#indieweb 2024-06-11

2024-06-11 UTC
[indienews] New post: "Publ v0.7.26 released" https://publ.beesbuzz.biz/blog/274-Publ-v0-7-26-released
[indienews] New post: "Webmention.js 0.5.5 released - important security update!" https://publ.beesbuzz.biz/blog/789-Webmention-js-0-5-5-released-important-security-update
skinshafi joined the channel
[fluffy] has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
[fluffy] joined the channel
those are old old posts, I had just migrated my site back to http://publ.beesbuzz.biz
[preview] Main page
since I wasn’t using the http://plaidweb.site domain really
mmm. I wonder if there's anyway IndieNews could auto-de-dupe them. do the old URLs point to the new one with rel=canonical?
oops I should ask that in #indieweb-dev
alesr joined the channel
iOS 18 iMessage updates have a lot of things that are very IndieWeb post features worthy (and considered/documented)
need to get some screenshots and start updating some feature pages accordingly. some of the designs look quite nice
alesr, {{lifeofpablo}}, barnaby, antranigv_, geoffo and [snarfed] joined the channel
Hi! I draw, do 3d modeling and vtubing. Found out about neocities recently and can't stop thinking about it
alesr, eitilt, to2ds and SoniEx2 joined the channel
welcome vasilisablud++
vasilisablud has 1 karma over the last year
bterry1, alesr, barnabywalters and barnaby joined the channel
Welcome, vasilisablud[d]!
barnaby, alesr, Loqi, gebra, Maxpm, flowji, bacardi55[m], jmjl and syl joined the channel
ah and here's my website (made it this weekend) https://vasilisa-blud.neocities.org/
barnabywalters, alesr and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[preview] [Rach Smith] “Just build websites” - @shoptalkshow daily #handlettering no. 11 https://files.mastodon.social/media_attachments/files/112/597/486/979/819/507/original/7db741a579dd0473.png
alesr, toastal, mretka, syl, Guest6, AramZS, robalex, barnaby, mdemo, mattl, timmarinin, [mattl], [jacky] and jjuran joined the channel; toastal and mattl left the channel
does anyone know of a tool that can parse a h-card and convert it to a vcard for sending?
in general it seems like h-card parsers/validators are... dusty
friendly reminder Salt, we try to keep jargon (parse, Microformats) out of this channel to make it more inviting to newcomers, can you move this to #indieweb-dev?
bterry joined the channel
Thanks Loqi! (yes I'm about to chat with the bot), I thought about it and the first message and general topic is user-focused.
you're welcome
did https://h2vx.com/vcf/ do this? it's 500ing for me right now though, cc [tantek]
alesr joined the channel
the home page WFM [snarfed]. maybe let's take the debugging to #microformats if you're having trouble converting a specific hCard
WFM too
Salt, when you find an "h-card parsers/validator" that's "dusty" can you file a GitHub issue on it and cc me? @/tantek
friendly reminder [tantek], it seems like this conversation is more appropriate for #indieweb-dev (Microformats)
Salt, more follow-up in #microformats for that
gRegor, [Al_Abut] and alesr joined the channel
thanks, appreciate the pointers, need to get my personal site building again and actually update my h-card, but h2vx was exactly what I was hoping to find
ah, I see that it isn't working, at least I have a model for what it could looks like, anyway, need to find time to work on personal projects again soon
Salt, there's an h-card validator in http://IndieWebify.me as well: https://indiewebify.me/validate-h-card/ and for further technical discussion, including markup of any kind, as Loqi reminds us, better to use #indieweb-dev
joining #alloftheindiewebroomsagain
sad that the matrix bridge was taken down, at least I've got my own setup
ttybitnik joined the channel
ah yes, check out:
what is discuss
💬 Join #indieweb discussions via Discord, Slack, web chat, or IRC, now with additional focused channels for developers, WordPress, and meta topics! https://indieweb.org/discuss
bunch of updates to the rooms there, worth re-reading
geoffo, jjuran, rvalue-, timmarinin, teasea and alesr joined the channel