#indieweb 2024-06-02

2024-06-02 UTC
nertzy, sohrab, Tiffany, Halian, skinshafi, ren, barnaby, alesr, Mrd, GuestZero, Guest6, ocra8, [snarfed] and chimo joined the channel
Hello! Took me long enough, but I finally took the time to set up a site on my domain to have a basic presence. I added a bunch of rel=me links, but is there a good way to verify that I have everything set up correctly?
ren and rvalue joined the channel
[tantek] exactly what I was looking for, ty
First time seeing that tool. Love breaking it down into steps. I'm still on Step 1 after all these years. Need to carve out a weekend to take things a little further.
geoffo, GuestZero and alesr joined the channel
saw a few of yall are going to xoxo2024–hope there will be a meetup of some sort! i’ll be there!
http://xandra.cc++ awesome! yes there's plannings going on for a couple of different options hopefully, a meetup and *maybe* even a one day IWC (before or after XOXO)
awesome! will do!
GuestZero, Nuve and sohrab joined the channel