#indieweb 2024-04-12

2024-04-12 UTC
scottishstoater, ttybitnik, sp1ff, benl, [aseelsultan8_4] and [0x3b0b] joined the channel
I use a mix. Ordinal in the URL, ISO Gregorian in content display
scottishstoater, lockywolf, gRegorLove_, jeremycherfas, benl, Ezri0, jacky, dallaslu, gruetzhaxe, timdream, geoffo and [Ros] joined the channel
↩️ Sorry I couldn’t be there but I’ll be back next week
scottishstoater, gruetzhaxe, benl, n8n, [contact898], bterry, jacky, AramZS, teasea, claudinec_away, axi0m, gRegor, [qubyte], gRegorLove_ and Salt joined the channel
indieweb-adjacent musings about the web: https://staltz.com/google-shattered-human-connection
and discovery namely
nice read, thanks jacky
gruetzhaxe and [aciccarello] joined the channel
I posed an open ended set of questions about reviews on the forum. Anyone have thoughts? https://indiewebforum.eu/d/15
was confused how i was already signed in
On the forum?
yeah ha
I would love to see us add indieauth to that tool 😁
gerben joined the channel
↩️ I'm planning on answering at one point but without a computer access I can't really be bothered to write Long form. I have a long train ride tomorrow so I might answer then :)
↩️ yesss
[contact898] I love writing blog posts on trains!
↩️ Great [contact898] I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
emigre and [Al_Abut] joined the channel
↩️ And now I know there’s a forum. Nice!
↩️ [Al_Abut] It's pretty new
↩️ me too! I just miss having a decent screen and a mouse haha
↩️ but I'm really glad I brought my Bluetooth keyboard, it's been much more comfortable for my travel blogging
scottishstoater, [tantek] and gruetzhaxe joined the channel
mfgfmc, gruetzhaxe, Achylles, btrem and cedric joined the channel
NB: You can request removal of your website from Common Crawl, a database commonly used in AI training.
(I just did this.)
What is Common Crawl
common crawl is an open repository of web crawl data https://indieweb.org/common_crawl
bterry joined the channel
^ maybe add a new "How To" subsection for that capjamesg?
[KevinMarks], [snarfed], gRegor, [Joe_Crawford], scottishstoater, n8n and ttybitnik joined the channel