#indieweb 2024-06-07

2024-06-07 UTC
barnaby, gRegor, dosmaen, BigShip, StarrWulfe, jacky, alesr, influous, [jeremycherfas], [lcs], GuestZero, Halian, toastal, teasea, afrodidact, antranigv, hacdias, IWSlackGateway, [aciccarello], [Al_Abut], [KevinMarks], [snarfed], [schmarty], [pfefferle], [tantek], [manton], [qubyte], [Joe_Crawford], AramZS and geoffo joined the channel; GuestZero left the channel
this site makes up daft domain names for you to register
that sounds like a very bad enabler
also I think we should start shifting to a convention of link-dropping in #indieweb-stream rather than main
I disagree with that. That channel is too high volume. Discussions would inevitably be missed. I have the stream channel muted at all times and mostly don't check it.
(I agree re: domain names to register being an enabler. We shouldn't encourage that, and should do more to stop those discussions.)
I would like to schedule a https://indieweb.org/Front_End_Study_Hall that's earlier in the day to accommodate people in UK and Europe. Would 5pm UK, 6pm Western Europe start time capture folks who have been unable to attend for time zone reasons? Or are there other better timings to consider?
[Joe_Crawford] 6pm would be ideal for me, since it's after work and not too late.
I'd be curious what others think!
Thanks capjamesg! rough drafting that for #006 which would be the week of July 1. (Though I have a slight impulse to push it up a week to week of June 24).
July 4th is election day in the UK (as well as being a US holiday)
I've been bouncing between Tu and Th's so I was looking at either July 2 or 4.
[asuh] joined the channel
capjamesg[d] fair points re: #indieweb-stream and link-dropping! Could you add your opinion(s) on that here? https://indieweb.org/discuss#link_sharing_naming (scroll-up for more context)
barnaby joined the channel
[tantek]++ +1 on moving link-dropping
[tantek] has 22 karma in this channel over the last year (108 in all channels)
thanks [snarfed]
Thanks [jeremycherfas] for that! And [KevinMarks] you mentioned 4 July UK election day - does that make it a better or a worse day for a *https://indieweb.org/Front_End_Study_Hall* event?
Less ideal.
rrix_ joined the channel
I think people may be busy earlier, 8pm likely mostly done though and in the gap before the polls close and the exit poll comes out
Thanks. Yeah, I think avoiding that day is better. Possibilities: 27 June *or* 2 July with a start time of `5pm BST _(6pm CEST)_` *or* `6pm BST _(7pm CEST)_`
afrodidact joined the channel
capjamesg[d]: What’s the context of this discussion? I’m curious what “enabler” refers to and what it is that needs to be discouraged (I’m woefully behind on the history).
enabler of domain purchasing (habits)
afrodidact joined the channel
In the hoarding sense?
afrodidact joined the channel
afrodidact and [Ros] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] [capjamesg] and other UK voters: Do you know you don’t need any special circumstances to register for postal votes? I used to travel all the time with my old job so I’ve done postal votes for 9 years. You get your paperwork sent to you approx 3 weeks before the date. You can vote and post it back from home at a time that suits you (as long as it is before the deadline). Makes the voting process much more flexible.
Yes, I did that too, but I just rescinded it for this one as I have 3 proxy votes to cast too
I did do my “stay” Brexit vote in person as it felt too high stakes to go missing in the post. 😢 So sad how that turned out
I'm trying to register as a poll worker 😊
My local council isn't making it easy for me to find the information I need.
gRegorLove_, timdream, barnaby, chimo, alesr, afrodidact, [schmarty] and ttybitnik joined the channel