#indieweb 2024-06-04

2024-06-04 UTC
testy789, m2, zicklepop, geoffo, barnaby, bterry, DJ_[dj_je][d], [qubyte], IWSlackGateway, [jeremycherfas], [tantek], [aciccarello], [Joe_Crawford], [Paul_Robert_Ll], [0x3b0b], GuestZero, Nonsvch, alesr and [Murray] joined the channel
Been hearing more chatter about http://cara.app, decided to take a look. Seems like a nice idea, but I particularly like this very simple approach to customising the degree of algorithmic influence on a timeline:
[Murray] That's cool!
GuestZero_, barnaby, toastal, dmowitz and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[lcs], Nuve, skinshafi, nertzy, [pfefferle], gRegorLove_, testy789, YourNick, Lurker, Reader, YourReader, geoffo, claudinec and [0x3b0b] joined the channel
i find pubsubhubbub such a funny name
I think I could make a case that it's an _objectively_ funny name, though humour is subjective.
[schmarty] joined the channel
cophee: i imagine that's part of why it was renamed to "websub" when w3c published it as a spec :}
I wonder if I still have the doc of all the other names we came up with in between
Oh that's good [KevinMarks]++
[KevinMarks] has 7 karma in this channel over the last year (32 in all channels)
aaronpk it's either on the wiki or in the minutes pretty sure
[schmarty]: πŸ˜” pubsubhubbub
aaronpk: I love this
So fun
you can tell we were really in a _mood_ that day
aaronpk: keeping the fun in web 🫑
aaronpk Why did InternetFriendFinder not get picked? πŸ˜‚
capjamesg[d]: or SubWay
barnaby joined the channel; YourReader left the channel
https://x.com/sakrafka/status/1797648850678939769 (this is an X dot com thread as a response to Cara and the painful thing is for many artists on the silos, the idea of maintaining a domain website to keep up with fans is something that sometimes doesn't even come up).
what are comics?
🎴 comics are one of many types of posts that you can publish on your own site, and usually involve one or more comic image frames laid out sequentially, sometimes with characters drawn in each frame speaking to each other https://indieweb.org/comics
That gives me an idea for a post about how a few different attitudes about _whether_ and _how_ to remain on social media silos look from my specific perspective.
I want to do some research on whether there's a good resource that enumerates the considerations for creators to a) create webcomics and b) manage a website with comics on it and c) how and why they do POSSE
do you know of any web comics that POSSE?
what is comic
🎴 comics are one of many types of posts that you can publish on your own site, and usually involve one or more comic image frames laid out sequentially, sometimes with characters drawn in each frame speaking to each other https://indieweb.org/comic
(oops, missed scrollback)
I've been thinking about the accessibility of comics on the web a lot recently. I'd not come across this in the wiki, it's giving me more to think about.
hacknorris joined the channel
to2ds have you thought about this?
Also [Joe_Crawford]?
just a question. is raw xml with css compatible with microformats/webmention?
accessibility of comics writ large is a fascinating issue and covered in many venues. My own comics are utterly and completely inaccessible right now. I have no maps. No alt, no description, and it stinks. It's on my own TODO lists.
hacknorris - great question - it would depend on the html parsers not exploding at being given xml. not sure that's part of the test suites. Maybe a q for # dev channel though.
friendly reminder hacknorris [Joe_Crawford], it looks like this conversation is getting pretty technical (CSS, Microformats, XML), can you take it to #indieweb-dev?
beautifully worded. great writing β€” please get that on IndieNews capjamesg++
capjamesg has 56 karma in this channel over the last year (197 in all channels)
I have a checkbox for that in my editor. I forgot to check it πŸ˜„
Oh, wait, I don't!
I need one.
plurality << 2024-06-04 {{capjamesg}}: [https://jamesg.blog/2024/06/04/plurality-of-community/ Plurality of community]
ok, I added "2024-06-04 {{capjamesg}}: [https://jamesg.blog/2024/06/04/plurality-of-community/ Plurality of community]" to the "See Also" section of /plurality https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=95690&oldid=89335
hacknorris left the channel
[Joe_Crawford]: Entering all the description and dialogue into the alt text box for an entire page is downright painful on wordpress. It made me think about splitting the comic by panels and then how to tell it about stacking depending on screen size. Easier to do these days. I enjoyed this experiment by Lewis Cowles too, actually making the dialogue text and not just part of the image is an excellent although fiddly thing to do.
wondering if grid (or masonry?) layout could help with structuring/displaying a comment as individual frame images, and then each of those images itself could have a smaller alt text
There's an SVG technique as well which may be instructive. Webcomics is fascinating in that it hits the text vs images dichotomy head on. They smash together hard in comics. It's not either-or.
I really dislike the zoom in to read, zoom out to scroll, zoom in to read, back/forth of when a comic is merely downscaled to fit on a portrait mobile display
I think that's a major flaw in current multiframe web comics, since so many of us read the web on such portrait mobile displays
something like grid (or masonry) would allow relaying out the comic differently for different displays
thus avoiding both the need to zoom and horizontally scroll
[Joe_Crawford] this is also why I think the SVG approach is flawed. It fails to adapt to different real-world screen use-cases for comics
hey [Joe_Crawford] [tantek]: can you move the tech talk (SVG) to #indieweb-dev to keep this channel more inclusive and inviting?
lol yes
I have a sense that forcing every comic to adapt to every possible screen size and screen shape is onerous and counter to what I want from a work of art, the artist's conception of the work.
Neil Cohn's book "The Visual Language of Comics" is fascinating as it goes into cognition and comics. How do we "read" a thing that is words and pictures. It's a rich topic.
Yeah that's the struggle, panel layout sometimes matters. It informs pacing and scene change and sometimes even mood.
one (of many) definition of comics is time mapped into 2-d space.
toastal left the channel
[Joe_Crawford] not "every possible" (straw man), just the most common way people browse the web :)
toastal joined the channel
paperbritt do you know of any webcomics that provide a more user-friendly layout on portrait mobile screens?
if I have to accommodate optimal viewing for both a typical smartphone and a typical large screen monitor then you've already set a herculean task.
natural tension between creative vision and the inherent reader-preference first nature of the web
I ain't straw-manning shit.
I have some copies of RAW which are brilliant and I can't imagine being at any other size than the 11x17" size (I think that's what it is) and then I have minicomics 3x3" that I can't imagine any other way. the web collapses that specificity.
back to earlier: I definitely have a lot of comics on the web, webcomics, and adjacent thoughts I clearly have not fully baked but got to get to baking. πŸ˜„
paperbritt++ and yes, panel layout is 1000% important to whatever storytelling, mood-making, picture-making a creator is doing
paperbritt has 2 karma over the last year
Newspapers used to say the same things about their multicolumn layouts that they mimicked for the web and they adapted (eventually) to portrait mobile displays. Comics can (should) undergo a similar evolution
Maybe I'll go all Scott McCloud and do a comic about comics on the web.
as have magazines, adapting photo layouts to the web
Yes to Scott McCloud πŸ™‚
Hah yes! We were talking about how we need comics for the indieweb, to walk folks thru things like POSSE
I remember reading this history of webcomics: https://www.tcj.com/the-history-of-webcomics/ (2011)
toastal left the channel
I was expecting this to read as a bit dated towards the end but, no. We're still in that final time period, 2007 to present, comics mostly experienced as memes on social media.
jxtn42 joined the channel
On IG, I've seen some 3-4 panel comics publish each panel as a slide so you can swipe through, each is much more readable. Then the last slide is the fully assembled comic.
creative solution. I've also seen long panels split into squares. so much adaptation and creativity.
Squares seem a lot more flexible layout-wise
But I'd guess not every artist wants that constraint
[indienews] New post: "Plurality of community" https://jamesg.blog/2024/06/04/plurality-of-community/
skinshafi joined the channel
Yeah the series of squares format works well for "simple" switching or horizontal vs vertical layout. Lots of newspaper comics fit that format
ttybitnik, barnaby and barnabywalters joined the channel
Have you looked at how kindle handles comics? They have an overview /panel by panel mode where you scroll to the next panel with dialog fitting
skinshafi joined the channel
Their explanation
Yes! An additional presentation possibility. Checking what few comics I have in Kindle I note that not all individual panels can get directly focused. Smaller panels can get grouped. Attached for example, is 2/3rds of the width of a page. But I don't see a way to go panel by panel on each small square panel for example. Comics are a extraordinarily rich as a topic for me. πŸ™‚
From _Harley Quinn, Black & White_ #3.
ren joined the channel
Hey peeps, I didn't want to delete anything from my /now page so I made a /then page, which acts as a /now archive going back in time
ryokagriffin[d]: It will be a fascinating archive over time!
capjamesg[d]: Yeah I'm excited to get a few years deep and look back and be ashamed at just how many TV shows I watched πŸ˜…
But no I have some ideas for developing the /now page to make it more useful over time. /Now is about me, and the site is an extension of me, so I want to add both website and personal statistics and data stuff and see trends and patterns over time.
oh my, I have a history of what I watched on trakt.tv (migrated at some point from imdb), and it's depressing
skinshafi and bterry joined the channel