#indieweb 2024-06-21

2024-06-21 UTC
Yummers, sebbu2, ShinyCyril, rvalue, gRegor, StarrWulfe, bterry and beanbrain joined the channel
This is fun, emulate old browsers and browse old sites in them: https://oldweb.today/?browser=ns4-mac#19960101/http://geocities.com/
[indienews] New post: "Why I Attend Weekly IndieWeb Meetings" https://lifeofpablo.com/blog/why-i-attend-weekly-indieweb-meetings
Pablo has 1 karma over the last year
anyone here have an example Letterboxd profile URL with a rel=me to their personal site?
bterry and dpietzsch joined the channel
My Letterboxd profile has one: https://letterboxd.com/danielpietzsch/
I recently asked a friend in Berlin regarding a potential venue for the IWC there in November (https://events.indieweb.org/2024/11/indiewebcamp-berlin-2024-XkH8P6vkmYNr). He recommended asking at https://w3hub.berlin
I’d be happy to write them, but I’m not quite sure, if that is a desirable location and/or whether there’s a certain procedure to ask for venue-sponsorship and the like.
beanbrain, geoffo, toastal and morgan joined the channel
Hello everyone :D
Tomorrow is a big day, my fiancee is working from home for the first time. Meanwhile, Im trying to change things up and working at a cowork space for a few weeks as Ive got time off
One of my goals for the time off is to revamp and consolidate my entire web presence, basically no new apps or accounts wherever possible
just sort of like , pruning
gRegorLove_ joined the channel; toastal left the channel
morgan Good morning!
morgan, toastal, EnlGmA, StarrWulfe, rvalue, geoffo, Guest6, Oclair, AramZS and thegreekgeek joined the channel
bterry joined the channel
guten morgen
[morganm] good luck on the consolidation!
chadsix, Oclair, StarrWulfe and gRegorLove__ joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Do you have any private parts off your site?" https://sarajaksa.eu/2024/06/do-you-have-any-private-parts-off-your-site/
toastal, bterry and morgan joined the channel
Good day to you James
Good day to you!
[morganm] joined the channel
Test post- I sent those two posts on the web client, Im on Slack now
Those two posts were delayed, Im gonna stick with the slack now instead of web client I guess. Impressive integration work here
Oclair, [mattl], [davidmead], skinshafi and bterry joined the channel
dpietzsch++ that's great! if you want, go ahead and add your site where you link to your letterboxd profile and your letterboxd profile itself to this section: https://indieweb.org/Letterboxd#IndieWeb_Examples
dpietzsch has 1 karma over the last year
and regarding IWC Berlin venue possibility, glad to hear it! the short answer on venue-sponsorship is that we usually ask companies etc. to donate their space since we're (nearly) always using it on a weekend when the space is empty anyway
beanbrain, skinshafi, toastal and Yummers joined the channel; toastal left the channel
I have something to announce. Short Form Websites are a thing now, TikTok has been made obsolete and is going into receivership for this reason. A good H1 provides sufficient dopamine for a large sized mammal
I reread that and its not as funny as it seemed at first but basically, I love websites
haha, love it
Create a website that lets you swipe up to read the next heading
a webring where you swipe up to navigate between sites
ocra8, ttybitnik and Yummers joined the channel
It’s my fiancees first day working from home. We had lunch together and it was great. I’ve been working from home for 6-7 years. I remember the early days
[manton] joined the channel