#indieweb 2024-05-24

2024-05-24 UTC
gerben, eitilt, marlun, barnaby, ren, Prullenman, jjuran_, sebbu2, jmjl and windiebb joined the channel
I don't know why but I thought this was going to be a busy and bustling place!
rvalue, influous, strugee_ and skinshafi joined the channel
Do you have a personal website?
GuestZero joined the channel
It's okay if you don't, we're able to help get you started, too!
Welcome new person. Can't see your name because I'm using Beeper but hey
barnaby, timdream and claudinec joined the channel
heyya @windiebb!
pixelglade joined the channel
Hi there, i had troubles accessing the Discord - is it still active?
Hello pixelglade! Yes, it is!
What issue did you run into?
sorry I forgot I posted I'm still here, got hyperfocused on something. When I clicked the indieweb link on the wiki for the discord it was not loading the channel and I got an error message
Oh I think what happened is I clicked a channel link before clicking the invite link
Yep that was the problem. My bad
Is there a reason there are hyperlinks to individual channels rather than having a list of them to stop this kind of thing from happening? (Admittedly a skill issue but it's late on Friday and I wasn't paying proper attention)
Hi so I'm here for real now. Got a few different websites (not sure if I'm allowed to post but they're in my profile). Currently redesigning my one for this alias and taking some pointers from the Indieweb Wiki on h-cards. Pretty interested in microformats but I don't have any PhP or other skills to implement the harder stuff like with comment forms and webmotion. Looking forward to learning more from this community! (I got started on Neoc
Welcome, cygnusx01[d]!
You are allowed to post your personal website, for sure!
I think everyone here enjoys exploring personal websites 😄
which channel is best for sharing that sort of thing?
This one!
I'll probably share once I do the redesign haha because now I'm working on it and seeing what an improvement it is, the old one feels cringe to me
The #indieweb-dev has a lot of developers who can help with microformats, Webmention, and anything technical. This channel is all about websites: sharing them, talking about them, discussing ideas for what we want to do on our sites, etc.
I like your website!
aw thank you
And your pixel art, too!
so happy there are pixel art enjoyers here ❤️
My site is https://jamesg.blog. I write about coffee, programming, and whatever else comes to mind!
This is cool, I like the way you've done the "posts" section or feed
actually this is something I wanted to ask about
I noticed some people have "posts" that look like social media posts but are blog posts. Or maybe are news announcements and a blog is separate. Is there a standard way to do this in terms of what the feed is called or setting up permalinks?
Are they auto linked to RSS somehow or do you just need to copy paste them into RSS? At the moment I've just been copy-pasting any news updates I have into RSS but they don't look like social posts right now but I'm thinking of changing that
friendly reminder capjamesg, cygnusx01, would you mind moving this conversation (Microformats, RSS) to #indieweb-dev? thanks!
If the discussion belongs in #indieweb-dev then yes it can move there 🙂 if someone has a reply you can ping me there
Let's go to #indieweb-dev. I can help!
Menchers and GuestZero joined the channel
I wondered if people posted Neocities stuff here because it seems like this is a different community than Neocities - how much overlap is there?
I love the format of this blog
Very minimalistic
Like the whole site i mean
↩️ I'd say there is at least some! I mean neocities means your site is hosted so its not exactly "The Ideal™" but i think still much better than hosting every thought on twitter
A few community members (including myself) have in the past or do run sites on Neocities.
claudinec and skinshafi joined the channel
What is Neocities?
NeoCities is a free website hosting silo in the spirit of defunct silo GeoCities (Yahoo shutdown in 2009) that looks like a stepping stone to getting started on the IndieWeb https://indieweb.org/NeoCities
cygnusx01, some examples there ^
[tantek]: thanks!
rvalue-, rvalue, GuestZero, IWSlackGateway, [aaronpk] and [Ros] joined the channel
↩️ I’d not heard of this before. I opened the page and saw they have _such_ great talks. Already watched/listened to three this morning while starting my day. How sad to just discover them and realise this is their last event - I hope you get drawn out!
Hey friends, I wanted to share my first big Indie Web milestone. This screenshot might not look like much but it’s my first personal website, live on the web, that I have crafted from scratch :partying_face: (I won’t show it yet because I’m too shy yet)
Yes, the picture is squished up but I’m so proud because getting that picture up was a result of 2.5 hours frustrated with Github/Visual Studio Code trying to understand what a repo is, and how the heck to update one, and get the parts to talk to each other. And I did it.
Now to get my CSS sheet to talk to my HTML. Thank you lovely friends for helping me start my baby steps in something I feel way out of depth with. I can’t wait to keep going 🙏
Hey Ros, that's awesome. 🙂
@cygnusx01 or, at the very least a start. Weeks ago I couldn’t code anything so it feels immense to even know how to open Github
[Ros] has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (8 in all channels)
Amazing work!
[aciccarello] joined the channel
Wohoo, congrats Ros!
I'm sure you could get some help with the CSS in #indieweb-dev if you'd like
[Ros] has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (9 in all channels)
cygnusx01[d] I’m happy to help as well!! I don’t know any backend but managed to get webmentions working after a long time
hey [aciccarello] cophee: it seems like this conversation is more appropriate for #indieweb-dev (CSS, backend)
I CHANGED THE FONT! Haha, I’m so happy.
[Ros]: YES!
I think every time I figure out something my mood elevates by a 1000000000
It’s like the most rewarding game 😆😆
[capjamesg], [jamietanna] and [snarfed] joined the channel
wing_wingpang_com_[d]: Same here
wing_wingpang_com_[d]: Oh neat.
IWSlackGateway and [Ana_R] joined the channel
Nice one Ros!!
jeremycherfas, bterry, dz4k, dz4k_, [Joe_Crawford], gRegor and [Jo] joined the channel
↩️ Ros++ very nice
Did the bot not see that bc its a reply
Ros has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (10 in all channels)
Ros++ awesome!
Ros has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (11 in all channels)
[tantek] joined the channel
[Ros]++ awesome!!!
[Ros] has 7 karma in this channel over the last year (12 in all channels)
[Ros] has 8 karma in this channel over the last year (13 in all channels)
[capjamesg] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford]: I absolutely see this happening on Instagram!
I think it was either The Verge or some other publisher
YEAH!! The Verge!
Federating comments on large media sites will accelerate things in ways I feel unable to predict. Spam, trolling, moderation, defederation. I keep thinking about FidoNet and Usenet as prior art but neither are perfect analogues.
The Verge are at the forefront of digital journalism right now.
IWDiscord, the_kovah[d], pcarrier[d], erscheinung[d], momuslim[d], gremblo_gremblo[, mauromotion[d], marmadilemanteat, hidjy[d], capjamesg[d], [Paul_Robert_Ll] and rvalue- joined the channel
[Jo]++ for The web belongs to everyone. But also does it?
[Jo] has 11 karma in this channel over the last year (20 in all channels)
via this week's draft newsletter via IndieNews
IWDiscord joined the channel
capjamesg[d]: I love some of the interactive articles they have
GuestZero joined the channel
Reminder that I have several projects / domains I am no longer maintaining and that are looking for new owners: https://gist.github.com/capjamesg/eba29d51e0197f49523b1fc02ada6f2e
I want the miniflux experience for activitypublishing. small binary, postgres database, good to go
barnaby joined the channel
ah, gotosocial 🙂
barnaby and [snarfed] joined the channel
(follow-ups probably in #indieweb-dev)
[preview] [aaronpk] Nautilus: Turn your website into an ActivityPub profile
[Ros], pcarrier, sebbu, [KevinMarks], barnaby, skinshafi and sohrab joined the channel