#indieweb 2024-04-13

2024-04-13 UTC
I wonder if mine's in there; probably not, because my stuff, I don't think, lends itself very well to AI stuff.
At least the fact my site at the moment is mostly all check-ins since I only seemingly have something interesting to write about every once in a while. Though hopefully the end of this month willyield something of more substance.
scottishstoater and Achylles joined the channel
hey folks, if you were considering IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf May 11-12, we have a venue for all day Saturday May 11th from 09:00-18:00 and a tentative one-day schedule as a placeholder until we find a venue for Sunday — please express your interest: https://events.indieweb.org/2024/05/indiewebcamp-d%C3%BCsseldorf-2024-lPSJYTuqCdL2
ttybitnik, fish6, sennomo, aldur, geoffo, mdemo, benl, [tw2113], nanobot567, rvalue, Tiffany, scottishstoater and [Jo] joined the channel; fish6 left the channel
↩️ Woah theres a forum!! Cool
scottishstoater, benl, laker, gruetzhaxe, teder_[d], chimo, ttybitnik and [Ros] joined the channel
↩️ 😢 The Brighton one was brilliant - I wish I could make it to this. Will you have all the notes from sessions via Etherpad again?
scottishstoater and laker joined the channel
[Ros] yeah! We take a lot of notes at all of the sessions!
I’ll probably be taking a few of the notes!
benl, gRegor, [dmitshur], scottishstoater, n8n, rvalue, mfgfmc, nanobot567, ttybitnik, gruetzhaxe, Guest83 and [Al_Abut] joined the channel
I saw a post come through the #indieweb-stream channel in Japanese and it send me down a brief rabbit hole until I heard the term “craft internet” for the first time. Love it, this is the vibe I’ve been trying to describe with my DIY/punk/zine/maker references lately:
nanobot567 and gruetzhaxe joined the channel
↩️ Nice! I like his writing
I just wrote a blog post about philosophy, languishing, gratitude, serendipity, and... blogging.
Publishing now!
[aciccarello], gRegor, rrix, [tantek] and barnaby joined the channel
↩️ Yes!
↩️ Notes for sure
↩️ session recordings only if we can get someone who is adept with both setting up remote participation and recording the sessions to do it
oops I put things in a Slack thread I should have put into top level
↩️ [tantek] Do threads hide information for ppl viewing in other interfaces?
[Ros]: threads show up as primary messages elsewhere with a little ↩️ so you can tell it's a thread, but there's no indication of what it's actually replying to
[Ros] see the archives for example: https://chat.indieweb.org/2024-04-13#t1713041424484200 — that's roughly what people on IRC (and Discord) see when you thread replies
[preview] [[tantek]] ↩️ Yes!
[KevinMarks], scottishstoater, JadedBlueEyes and barnaby joined the channel