Loqimanual until it hurts is an IndieWeb development practice of resisting automating something until you have manually done it enough times to really understand it, and know that it is worth doing and automating https://indieweb.org/manual_til_it_hurts
[snarfed]my guess is that /now and /then are (supposed to be) about what you're up to in life, in the medium term, whereas /archives is a collection of your posts
btremI'm trying to automate my wordle posts. I've spent a good part of yesterday and today trying to figure out linux commands and visual studio code tasks. So much time that I wonder if it's worth it. So I certainly get that manual 'til it hurts.
btremIn my defense, my manual steps really are tedious, and I've done it more than a hundred times this year. So it /is/ time to automate. Just wish it were easier to figure out. :-/
skinshafi, chadsix, sivoais, rvalue-, cedric, gRegorLove_, toastal and Tiffany joined the channel
ryokagriffin[snarfed] that's correct for me personally - [tantek] for me the /now page is a list of links to things I'm consuming (media) or very general list of things I'm acting upon or doing - one liners - whereas posts are less like a diary and more for processes (documenting a fix for a technical issue for example) or thoughts (opinions on the state of education) or general 'stuff' (like photos of the aurora). There is overlap in some
capjamesg[d]I do not necessarily want to start a search engine again, but I do see a path to having one that is drastically simpler than the one I made and thus easier to maintain. "searchable planet" may be a good way of thinking about it.
[tantek]capjamesg[d] I like the considerations and questions about the structure of a blog, like what are archive pages. I think you're onto something there
afrodidactHello. I just discovered this thing about 20 minutes ago. I would have loved to join the Europe/London event. I'm looking forward to joing another time though :)
afrodidactHi capjames. I have a "personal portfolio" website but I'm looking to start a personal one. I have my domain registered but haven't deployed/written anything yet
afrodidactI just clicked on your name thinking it would bring up a "pop up" of sorts, because I notice yours and several other names are in bold. That took me to your website which I just thought was so cool btw! I'm even more amped up now to provision my own little corner of the internet :)
afrodidactThank you. I have wanted to do this for ages. Finding indieweb today though has sparked new excitement for me though, I didn't realise there was a vibrant and active community of likeminded folk like this
[Joe_Crawford]welcome afrodidact! You're in the right place! Regular events at https://events.indieweb.org/ - some to accommodate any time zone. Notes for every meeting are kept in the wiki!
afrodidactI'm excited for all the new people like myself interested in personal websites. I'm only just getting started but it already feels so freeing and invigorating
GuestZerodo you think it's really a contemporary movement β perhaps in the wake of the web 2.0 decay β or weren't people like us actually around all the time?
ryokagriffinI think the people like us were the people that made sites back in the 90's and early 2000's. Though with the advent of social media a new generation of 'web gardeners' grew up with and got stuck to their myspace/facebook/instagram/etc and are possibly bouncing off those platforms hard, looking for something less centralised and more... *them*