#indieweb 2024-05-22

2024-05-22 UTC
Loqi, reillypascal, bterry, rvalue and ren joined the channel
I'm curious about ways that IndieWeb practices (original content, POSSE) could be used to fight misinformation, or perhaps better framed, displace misinformation with more citable information, with better provenance. Has any considered ways to use their personal site to fight or otherwise displace misinformation?
Similar question re: fighting & displacing slop
Especially in the face of small/medium/large companies embracing, enabling, or otherwise amplifying slop, e.g. https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/ai-news-story-hoodline-19442459.php
rjomara582 joined the channel
[tantek] how would you use your website for this?
_dissolve22[d], darylsun_, victorneo_, pmlnr and mcepl__ joined the channel
It sounds like you are on the cusp of some ideas 😉
chenghiz__, chee1, oxtyped-, Bitweasil-, eb, alephalpha0 and ancarda joined the channel
barnaby joined the channel
capjamesg, there's a broad range of possibilities, lots of ideas!
everything from ultra local (photo) journalism, like (photo)-blogging about seemingly interesting or ordinary things in the public world around you, firsthand experiences
to citations practices to provide discoverable chains of provenance
the more well marked up (and well-cited) real firsthand experience information we publish and share, the easier it will be for search engines and other discovery mechanisms to find such actual real content and potentially prefer / surface it above misinfo content
toastal joined the channel
Also explicitly sending linked pages to archive services helps
yes, also a good practice
OLGA69, barnaby and rvalue joined the channel
I think I have automated sending links to archive . org but I don't actually check the result. Wondering whether to add that, at least in the event of failure.
timdream joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Hypertext Web Fiction: An Indieweb Publishing Medium?" https://ramblinggit.com/2024/05/21/hypertext-web-fiction.html
rvalue and [benatwork] joined the channel
^ Question Mark, Ohio is really interesting - some pieces of it will disappear before others
Also I humbly submit ben.lol, which is a different kind of indieweb web fiction site
[Jo] joined the channel
Ohh i like stuff like this ive been thinking about doing something like that myself recently!!
geoffo, bterry and petermolnar joined the channel
Speaking of quote posts, interesting settings for who can(not) quote you: https://www.threads.net/@mosseri/post/C7POKWWJwny/
[jgarber], barnabywalters and hacdias joined the channel
We talked about citizen journalism at the popup about social norms. What sparked it is that some of my photos from a citizen science event got spotted on IG and they asked to use it in their writeup: https://rewildmissionbay.org/2024/01/30/exploring-natures-force-a-recap-of-wandering-the-king-tides-event/
What’s cool is that kind of grassroots publicity works for local events. Just a few short months later they got the city council to approve improvements and expansion for their initiatives.
And it’s also a good example of POSSE - they use their blog for everything and promote heavily on IG.
barnaby, ocra8 and gRegor joined the channel
[contact898] joined the channel
the indieweb events calendar is being weird again, is the homebrew web club now or in an hour?
In an hour, I believe.
in what way is it being weird?
my calendar says 7pm french time (ie. 6pm UK)
and this says 7pm https://hwclondon.co.uk/ (so i guess i got it from there)
and the http://events.indieweb.org homepage says 7pm with no timezone indication, but it also says december 2023
are you looking at an archive page??
this says 7pm, i don't know where you're seeing 8pm https://media.aaronpk.com/2024/05/22100530-7784.png
https://hwclondon.co.uk says 18:00 British Summer Time, which is plain wrong. HWC starts at 19:00 British Summer Time.
In other news, timezones are hard.
https://events.indieweb.org/tag/hwclondon seems not to have been updated in a while.
ahh the tag page, yeah it shows past events when there are no upcoming events with the tag
Or perhaps the tag is no longer in use?
looks like people haven't been adding hwclondon to the events in a while
I'm too infrequent an attendee to notice.
But hope to be there tonight (if I can finish packing).
i still don't see anything that says 8pm
I said 8pm french, so 7pm London, which is what is showing
I think [contact898] was saying that 7pm BST would be 8PM CEST, for them in France, as it will be for me in Italy.
got it. yes the times show the local times, and you can hover over to see the time in your timezone
Well I never! Missed that.
Very clever. aaronpk++
aaronpk has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (132 in all channels)
(or click for even more timezone conversions)
thanks! I'll fix my calendar
[dominik] and [Joschi_Kuphal] joined the channel
Homebrew Website Club Europe/London is starting soon! Join us! https://events.indieweb.org/1UvVxccFFGsb
[snarfed] joined the channel
Join us ^^
[Ros] joined the channel
↩️ Joining for a short time soon!
petermolnar joined the channel
Hi! I'm Paddy a hobbyist WebDev from the UK 🙂 having tried and failed to get a job woth an agency i've gone back to being a builder. But I still love the internet, if not the corporate millieu we find ourselves in.
I own the domains paddy-mccabe.com and paddymccabe.com which were my webdev portfolio and my freelancing business respectively. I have taken them down now and am mulling over what to do with them.
I am thinking that paddy-mccabe.com should be another webdev portfolio but with none of the old corporate crap but focussed more on the more awesome stuff I have built in the past like browser games or gaming web-apps.
Paddymccabe.com will be more like an old school personal website with not a single thought given to SEO
[edit] Hi! I'm Paddy a hobbyist WebDev from the UK 🙂 having tried and failed to get a job with an agency (for 4 years)i've gone back to being a builder. But I still love the internet, if not the corporate millieu we find ourselves in.
I own the domains paddy-mccabe.com and paddymccabe.com which were my webdev portfolio and my freelancing business respectively. I have taken them down now and am mulling over what to do with them.
I am thinking that paddy-mccabe.com should be another webdev portfolio but with none of the old corporate crap but focussed more on the more awesome stuff I have built in the past like browser games or gaming web-apps.
Paddymccabe.com will be more like an old school personal website with not a single thought given to SEO
Welcome to the indie web, harbinger_of_decay[d]!
Thank you 🙂
[indienews] New post: "The web belongs to everyone. But also does it?" https://dead.garden/blog/the-web-belongs-to-everyone-but-also-does-it.html
bterry joined the channel
is the dark theme on indieweb an experiment?
seems to come and go
not that i am aware of
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
I don't see dark mode at all. Setting my OS to dark mode doesn't register any change. I don't see a preference in https://indieweb.org/Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-rendering
I 100% saw a dark mode for a couple of page loads o_O
harbinger_of_decay[d]: Long ago my domain was meant to become a software company. That never panned out and decades ago I repurposed it for a personal website with not a single thought given to SEO as well. You are not alone. ~ tritarget.org
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Dark_mode#:~:text=Users%20of%20the%20Vector%202022,in%20the%20%22Appearance%22%20menu: _"Users of the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Vector_2022 skin can enable dark mode by enabling "Accessibility for reading (Vector 2022)" in the "Beta features" section of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Preferences, then setting the option to "dark" in the "Appearance" menu." ... so that means the
skin may have it in there._
In the IndieWeb wiki I do not see "Beta features" 🤷
We spoke about everything from webmentions to dinosaurs in HWC today!
everything from AM radio to chiselled javascript
[Jo] chiselled javascript is a great name for a blog.
hey [Jo] capjamesg: would you mind moving this conversation (JavaScript) to #indieweb-dev? thanks!
A blue dinosaur instructs us to move our conversation about chisselled javascript to another channel.
(This will be funny to the people on HWC 😂 )
jgee118692253458 and [tantek] joined the channel