#indieweb 2024-04-11

2024-04-11 UTC
scottishstoater joined the channel
Homebrew Website Club - Pacific is starting soon! Join us! https://events.indieweb.org/0qnrWmKCwpGQ
sohrab, geoffo and btrem joined the channel
TIL that xfinity's website will not load in a private window. I get a "permission denied" error. But it will load in a normal window. Using Firefox/Ubuntu.
xfinity has -1 karma in this channel over the last year (-3 in all channels)
Also this strange incident: I went to Amazon's website for the first time in maybe six months, maybe more. Since last I logged in, my credit card expired. So I logged in today, bought something, and when I went to the checkout screen, I got my new card to enter the info. Except that Amazon already had the new card/expiration date. WTH? How did they get that info?? That's a bit disturbing.
Amazon has -1 karma in this channel over the last year (-2 in all channels)
And I can't get the xfinity page where I update my payment method -- to put in my new card -- to load. Even in a normal (non-private) window. Other pages load. xfinity--
[Al_Abut], lockywolf, geoffo and [contact898] joined the channel
for small search engines: I use searchmysite quite a lot these days. First I search this one and then Kagi if I didn't find a nice blog post about my topic!
geoffo, benl, scottishstoater, Oclair, lockywolf, n8n, rvalue-, rvalue, wagle, gruetzhaxe, win0err, oodani, gRegor, alecjonathon, nnrx, Schnouki, lane, darylsun, raghavgururajan, suki, capjamesg, toastal, srushe, eb, ancarda, shreyasminocha, sm2n, victorneo, paulgrmn, vikanezrimaya, jeremycherfas, ttybitnik, [tantek], AramZS and ats74 joined the channel
I've been thinking about date based navigation. Right now, on single posts I have next previous posts, on day archives I have pagination but no ability to change to previous day.
Anyone been pondering anything in this area?
scottishstoater, gRegor and n8n joined the channel
I don't have day archives yet, but I'd like to move away from a reverse chronological, fixed length archive page to something date based.
scottishstoater, gruetzhaxe, gruetzhaxe_ and gerben joined the channel
[aciccarello]: My date archives are in chronological order, but my tag archives are in reverse chronological order
capjamesg: Date archives yes, but not date navigation
He has next and previous day
scottishstoater joined the channel
My issue is I don't always post every day, so figuring out what should happen...
I would expect it to go to the next day with content
[aciccarello]: Yes, need to build that
scottishstoater, gruetzhaxe, [Joe_Crawford], geoffo, [snarfed], jacky, [Jo], Ezri9 and ttybitnik joined the channel
GWG, my day archives have ability to go next/prev day
[tantek]: I know. But you use ordinal dates.
So I thought aaronpk was a closer example to what I wanted to do.
scottishstoater, gRegor and gRegorLove_ joined the channel