barnaby, benl, Guest6, [Jan_Tuomi], gruetzhaxe_, okCiel, sdk, Gaspartame and Yami joined the channel
#YamiHi everyone, I'm Yami, an indie entrepreneur, passionate about startup communities and innovative products. We're launching "Copus- A decentralized inspiration-driven publishing platform" on Product Hunt soon. I would appreciate your support and feedback by clicking the "Notify Me" button to stay tuned and be the first to know when Copus debuts on the stage.👇 Thank you!
#GaspartameHello, I'm looking for a service that would redirect requests to my home server through zerotier-one, does anyone knows if that exists ? (I think it is more or less what is called a reverse proxy) If not, what would be the cheaper VPS to do that, knowing it will use very little bandwith/ressources ?
#LoqiYami Gaspartame: would you mind moving this conversation (decentralized, VPS) to #indieweb-dev? thanks!