#[Murray]yep, absolutely, lots of people use it here 🙂
gruetzhaxe and [qubyte] joined the channel
#[qubyte]I use it! I sort of maintain an nginx config file for it netlify goes sideways though. In theory I can set up my site pretty quickly. Things like build plugins and functions are using my own code, but it wouldn’t take much to adapt those with a little effort. I consider it a sort of shallow vendor lock-in.
geoffo joined the channel
#[qubyte]Since the functions (which power webmention endpoints etc) are called with low frequency in my case, I’ve been considering moving those to somewhere else anyway.
#Loqihey [qubyte], I don't mean to be a bother, but nginx, endpoints seems like a better conversation for #indieweb-dev
#sknebelonly popups and HWCs are automated from events.indieweb.org
#[tantek]a bit #indieweb-meta but I updated the home page Upcoming IndieWebCamps and it looks stuck on Brighton due to caching. when I added a "?" to the URL it showed it correctly as Düsseldorf
gRegorLove_, bterry, eitilt, beanbrain and jonnybarnes joined the channel
#capjamesgIdea from HWC: 24 consecutive hours of IndieWeb events.
#capjamesgI could see it Telethon-style where we have scheduled events, like a front-end study hall hour, HWCs, etc., or we try to roll multiple HWCs into one day.