#indieweb 2024-06-25

2024-06-25 UTC
Yummers, mald0r0r and lanodan joined the channel
Yeah #indieweb-stream seems fine for that because that's already what the bot does
if you want to start a discussion about a link, then start a discussion about the link, don't make someone else start the discussion
Yummers joined the channel
that's an excellent summary: "don't make (expect) someone else (to) start the discussion."
Yummers and Oclair joined the channel
Hello IndieWeb! Has anyone heard of HTML Day on Saturday, July 13? There are several in-person events listed on this page: https://html.energy/events.html
krjst, skinshafi, shindakun, Yummers, rvalue and lanc joined the channel
so basically we need "https://nonocontextlinkdropping.net", like https://nohello.net/
lanc, scoates, ludovicchabant, voxpelli, darreninthenet, chenghiz_, karjala, peterrother, pax_73, Guest1350, jmac, anarchivist_, banane, cygnoir, ramsey, blodulv, javivi, ttybitnik, barnaby and AramZS joined the channel; lanc left the channel
nsmsn I've not ever seen or heard of "HTML Day" but I definitely have an affinity to it now that I have.
Yummers, skinshafi, AramZS, ipv6rs, bterry, [jacky] and mfgfmc3 joined the channel
https://hachyderm.io/@molly0xfff/112678250657606283 Molly's point on either making an explicit door to prevent bots or to submit to the new social order reminds me of something I mentioned in here before
(or canonical? lol)
[schmarty] joined the channel
i feel this!
jonnybarnes joined the channel
lol I got a solicitation to buy http://bridgies.com just now 😆
I guess there are two Bridgies now 🤔
thegreekgeek, chadsix, gRegor and bterry joined the channel
"I have a bridgy to sell you"
thegreekgeek, janboddez, btrem, [dshanske], conatusprinciple, sp1ff and geoffo joined the channel
Bridgy has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
Yummers joined the channel