control over your writing, photos, etc and a company going out of business or changing their TOS doesn’t take you down, you’re indieweb. So many sides and variations!
good to know. There needs to be more of a push; even in the younger generation, in other words, those in their 30's and below; I have seen too many instances of...it's too much of a risk for me to host myself.
AramZS and rvalue joined the channel
[Scout] joined the channel
oh? today? when? i thought these are usually on a wednesday?
of course the times are all there once you scroll back up 🙄 😆
ren joined the channel
That's why we have an events page with a calendar link
I just imported it into my phone
ShockTohp, sebbu2, _ms_boba[d], shreyasminocha_, ren-, pax_73_, [0x3b0b]_ and ms_boba[d] joined the channel
[Scout] They are usually on Wednesdays. This is a bonus, writing-specific one!
Homebrew Writing Club
ttybitnik, jonnybarnes and brunopulis joined the channel
Hello, I'm new to indie web and I really love it. I have a question, how I implement Post Kinds plugin in sidebar.php?
brunopulis Welcome! Would you mind asking this in #indieweb-wordpress?
Capjamesg its true, sorry I'll ask there! Thanks.
AramZS_, [Bruno_Pulis] and bret_ joined the channel
AramZS, barnaby, ttybitnik and [benatwork] joined the channel
^ This is such a lovely conversation
teasea joined the channel
Yes! thank you for joining [benatwork]!
would gnunet be a viable technology to host websites on when it's more developed?
I like the GNS protocol a lot
AramZS, kleb and [snarfed] joined the channel
we don't have much GNS experience here, but happy to discuss more in #indieweb-dev
That was an amazing meeting!
sara++ for organizing!
sara has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
ttybitnik, sarajaksa and mauromotion joined the channel
I wonder if it's possible to develop a web browser for GNUnet? that may be really helpful in advancing the indeweb architecture
I am a total newb to software development in general but I would love to collaborate to bring about more open internet protocols
I'd probably use the gecko browser engine to design it
I'm slowly getting out of the core web as much as I can. I only use tumblr and discord tbh but I browse a lot on marginalia search and look at a lot of personal sites.
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
sure! again, #indieweb-dev is the right place to discuss that
sp1ff, push-f, lane, eb, milkii, SoniEx2_ and [Al_Abut] joined the channel
Sara++ for today’s writing jam!
Sara has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
geoffo, [snarfed], [qubyte], [contact898], [Scout], [benatwork], [Bruno_Pulis], [aciccarello], [Joe_Crawford], [Al_Abut], [Jo], [tantek] and IWSlackGateway joined the channel
Sounds like a great time!
It really was! Utterly inspiring.