#indieweb 2024-06-14

2024-06-14 UTC
robalex and geoffo joined the channel
Only tangentially indieweb but perhaps why not to do things like this on a single site: https://www.platformer.news/stanford-internet-observatory-shutdown-stamos-diresta-sio/
afrodidact, sebbu, robalex, beanbrain, alesr, marlun, influous, oodani, timdream and Johan joined the channel; dosmaen left the channel
I was looking into this web chat code base, to maybe reuse it for the Code for NL community
Wondering if anyone made a conf file for apache perhaps
instead of nginx
That is a question best asked in #indieweb-dev, where more developers are.
[Joe_Crawford] I added a few more blogs to blog of the day.
toastal, AramZS and NickoNamo joined the channel
Great capjamesg!
I’ll see if I can add a few more.
I meant to file a PR but I forgot I had edit access so it merged to main.
[dshanske], oakridge, [manton], whitesided and Samlin joined the channel
My email 2 step verification is on one code is sent my number
Secount code is sent my email address but i dont have email address any phone please help me
geoffo and jmjl joined the channel
I have added more blogs [Joe_Crawford].
capjamesg[d] has 58 karma in this channel over the last year (201 in all channels)
geoffo joined the channel
Can one have enough blogs? I think not.
geoffo, ocra8 and [develumpen] joined the channel
capjamesg[d], [Joe_Crawford] speaking of blog of the day, check out this directory of personal site home pages! (discovered via a post in #indieweb-stream) https://melonland.net/surf-club
clearly there needs to be a directory of blog directories.
what is a directory
A directory on the web lists websites or pages typically grouped by topic or areas of interest, sometimes using categories or tags, often useful for finding niche communities and discovering new websites https://indieweb.org/directory
directory << Example directory of personal site home pages: https://melonland.net/surf-club
ok, I added "Example directory of personal site home pages: https://melonland.net/surf-club" to the "See Also" section of /directory https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=95835&oldid=92230
[Joe_Crawford] I figured the "surf club" naming/metaphor would appeal to you in particular 🙂
geoffo joined the channel
The design of that page is wonderful.
Yes I found it inspirational
[Joe_Crawford] re: "directory of blog directories" indeed! Or more broadly a directory of personal website directories. Perhaps we need to rework the top of /directory to provide that sort of thing for folks looking for places to explore. That's a page that needs some rethinking and could perhaps benefit from some realtime brainstorming & collaboration to improve its effectiveness
geoffo, ocra8_ and [Murray] joined the channel
🌊 ! yes, people have a hunger to explore, yes
sohrab, geoffo, bterry and gRegor joined the channel
I was thinking it would be cool to have a site like indieweb.xyz again.
An aggregator for personal websites. You could only submit one post every day or so, in a category that you want (i.e. writing, coffee, poetry), with feeds so people can subscribe to indivisual sections.
I think the friction of having to explicitly choose and then submit a post is too darn high, and will select for folks who are disproportionately self-confident and/or really enjoy reading their own writing (listening to their own voice) or otherwise broadcasting/spamming (e.g. LinkedIn "thought leadership" pieces :face_vomiting: )
I find hashtag "feeds" from aggregators (like Mastodon servers) pretty decent for exploring "a category that you want (i.e. writing, coffee, poetry)"
make more aggregators!
aaronpk, for now, this kind of things feels sufficient for me to both "catch-up" and discover new folks talking about a topic: https://indieweb.social/tags/webmentions
I like their summary closing statement: "It seems very... Comfortable"
oh i should add "webmention" to the #indieweb-stream search
Has anyone here used cactus.chat for comments on their sites? I like the idea behind it, and already host a matrix server it could use, but I'd want to also support Web mentions and I'm not sure how well I can combine the two
what is cactus.chat
It looks like we don't have a page for "cactus.chat" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "cactus.chat is ____", a sentence describing the term)
looks like no
thepaperpilot, it sounds like cactus.chat may require some #indieweb-dev expertise/interest to setup as well, perhaps worth noting your understanding or /experience with it in the #indieweb-dev channel?
I don't have experience with it ATM haha. Mainly just curious about adding comments and Web mentions to my website, and seeing what's currently out there
But ideally I'd want people to be able to comment without having a website of their own, and without requiring a specific centralized account (e.g. requiring "any matrix account" is fine, but "login with Google, Facebook, or GitHub" is not)
beanbrain, barnaby and ttybitnik joined the channel
Oh nice, I suppose that'll work. Is there a way to embed that inside the website itself?
Although I'd also like people to be non-anonynous without having a website.
AramZS and antranigv joined the channel
only a half serious suggestion 🤷
they could always put their name at the end or beginning of their comment!
sisoma_new[d] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
I think Comment parade has a way to add a name and even an avatar if the user wants.
sisoma_new[d] joined the channel
oh true!
barnaby joined the channel
Oh, so it does. Very cool! I'd still like to embed it rather than telling the user to go to some other sites in order to comment, though. Do you know if the IndieAuth flow would work if I put the site in an iframe?
Only making the iframe appear after a user action, to be considerate
friendly reminder thepaperpilot, can you move the tech talk (iframe) to #indieweb-dev to keep this channel more inclusive and inviting?
Yep, that's fair
beanbrain, strugee, Halian and sohrab joined the channel