2024-06-29 UTC
_DuBPiRaTe_, E_Bomb, sennomo, __E_Bomb_, __DuBPiRaTe__ and aldur joined the channel
# 02:38 [tantek] I use BBEdit and type in curl quotes natively into my HTML and plain text notes and they work great.
# 02:39 [tantek] Set your text editor preferences to create/edit UTF8 by default and you should be good to type them in directly and have it all work (without HTML encodings etc.)
__DuBPiRaTe__, to2ds and E_Bomb joined the channel
# 03:07 to2ds We had a DNA test done on our Labradoodle a long time ago. Turned out he was 75% Standard Poodle and 25% Curly Quoted Lab 😄
toastal, wagle, zicklepop and jonnybarnes joined the channel; toastal left the channel
# 07:31 IWDiscord <timeissuspect>
# 07:31 IWDiscord <timeissuspect>
# 07:31 timeissuspect I'm introducing another blog carnival ...
# 07:31 timeissuspect Starting in July, open to everyone!
# 07:31 timeissuspect Hopefully the themes will specifically appeal to artists and get them started on their own indieweb journey.
# 07:31 IWDiscord <timeissuspect>
# 07:39 Loqi uncountable[d] has 1 karma over the last year
rvalue- joined the channel
# 08:43 paperbritt uncountable[d]: I've not encountered this concept before but I like the sound of it.
# 08:53 paperbritt Similar to a game jam or a themed drawing month. I plan to take part.
oodani and thegreekgeek joined the channel
# 11:19 paperbritt Well, you learn something new every day. I'll keep an eye on that.
# 11:42 paperbritt I was thinking of making my own weekly prompts list so this fits in well with plans to motivate myself to post more.
ttybitnik, lazcorp and to2ds joined the channel
# 12:29 to2ds paperbritt - Would those weekly prompts be for drawing / art?
dmowitz joined the channel
# 13:05 paperbritt to2ds: Sometimes yes, but I also want to promp myself to do some general blog posts and research stuff more often.
# 13:23 to2ds Ah! Prompts have been helpful for me to overcome inertia.
rvalue and chimo joined the channel
# 14:33 timeissuspect So I wanted to do a similar concept but focus on art
# 14:33 timeissuspect I take part in the indieweb one and I'm hosting one next May which I'm looking forward to.
# 14:33 IWDiscord <timeissuspect>
# 14:33 IWDiscord <timeissuspect>
# 14:33 timeissuspect paperbritt[d]: Blog carnivals are great ... they are like prompts really.
# 14:52 paperbritt I love that the list goes so far into the future, definitely an idea that people are enthusiastic about. I'll be keeping an eye on Artocalypse too.
nertzy, dmowitz, [Paul_Robert_Ll], laurie and ttybitnik joined the channel
# 18:31 dormouse_hours_59241 Hi there, new here, just deployed my first hand-made website. I had a wix site and just got so frustrated with the corporateyness. I used to make Twine games and used that knowledge to make a static site with 11ty. I'm still a total newbie and get really confused about terminology, but interested in the politics of indieweb 💛
# 19:32 dormouse_hours_59241 My site is
rrix joined the channel
# 20:40 Loqi dormouse_hours_59241[d] has 1 karma over the last year
rrix and StarrWulfe joined the channel
# 21:25 timeissuspect dormouse_hours_59241[d]: I like the minimalism design
# 21:26 timeissuspect do you have an rss feed?
# 22:03 dormouse_hours_59241 The design is not my own, it is binyamin
# 22:04 Loqi [preview] [binyamin] eleventy-garden: :seedling: A starter site for building a mind garden with eleventy
nertzy and DusteD joined the channel
# 23:28 dormouse_hours_59241 uncountable[d]: I do not know how to set one up. Total beginner here.
# 23:33 dormouse_hours_59241 brill! Thanks. I want to improve interoperability, will look at this tomorrow. Still trying to understand microformats too
# 23:33 Loqi hey capjamesg[d], dormouse_hours_59241, we try to keep jargon (RSS, template, Microformats) out of this channel to make it more inviting to newcomers, can you move this to #indieweb-dev?
to2ds joined the channel