#indieweb 2024-07-02
2024-07-02 UTC
zicklepop6, skinshafi, skinshafi_, robalex, rvalue, Guest7618, robotsnowfall, aaronpk, ipv6rs, jmjl, Halian, gRegorLove_, [Jo], jammyb24, Prullenman, teasea and Guest236 joined the channel
# Loqi [indienews] New post: "Get webmentions with shell script using jq & yq" https://maw.sh/blog/get-webmention-with-jq-and-yq/
ttybitnik joined the channel
# capjamesg[d] This is a comforting blog post on life without social media: https://mehretbiruk.com/2023/03/27/what-is-social-media-for/
# capjamesg[d] I am thinking of leaving Mastodon.
# capjamesg[d] One framing in my mind is that the most meaningful of social interactions I have had have not happened on social media.
# capjamesg[d] While I have met many people on social media -- and discovered the IndieWeb through it! -- the question is whether I can justify the countless hours spent scrolling and feeling not-so-great or that I am missing out or that I'm behind.
thegreekgeek_ and [ricola] joined the channel
# [ricola] That's interesting as I have been pondering the same. Rarely, if at all, have I had a discussion on social media sites beyond asking a question. On my phone, I grouped them and titled the group Social Suck.
# capjamesg[d] I like being able to share my writing to a wider audience, but the question is: is it worth it?
bterry, sebsel, AramZS and claudinec_away joined the channel
# ur_papa Hello indies! Been lurking a bit but it is time to emerge from the shadows - here's my site https://bencoveney.com/
mahboubine joined the channel
# capjamesg[d] Welcome to the community, ur_papa[d]!
zicklepop and bterry joined the channel
# petermolnar that is because you need one to be the extension of the other; real world events and an online space to continue whenever and wherever. Indieweb works because of the indiewebcamps; social media without meetups will never give you the same.
rvalue, Guest236, robalex and [Murray] joined the channel
# petermolnar capjamesg[d]++ that article from Mehret is wonderful
beanbrain joined the channel
# Loqi Front End Study Hall #006 is starting soon! Join us! https://events.indieweb.org/SSFMWaLFzMng
# [Joe_Crawford] The Zoom is open and started ^ for FrESH #006!
# capjamesg[d] Join us!
jonnybarnes, cptaffe, Guest50 and robalex joined the channel; Guest50 left the channel
# jimwins Mastodon has officially launched the fediverse:creator thing that was discussed here (or maybe it was #indieweb-dev) about a week ago. https://blog.joinmastodon.org/2024/07/highlighting-journalism-on-mastodon/
[Otto_Rask] joined the channel
# [Otto_Rask] i wonder where the setting for "moderator approved sites" exists, is it something hardcoded into mastodon or is it an instance setting?
# jimwins My understanding is that it's an instance setting related to what links are allowed to appear in a 'Trending links' feature it has.
# capjamesg[d] [Joe_Crawford]++ for hosting FESH!
jammyb24 joined the channel
# [Joe_Crawford] Thanks for sharing your columnar layout [Murray]++
# [Joe_Crawford] Such great timing!
# voxpelli The new Mastodon thing kind of duplicates rel-author: https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/pull/30398#issuecomment-2204184781
jammyb24, bret, [KevinMarks] and sebsel joined the channel
# [tantek] I brought up my current thinking which is to add an explicit "Thoughtful Responses" section (with that heading) at the end of my post where I statically copy/pasted the thoughtful comments received on a post via Mastodon or any other source. This is something I used to do manually on my old blog, either by responses folks sent me or I discovered via Technorati (though I'd only link to the responses, not copy them inline, which I regret not doing
# [tantek] Someone recently post about their own (re)discovery and usage of this practice, labeling it 'webnotes', and it showed up in #indieweb-stream where we had a bit of a discussion about it: https://chat.indieweb.org/stream/2024-06-19#t1718817601749100
# [tantek] Does anyone (else) here manually curate a "Comments" or other section on their post where 100% of the comments/responses listed are manually added, with at least a link to the response, or in addition the name of the author (what I used to do on my old blog), or in addition to that, a full static copy of their response (what I'm considering doing now) ?
geoffo_, to2ds, [manton], skinshafi_, geoffo and StarrWulfe joined the channel
# gRegor Joel curates responses on his posts: https://thelocalyarn.com/article/accepting-footnotes
# [tantek] I also appreciate the likely very deliberate button microcopy "Add a Note", which you have to click to reveal a comment form which it also says explicitly in explanatory text "These aren't normal blog comments: this is a submission for publication. " along with more guidelines after the form.
# gRegor Yeah, also interesting that "Notes are given equal status with the original post in terms of typographical hierarchy." https://thelocalyarn.com/projects/local-yarn-site-notes
vic_ joined the channel
# claudinec [tantek]: I'm manually curating comments from the fediverse, not that I get that many, e.g. https://www.claudinec.net/posts/2024-05-26-indieweb/
# Loqi Comments are displayed in the context of an original post, and may be a mix of syndicated reply posts from other sites received via Webmention, as well as locally created comments https://indieweb.org/comments
# Loqi [indienews] New post: https://maw.sh/thoughts/1719960194/
# Loqi [indienews] New post: https://maw.sh/thoughts/1719962313/