#indieweb 2024-07-01

2024-07-01 UTC
k3, dusted_, beanbrain, Maxpm, ACG, Menchers, cedric and yordi joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Why a personal site rather than social media presence?" https://hamatti.org/posts/why-personal-site-rather-than-social-media-presence/
thegreekgeek, [David_Peach], [qubyte], bterry, raucao, jjuran_, AramZS, [Joe_Crawford], dpk, lojik, [mattl], rvalue, [KevinMarks] and [morganm] joined the channel
jjuran, bterry, [schmarty], beanbrain, gRegor and khimaros joined the channel
Bonus Online Homebrew Website Club - Writing Edition is starting soon! Join us! https://events.indieweb.org/i8jny55Dngyd
capjamesg[d], would topics about writing about writing be in-scope for this HWC? E.g. https://chat.indieweb.org/2024-06-30#t1719710745846500
[preview] [[tantek]] I know we have /colophon for tools and such for a site in general, however does anyone publish their methods of creating a specific post? Like beyond the "posting tool" used
Sara is the host, so feel free to propose it in the session!
dustinm` joined the channel
We have started the event now! Join us!
[preview] Bonus Online Homebrew Website Club - Writing Edition
joining soon!
conatusprinciple joined the channel
reads the Etherpad to catch-up
conatusprinciple, sebsel, Halian, sarajaksa, kagirinaku, Tiffany and robalex joined the channel