#indieweb 2024-06-26

2024-06-26 UTC
skinshafi, Saphir, bterry and [0x3b0b] joined the channel
nertzy, jeremycherfas and shindakun joined the channel
https://www.theregister.com/2024/06/25/polyfillio_china_crisis/ - probably aren't many on indieweb using polyfill.io, but if you are one of them, stop using it now
(or host the relevant version that you verified yourself)
tyil, nertzy, lazcorp, geoffo_, yar, ttybitnik, bterry, AramZS, Yummers and toastal joined the channel
cute idea for a webring from #indieweb-stream https://gusbus.space/smallweb-subway/
ttybitnik, thegreekgeek and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Agreed. I really like the presentation and that it allows multiple types. The topology could get complicated.
beanbrain, GorillaWarfare and [Paul_Robert_Ll] joined the channel
pmlnr see yesterday's https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2024-06-25#t1719349301590500 (since this is more relevant for developers maintaining code than useres)
[preview] [jimwins] Looks like the company that acquired polyfill.io last year has pivoted to using it to serve up malware. https://sansec.io/research/polyfill-supply-chain-attack
barnaby and ipv6rs joined the channel
Homebrew Website Club Europe/London is starting soon! Join us! https://events.indieweb.org/7EeVR8ATRtpk
catgirlin_space[ and gRegor joined the channel; toastal left the channel
plantroon and Yummers joined the channel
A friend of mine is running for school board office in his city and asked me for a recommendation for a website builder that "preferably is free" He only really needs the website until the election in November.
I tried not to overwhelm him, but I showed him https://neocities.org, https://mmm.page, and https://wordpress.com.
[edit] I tried not to overwhelm him, but I showed him https://neocities.org, https://mmm.page, and https://wordpress.com.
I'm happy to move this discussion to another channel, but he's definitely new to this www thing.
I'd vote for anyone using https://hotglue.me/
barnaby, srijan, Xe and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Omg.lol may be worth a look too
[morganm] joined the channel
Electoral websites for candidates are some examples where websites definitely punch above their weight. Ive made several over the years for campaigns and people and it really does correlate strongly with perceptions of professionalism I have found
Its often relative to the position 🙂
I think like the web in general the effort that is put into those websites is reflective of a willingness to speak to a large audience, people you may not have interacted with before
Or vice versa, it might just be to get the attention of 200 people
Hi all, just joined the server after attending tonight's Homebrew London meeting. Feeling energised by being part of this community.
My blog is at: https://thoughts.uncountable.uk/ and I keep a diary at https://diary.uncountable.uk/
I have just launched a new project called https://artocalypse.org/ which is my attempt to build an aggregation platform for indieweb artists
beanbrain joined the channel
Welcome, uncountable[d]!
It was great getting to know about your project!
capjamesg[d]: Thanks James, I really enoyed the call, and like you opened a ton of tabs. It's just refreshing to be able to "talk tech" with others. I don't really get that opportunity normally
I like your diary website!
ren joined the channel
A diary is an interesting exercise because you have to keep posting! (although I dont make entries for every day). I haven't updated yesterday and today yet, and I don't like to go more than three days otherwise it's too overwhelming
Yummers joined the channel
I just gave your website a quick look over, it is very polished and provided some food for thought about your design choices and so on
Nice meeting you, uncountable[d] . Hope to see you around the web!
I find it interesting always the topics people curate, and one on personal finance seems like a good one, it sends potential signals to a business or work related person that you are at the very least not totally foolish and investing in baseball cards only uncountable++
I have two main personal websites at the moment and a third project website:
According to Netlify, these little websites only get about 3GB of monthly traffic. Mainly the blog .org , has some images and stuff that increases it a bit. I use no analytics except one web performance tracker on http://morganwebdev.com for speedcurve. Im still learning about what to use and what to notify people of, but in general I roll with no analytics of any kind
Ive probably over thought a lot over the years what I am trying to accomplish with my web presence. I have some 50 websites in my freemium tier Netlify account, and I have made lots of small demos of things
welcome timeissuspect++
timeissuspect has 1 karma over the last year
I had one more personal website to share. This one is about where I live. Its very simple 🙂 https://bellingham.netlify.app/ .
Ive found this one particularly useful at building relationships in remote work environments. After I share it to some folks they are like “thats the guy with the view of the Pacific ocean” and it seems much more smooth
I hope these are ok to share, as they are my own websites, I was inspired by timeissuspects excellent curated resources
[qubyte] joined the channel
Experiments with a different site layout:
ttybitnik joined the channel
do we have a name (or at least consistent structure) for the style of posts that are two columns where two things are being compared and contrasted in a relatively plain / simple way? (I'll look for an example)
beanbrain joined the channel
is that a style of post? I've seen that inline in blog posts but not sure about standalone
I would love to see an example!
[bneil] joined the channel
it's definitely a thing on Twitter
not the same, but there are other tweet/note variants such as handshake posts
ah, might be able to find those on http://micro.blog
_Tired/Wired_ is what I think of first.
aww, no https://micro.blog/discover/handshake for 🤝 posts — feature request [manton]!
[Joe_Crawford] Tired/Wired/Retired
yikes that in the same week as MTVNews 😢
I'm just not sure taking down some websites is going to fix that $14 billion in debt.
Seems like Paramount is missing some obvious cost savings in not having three CEOs.
also -> #indieweb-random
what is a handshake
It looks like we don't have a page for "handshake" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "handshake is ____", a sentence describing the term)
handshake is a type of [[post]], typically a short [[note]], that has some text, then a handshake emoji (🤝), and some more text, indicating two things or parties who are different, yet seemingly agree or collaborate on something in common.
handshake << {{emojicon|🤝}}
ok, I added "{{emojicon|🤝}}" to a brand new "See Also" section of /handshake https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=95953&oldid=95952
handshake << Silo example: [[Twitter]] https://twitter.com/yimbyaction/status/1795490717323952279 <blockquote>Climate advocacy 🤝 Pro-housing advcacy</blockquote> by yimbyaction 2024-05-28
ok, I added "Silo example: [[Twitter]] https://twitter.com/yimbyaction/status/1795490717323952279 <blockquote>Climate advocacy 🤝 Pro-housing advcacy</blockquote> by yimbyaction 2024-05-28" to the "See Also" section of /handshake https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=95954&oldid=95953
ok pretty sure I've posted a handshake post
but since web search sucks, I'm gonna have to use Twitter search to search my POSSE tweets (another POSSE use-case, Twitter search actually works, while Bing DDG Google all suck for personal site search)
handshake << IndieWeb Example: {{t}} has been posting handshake posts since 2022-12-02. Example: * https://tantek.com/2022/336/t1/indieweb-fediverse
ok, I added "IndieWeb Example: {{t}} has been posting handshake posts since 2022-12-02. Example: * https://tantek.com/2022/336/t1/indieweb-fediverse" to the "See Also" section of /handshake https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=95955&oldid=95954
rvalue joined the channel