#indieweb 2024-07-02

2024-07-02 UTC
zicklepop6, skinshafi, skinshafi_, robalex, rvalue, Guest7618, robotsnowfall, aaronpk, ipv6rs, jmjl, Halian, gRegorLove_, [Jo], jammyb24, Prullenman, teasea and Guest236 joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Get webmentions with shell script using jq & yq" https://maw.sh/blog/get-webmention-with-jq-and-yq/
ttybitnik joined the channel
This is a comforting blog post on life without social media: https://mehretbiruk.com/2023/03/27/what-is-social-media-for/
I am thinking of leaving Mastodon.
One framing in my mind is that the most meaningful of social interactions I have had have not happened on social media.
While I have met many people on social media -- and discovered the IndieWeb through it! -- the question is whether I can justify the countless hours spent scrolling and feeling not-so-great or that I am missing out or that I'm behind.
thegreekgeek_ and [ricola] joined the channel
That's interesting as I have been pondering the same. Rarely, if at all, have I had a discussion on social media sites beyond asking a question. On my phone, I grouped them and titled the group Social Suck.
I like being able to share my writing to a wider audience, but the question is: is it worth it?
bterry, sebsel, AramZS and claudinec_away joined the channel
Hello indies! Been lurking a bit but it is time to emerge from the shadows - here's my site https://bencoveney.com/
mahboubine joined the channel
Welcome to the community, ur_papa[d]!
zicklepop and bterry joined the channel
that is because you need one to be the extension of the other; real world events and an online space to continue whenever and wherever. Indieweb works because of the indiewebcamps; social media without meetups will never give you the same.
rvalue, Guest236, robalex and [Murray] joined the channel
capjamesg[d]++ that article from Mehret is wonderful
capjamesg[d] has 65 karma in this channel over the last year (210 in all channels)
beanbrain joined the channel
Front End Study Hall #006 is starting soon! Join us! https://events.indieweb.org/SSFMWaLFzMng
The Zoom is open and started ^ for FrESH #006!
Ah I can actually come and lurk for a bit! Excellent timing 🙂
Oh no, Zoom updates 😅
jonnybarnes, cptaffe, Guest50 and robalex joined the channel; Guest50 left the channel
Mastodon has officially launched the fediverse:creator thing that was discussed here (or maybe it was #indieweb-dev) about a week ago. https://blog.joinmastodon.org/2024/07/highlighting-journalism-on-mastodon/
[Otto_Rask] joined the channel
i wonder where the setting for "moderator approved sites" exists, is it something hardcoded into mastodon or is it an instance setting?
My understanding is that it's an instance setting related to what links are allowed to appear in a 'Trending links' feature it has.
[Joe_Crawford]++ for hosting FESH!
[Joe_Crawford] has 21 karma in this channel over the last year (63 in all channels)
[Joe_Crawford]++ indeed! Fun session 🙂
[Joe_Crawford] has 22 karma in this channel over the last year (64 in all channels)
jammyb24 joined the channel
Thanks for sharing your columnar layout [Murray]++
[Murray] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (11 in all channels)
Such great timing!
The new Mastodon thing kind of duplicates rel-author: https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/pull/30398#issuecomment-2204184781
jammyb24, bret, [KevinMarks] and sebsel joined the channel
^ I think better to take that to #indieweb-dev as the discussions are going to get deep into publishing/discovery challenges for the intended use-case even beyond "journalists"
In an informal coffee chat today we discussed the phenomenon of when/which posts receive mostly (or nearly all or all) thoughtful responses and whether that can be replicated or encouraged by the way we write our posts, how we structure our posts etc.
I brought up my current thinking which is to add an explicit "Thoughtful Responses" section (with that heading) at the end of my post where I statically copy/pasted the thoughtful comments received on a post via Mastodon or any other source. This is something I used to do manually on my old blog, either by responses folks sent me or I discovered via Technorati (though I'd only link to the responses, not copy them inline, which I regret not doing
since many have subsequently been lost)
Someone recently post about their own (re)discovery and usage of this practice, labeling it 'webnotes', and it showed up in #indieweb-stream where we had a bit of a discussion about it: https://chat.indieweb.org/stream/2024-06-19#t1718817601749100
Does anyone (else) here manually curate a "Comments" or other section on their post where 100% of the comments/responses listed are manually added, with at least a link to the response, or in addition the name of the author (what I used to do on my old blog), or in addition to that, a full static copy of their response (what I'm considering doing now) ?
Also wondering if there's a page we already have on this practice where we have documented IndieWeb Examples
(hat tip [Joe_Crawford] for reminding me of the key term used in this iteration 'webnotes' that spurred discussion a couple of weeks ago)
geoffo_, to2ds, [manton], skinshafi_, geoffo and StarrWulfe joined the channel
thanks that's a great example
I also appreciate the likely very deliberate button microcopy "Add a Note", which you have to click to reveal a comment form which it also says explicitly in explanatory text "These aren't normal blog comments: this is a submission for publication. " along with more guidelines after the form.
Yeah, also interesting that "Notes are given equal status with the original post in terms of typographical hierarchy." https://thelocalyarn.com/projects/local-yarn-site-notes
that is fascinating. almost bordering on (or maybe actually) co-authorship / collaborative authoring
I appreciate experiments / efforts like this that blur the lines between previous conventions, and explore new possibilities
vic_ joined the channel
[tantek]: I'm manually curating comments from the fediverse, not that I get that many, e.g. https://www.claudinec.net/posts/2024-05-26-indieweb/
[preview] Claudine Chionh
claudinec++ excellent! that's certainly enough examples to create a page on this
claudinec has 9 karma in this channel over the last year (10 in all channels)
what are comments
Comments are displayed in the context of an original post, and may be a mix of syndicated reply posts from other sites received via Webmention, as well as locally created comments https://indieweb.org/comments
perhaps manual comments or I do like "curated comments" as that conveys more intentionality and specific meaning
also focuses on the human-side rather than the implementation which may or may not be fully manual / semi-automatic / fully automatic
[Joe_Crawford], capjamesg[d] WDYT about "curated comments" as an alternative phrase/name for what that other person dubbed "webnotes"? Do you have alternative suggestions?
roque syndication links again?