LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "curated comments" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "curated comments is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[tantek]curated comments are an approach to presenting [[comments]] on [[posts]] which emphasize one or more techniques for only showing comments that have been explicitly selected by the original post author, both from other sites and [[local comments]], sometimes with a [[UI]] deliberately designed to solicit comments as collaborative notes to be added to the original post.
[tantek]curated comments << Example: {{t}} added curated comments (reply permalink link and author) to his blog posts from 2002-2008, based on shared links and search results from Technorati.
alxwnthHey everyone! I'm in the middle of IndieWeb-ifying my personal site and I want to make a small gallery with a collection of my photos. Does anyone have any recommendations for where to host the images? Pushing possibly gigabytes of pics to Git LFS feels like not very good idea
Loqi📷 A photo is a post whose primary content is a photograph or other image, with an optional caption. With multiple photographs it becomes a multi-photo post https://indieweb.org/photo_hosting
[tantek]^ some different approaches in there, and for a more technical deep dive, follow-up with any particular approach in the #indieweb-dev channel since it may require discussing what to install or build depending on your needs
toastal, rvalue and alesr joined the channel; toastal left the channel
[Joe_Crawford][KevinMarks]++ for https://pypi.org/project/ftfy/ - very cool project. I particularly like the introductory description and how it segues into -- _"Does this sound impossible? It's really not. UTF-8 is a well-designed encoding that makes it obvious when it's being misused, and a string of mojibake usually contains all the information we need to recover the original string."_