[Ekinsu]yes, I am planning to come but I have doubts about that because I don't know coding at all 😄 So will it be like a developer gathering event? or what are we going to do?
ryokagriffincapjamesg[d]: I just added a /nope page to my own site thanks to this one. I also added a /yep page, which is probably somewhat redundant sitting next to /nope but I've done it anyway 🤷 😆
ryokagriffinI'm trying to think of a word that describes pages like "now", "wander", "about", "nope" and so on that I can use as the menu heading I can put all these pages under. Current top of the list is just "about" with a sub menu that links to those kinds of pages. Maybe "meta" and include changelog and ideas and stuff under that.
[tantek]aaronpk, if they're signed-in with IndieAuth, you can even use their likes / responses as an indicator of which other posts to show them (that they haven't interacted with yet) :)
[Ros][capjamesg] Maybe some others have some ideas. I notice that I don’t as I don’t think my attunement is still in budding stage. I did want to say I find your blog easy to read with the narrow columns
gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__ and geoffo joined the channel