#indieweb 2024-06-24

2024-06-24 UTC
nertzy, thegreekgeek_, ipv6rs and beanbrain joined the channel
Im finding it particularly hard that so many services have got worse all at the same time
Oh that was written in RE the above chat about search engines
Just platform decay is a thing, and its happening everywhere
skinshafi and geoffo joined the channel
yeah the web has become very boring as a result
bterry, beanbrain, ipv6rs, withed[d] and [Jo] joined the channel
it's pretty annoying when you find a new platform with an interesfing concept and you just know as soon as enough people start using it theyll start constantly pumping your feed with shit like "would you like to follow subway eat fresh?"
jjuran, shindakun, beanbrain, [Paul_Robert_Ll], ren-, lazcorp, Oclair, skinshafi, claudinec_away, [schmarty], AramZS, [snarfed], chadsix, [Scout], bterry, [Joe_Crawford], [Murray] and geoffo_ joined the channel
+ selling all the content you post to Gen AI companies to train their LLMs
gRegor joined the channel
Has anyone seen any websites whose design has stood out to them recently?
Iā€™m trying to broaden my exposure to varied designs.
capjamesg[d] have you looked at the examples on /design especially the (unprocessed) additions in its See Also section?
rvalue-, bterry, lazcorp, StarrWulfe, ocra8, ttybitnik and bret joined the channel
Yummers and StarrWulfe joined the channel
can we use #indieweb-stream for link-dropping without context rather than main #indieweb? would prefer if we use this channel for actual direct discussions.
I'd prefer not to. I have #stream muted because it is hard to follow. I don't see it as a place to discuss. All the noise is not conducive to discussion. It also places links from sources we are following on the same level as links that a community member has intentionally decided to share here.
There is only one chat of which I am a member where links are put in a specific channel. All automated following systems are posted in other channels so as not to drown out the discussions that happen.
I find links without context distracting from discussion, same point as yours, it's noise not conducive to discussion. I proposed a separate "link sharing" channel for this reason, but there was pushback saying we should just use #indieweb-stream: https://indieweb.org/discuss#link_sharing
one obvious exception is links to your own blog posts, asking people here what they think etc. that encourages IndieWeb behaviors (writing on your own domain) so that's a positive for IndieWeb discussions
#indieweb-stream may seem less noisy on IRC compared to Discord because of all the link previews that Discord does. the latest update from Loqi in stream, for example, takes up the full window height because it shows a preview of the inline link and another preview of the mastodon post.
similarly Slack doesn't unfurl those links from Loqi either
Okay, looks like you can disable them in Discord so that will probably make indieweb-stream less annoying to me, at least.
does it require each discord user to disable them? or can we disable them for all Loqi posts to Discord?
FWIW as a relative newcomer its pretty admirable to see the effort into making this space open and inviting to newcomers RE links and noise, while also grappling with common things like this when it comes to having a space online thats very open facing. A comment or extra context for any link is usually desirable, as it allows for actual discussion more likely, than just taking something as a post and having to ask if someone who posted it
agrees or not
morganm indeed and thank you. it's an imperfect setup but we try to keep iterating towards those goals "making this space open and inviting to newcomers"
if you have an opinion about how you think link-sharing / link-dropping would work better, please feel free to add your thoughts to the options listed here: https://indieweb.org/discuss#link_sharing
Not certain there's no way it can be configured for the Discord servers or channels, but it looks like it may just be a per-user configuration.
AramZS_ joined the channel
How about no no-context link dropping? It's more friendly to say why you're dropping a link regardless of what channel it's in
I like that
aaronpk, I'm fine with no no-context (i.e. please provide *some* context) link-dropping as long as the context is on topic for the specific channel!
my point about #indieweb-stream was that if you REALLY want to drop a link and say NOTHING about it, then please do it in #indieweb-stream or #indieweb-random