#indieweb 2024-07-03

2024-07-03 UTC
ren, _fluffy and robalex joined the channel
Curated Comments is a good description, yes. It describes a reasonable editorial process.
[0x3b0b] and [snarfed] joined the channel
what are curated comments
It looks like we don't have a page for "curated comments" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "curated comments is ____", a sentence describing the term)
curated comments are an approach to presenting [[comments]] on [[posts]] which emphasize one or more techniques for only showing comments that have been explicitly selected by the original post author, both from other sites and [[local comments]], sometimes with a [[UI]] deliberately designed to solicit comments as collaborative notes to be added to the original post.
curated comments << Related "webnotes" post and discussion: https://chat.indieweb.org/stream/2024-06-19#t1718817601749100
curated comments << Example: Joel curates responses on posts: https://thelocalyarn.com/article/accepting-footnotes
curated comments << Example: {{claudinec}} is manually curating comments from the fediverse: https://www.claudinec.net/posts/2024-05-26-indieweb/
ok, I added "Example: {{claudinec}} is manually curating comments from the fediverse: https://www.claudinec.net/posts/2024-05-26-indieweb/" to the "See Also" section of /curated_comments https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=96047&oldid=96046
curated comments << Example: {{t}} added curated comments (reply permalink link and author) to his blog posts from 2002-2008, based on shared links and search results from Technorati.
ok, I added "Example: {{t}} added curated comments (reply permalink link and author) to his blog posts from 2002-2008, based on shared links and search results from Technorati." to the "See Also" section of /curated_comments https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=96048&oldid=96047
ok that's a start
Guest9563, robalex, [0x3b0b], Guest1757, beanbrain, slow99, Maxpm, [jeremycherfas], toastal, [lcs] and alxwnth joined the channel
Hey everyone! I'm in the middle of IndieWeb-ifying my personal site and I want to make a small gallery with a collection of my photos. Does anyone have any recommendations for where to host the images? Pushing possibly gigabytes of pics to Git LFS feels like not very good idea
jammyb24 joined the channel
what is photo hosting
📷 A photo is a post whose primary content is a photograph or other image, with an optional caption. With multiple photographs it becomes a multi-photo post https://indieweb.org/photo_hosting
^ some different approaches in there, and for a more technical deep dive, follow-up with any particular approach in the #indieweb-dev channel since it may require discussing what to install or build depending on your needs
toastal, rvalue and alesr joined the channel; toastal left the channel
Sort of like redlinks on wikis.
I would like this thing to exist, but I haven't written it yet.
That is an interesting sentiment.
alxwnth joined the channel
Thanks for the link, I'll take a look!
toastal, teasea, robalex, asarandi, AramZS, thegreekgeek, rvalue, bterry, srijan, bret_ and geoffo joined the channel
Homebrew Website Club Europe/London is starting soon! Join us! https://events.indieweb.org/1MGOh2nqIkCp
AramZS joined the channel
HWC is starting now!
geoffo joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] [Jo] [tantek] ^
[qubyte] and saptaks_znc joined the channel
Thanks for the shout capjamesg— currently heading home from beach but intend to join in a while
parnikkapore_x joined the channel
[KevinMarks]++ for https://pypi.org/project/ftfy/ - very cool project. I particularly like the introductory description and how it segues into -- _"Does this sound impossible? It's really not. UTF-8 is a well-designed encoding that makes it obvious when it's being misused, and a string of mojibake usually contains all the information we need to recover the original string."_
It rather reminds me of how the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is partly so popular because of the "DON'T PANIC" inscription.
bterry, timdream and [bneil] joined the channel
wow, that is a handy piece of magic
jammyb24, barnaby, bterry, chenghiz_ and [capjamesg] joined the channel
Oops! Wrong channel.
barnaby joined the channel