#indieweb 2024-06-03

2024-06-03 UTC
skinshafi, barnaby, [jeremycherfas], rvalue-, alesr and bterry joined the channel
The professors really liked https://indieweb.guide !
They said they'll show it to future classes as an exemplar, so hopefully we'll get more Sydney uni folks interested in the IndieWeb ๐Ÿ˜†
[edit] The professors really liked https://indieweb.guide !
They said they'll show it to future classes as an exemplar, so hopefully we'll get more Sydney uni students interested in the IndieWeb ๐Ÿ˜†
[edit] The professors really liked https://indieweb.guide !
They said they'll show it to future classes as an exemplar, so hopefully we'll get more uni students in Sydney interested in the IndieWeb ๐Ÿ˜†
More Aussie representation in the Indieweb ๐Ÿ˜„
barnaby joined the channel
wing_wingpang_com_[d]: I love this website!
capjamesg[d]: Thank you ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„ Couldnโ€™t have done it without everyoneโ€™s feedback
GuestZero, Nuve, [Paul_Robert_Ll] and toastal joined the channel
wing_wingpang_com_[d]: This site is awesome ๐Ÿ˜„
harbinger_of_decay[d]: Thank you!! Would like to work on it more when Iโ€™m back from my travels ๐Ÿ™‚
Itโ€™s open source on Github!!
wing_wingpang_com_[d]: Sweet I will have a look when I get home!
barnaby, Nuve and mretka joined the channel
wing_wingpang_com_[d]: This is a great idea, nice and friendly looking.
The wiki is a great resource but something like this will definitely be a more comfortable intro for those who are putting together their first site.
GuestZero joined the channel
Would be awesome when Threads have support for viewing Fediverse content! Friends would be able to see Bridgy Fed posts from my site directly if thatโ€™s the case
And then can slowly convince them to start their own websites ๐Ÿ˜ผ
paperbritt[d]: Iโ€™m glad that it comes across this way! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Hoping that more people can get started on their own sites
That is exciting!
Embrace, extend, extinguish.
[qubyte] joined the channel
Yup, not looking forward to it either.
toastal, bterry, scottishstoater, lojik, Nebraskka, barnaby, GuestZero, ocra8, stefen, jonnybarnes, gRegor and [Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
rvalue, mretka and sebbu2 joined the channel
[tantek] I think you may appreciate the design of https://amtrack.live/
This is wonderfully-made software.
looool "Nearly every other Amtrak train tracker has become bloated with ads, overkill Javascript, and provides a poor experience on `Amtrak_WiFi`... and often even on a solid internet connection."
I want train-friendly websites.
capjamesg[d], I believe I have a (semi-ranty) blog post about this
Ranty indeed ๐Ÿ˜‚
But it is a frustrating matter.
need to post an update to that that mentions "train wifi" "Amtrak wifi" and "airplane wifi" explicitly, and give the example of amtrack.live
capjamesg I believe I wrote that up while being super frustrated with the wifi at SXSW at the time
[aciccarello] joined the channel
Heh, fun factโ€ฆ Much of the build for my personal site was guided by terrible mobile connectivity on the Brighton main line. Itโ€™s very train friendly.
Or it was. Hopefully still is.
capjamesg, there's a similar site for UK trains
I love that but the page is a bit too busy.
I wonder if there's a similar alternative to Deutschbahn
also wondering if there's a catchy title to be had here for an updated blog post
I'm going to blog about this too!
"The Train WiFi Test"
this is what popped in my head: Wifi on Planes, Trains, and Autobuses: Why all websites should use real HTML links and forms
go ahead and blog yours first capjamesg (because I know you will write it faster anyway ๐Ÿ˜‚ ) and I'll be more than happy to link to it
alesr and ren joined the channel
[preview] The Train WiFi Test
tyil, barnaby and lamer_ joined the channel
capjamesg++ amazing!
capjamesg has 55 karma in this channel over the last year (196 in all channels)
test_ joined the channel
interesting that amtrak.live redirects to amtrack.live โ€” appreciate the homonym / pun
this is like a perfect length of blog post to read / consume and feel satisfied. amazing work
zicklepop, geoffo, bret, dosmaen, IWSlackGateway, [Paul_Robert_Ll], [qubyte], [aciccarello], [tantek], [Joe_Crawford] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel