#indieweb 2024-06-28

2024-06-28 UTC
[0x3b0b], E_Bomb, lockywolf, alephalpha0, geoffo, StarrWulfe, Maxpm, barnaby, influous and timdream joined the channel
jammyb24 joined the channel
capjamesg has 60 karma in this channel over the last year (204 in all channels)
dpk and Guest6 joined the channel
I have not read the post yet, but I like that it looks similar enough not to be offputting. capjamesg++
capjamesg has 61 karma in this channel over the last year (205 in all channels)
I'm reaching the point on my own redesign of my podcast site in ClassicPress where I'm happy with the look abnd feel and will be ready to start adding microformats, which will mean either a staging site out in the open or remembering how to use ngrok so I can test the microformats.
teasea and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Very good account of your choices and reasoning [capjamesg]. I have just one teeny thought for you. Please consider using proper curly quotes and apostrophes. Like this
toastal, StarrWulfe, ttybitnik, rvalue, jgee118692253458 and AramZS joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] I will need to look into how to type those.
My Mac types '.
So does mine, unless I use alt and alt shift. But I also have a little script that smartifies quotes, dashes and the like and that I run with Alfred.
just a heads up that, if you do switch to "smart" quotes _everywhere_, you may run into issues with feeds and encoding as different software tries to escape them.
to2ds joined the channel
I try to redesign my website at least once a day πŸ˜„
i also have to fight with this, but ive been very strong at resisting the urge to redesign lately
I haven't had a full redesign in a few years.
It was so fun to do this design!
capjamesg[d] - It's a nice, clean design.
Thank you!
[Jo] - Stay strong! πŸ˜„
I'm looking into migrating my likes, comments, etc. from platforms like reddit onto my static website, as sort of a retro-active POSSE. But there's certainly some stuff I would have liked or commented on reddit years ago that I no longer have the same views on. That activity is already public on the reddit profile, but I feel like bringing it on my own website kinda "renews" it. But at the same time I don't want to have to go t
Do minor stylesheet updates fall under the umbrella of redesign?
thepaperpilot - Would that be considered PESOS?
@schmarty Indeed. I write in Markdown and can have smart quotes etc by default, but that invariably messed up my YAML. That's why I clean up afterwards and am selective about where I do it.
thegr8whoopdini[ joined the channel
Does using <q> tags mitigate some of the encoding issues?
[Paul_Robert_Ll] joined the channel
It might, but that wouldn’t account for apostrophes
Love the redesign capjamesg[d]++; nice and simple. I do hope you find space to add a bit more whimsy though!
Good point. I use Markdown as well but haven't considered the apostrophes.
ttybitnik joined the channel
yes I guess I am describing PESOS. I'm not sure how to do it otherwise for existing posts (although I was thinking of doing it similarly for my active fediverse account, just because I think having my website build script query for new activity is something I feel confident implementing)
perhaps I just have the pages check the original post date and add a little "this post is over X years old and my views may have changed since then" banner above the content
I actually like the idea of it being a rolling "staleness" factor
I like the idea of context collapses. It leaves more to the imagination .
What is context collapses
It looks like we don't have a page for "context collapses" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "context collapses is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Do you just mean when someone erases their timeline?
Kind of sort of.
But also the case where posts are POSSEd out but replies and such aren't backfed to the originating website.
I question the need to have every idle digital chit-chat preserved for eternity.
glad we all get to make those decisions ourselves, for our own sites
capjamesg++ congrats on the new design!
capjamesg has 62 karma in this channel over the last year (206 in all channels)
I don't see comments or likes etc though. are those still todo? or did you not display them before either?
[snarfed] - True.
DubPirate, _DuBPiRaTe_ and [mattl] joined the channel; toastal left the channel
[snarfed] Those have been removed.
I still support Webmentions, but I don't get many comments and I don't really want to show likes.
_DuBPiRaTe_ joined the channel
Kind of intrigued by the Open Heart protocol for displaying reactions.
My google fu only comes up with surgery results. Link?
Though for my warped sense of humor, an emoji for "you need professional help" would be ideal πŸ˜„
bterry joined the channel
ah yes, a way for people to send arbitrary content to your server anonymously, that always ends well
πŸ˜‚ Yep.
Maybe an endpoint hosted on your own server with a captcha?
E_Bomb and toastal joined the channel
oh, that's actually pretty cool. If you just limit it to a handful of whitelisted emojis then I don't think there's really an "anonymous arbitrary content" issue - anything other than the whitelisted emojis just gets dropped
I haven't yet implemented webmentions, and have been researching ways to get it in a way I'd be most happy with, and part of that is definitely wanting people to be able to react without owning a domain name already setup to do indieauth, as that's a steep requirement for most people. While this wouldn't work for anonymous comments (which I'm still partially undecided about - I think I want to support them, but have them go thr
chadsix joined the channel
I also would rather a per-page reaction system, and to de-dupe based on IP, but their example implementations don't do those
yes! we've done reactions ("reacji") in the indieweb by standardizing on single-char emoji replies via webmention: https://indieweb.org/reacji
a number of wm senders receivers handle them explicitly, eg facepiles, backfeed from bridgy, etc
would that allow users to click a button on the site itself to send the webmention anonymously? Through something like commentparade, but fully transparently to the user? (and ideally limit to 1 per IP)
Actually, that might be a better question for -dev
sure! it'd be interesting to extend something like commentparade to a reaction widget that you can build into a site
to2ds joined the channel
Reacji are cool since they leverage Webmention.
Right now Webmention are used primarily for bookmarks / links on my website.
I was experimenting with anonymous reactions via webmentions but I'd need to rework some things on my site to make it a better experience.
Would those be initiated from a form directly on your website?
or perhaps having webmentions for non-anonymous reactions and comments, alongside openheart for anonymous reactions and a version of commentparade that can be embedded and has the page already setup for non-authenticated messages.
toastal left the channel
Yes it looks like Loqi isn't nudging the markup, webmentions etc chat to #indieweb-dev like he should be
Thought maybe Loqi was on summer break πŸ˜„
Loqi deserves a holiday.
Where do dinosaurs holiday?
Jurassic Park?
bterry, ttybitnik, gRegor, Ezri, timdream and dissolve22[d] joined the channel
Hey everyone, I'm not sure if this is the right venue to field this but I've been banging my head against this for a bit and I'd appreciate any insight. I'm trying to build the indiekit dockerfile on my Pi3b and I'm being told that npm can't determine the executable to run. Should I have downloaded the nodejs lts or is it something else entirely? Thanks in advance!
cc [Paul_Robert_Ll], => #indieweb-dev
Ahh, thanks snarfed!
ttybitnik joined the channel
[tantek] More on a single page as a search feature: https://mastodonpy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/15_everything.html
"Every function on a huge CTRL-F-able page"
oakridge joined the channel
that's quite amusing. Reminds me of the command palette design pattern, which I'm a huge fan of. It's useful to be able to just search for whatever you need
beautiful :smiling_face_with_tear:
capjamesg[d]++ also congrats on your elegant blog redesign! really appreciating the calmness of the design
capjamesg[d] has 63 karma in this channel over the last year (208 in all channels)
thepaperpilot[d] You may like https://uiw.tf/cmdk.
Try Command + K on that page.
I'm a convert to proper use of β€œcurly” quotes in prose because they provide a nice additional visual cue about the start/end bracketing
however I would never use an automated script to "fix-up" that sort of thing because I’m willing to be it would absolutely break whenever I include snippets of code (which require vertical quotes), or when I use ' to mean feet or minutes or prime, and " to mean seconds or double-prime
a linter would be more useful as part of a blog post editing tool that could suggest β€œcorrections” which you could accept/decliner
decline* even
the command palette is cool, although I went to this experiment and I have to say, I disagree with the utility of a thumbnail I can't read any text on. I don't think seeing a thumbnail of a webpage has ever satisfied whatever reasons I had for wanting to visit it: https://uiw.tf/link-preview
agreed, i've always been disappointed by automated methods of applying curly quotes and long ago got in the habit of just typing them as intended. iOS input does generally get it right, and makes it simple enough to access straight quotes when necessary.
I have most iOS auto-suggest/text stuff turned off because it gets it wrong just often enough to be unreliable/untrustworthy and fixing its mistakes slows me down MUCH more than having to go back and having to fix quotes that I myself get wrong.
btw, I use vitepress for my personal website (https://www.thepaperpilot.org), which has a command k activated search bar. Once I have stuff like reactions for the different pages, I'll see if I can add those to the search so it's like an actual command palette as well.
[preview] Hello! ​ I'm Anthony, or The Paper Pilot, and welcome to my digital garden! https://www.thepaperpilot.org/paperpilot.png This is a public ...
Love curly quotes. They're a bit of a pain on Windows, so I usually have this opened in a tab and copy/paste in my editor :) https://graphemica.com/search?q=quote
I wonder why there is so much friction with curly quotes.
capjamesg: they're out of ascii so they require encoding
Can you explain more [schmarty]?
I thought computers handled encoding well?
probably not well and definitely in dev!
I don't know much about this. And yes, indeed, in dev πŸ˜„
computers handle encoding well if/when computer programmers make them handle encoding well πŸ˜†
and if/when they are able to understand the encodings in data handed to them by strangers
curly quotes ain't on the original ascii table. https://www.asciitable.com
_DuBPiRaTe_, [qubyte], mooff and E_Bomb joined the channel