#stream 2024-06-19

2024-06-19 UTC
[@jcrabapple] Just added a Playlists page to my blog. https://cool-as-heck.blog/playlists/ #indieweb #blogging (https://dmv.community/@jcrabapple/112640683096495706)
What is a playlist?
A playlist represents a collection of audio or video of some significance to the list's creator https://indieweb.org/playlist
playlist << Example collection of playlists: https://cool-as-heck.blog/playlists/
ok, I added "Example collection of playlists: https://cool-as-heck.blog/playlists/" to the "See Also" section of /playlist https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=95884&oldid=84942
[@jbz] ⚠️ DDoS attacks can threaten the independent Internet... (https://indieweb.social/@jbz/112640812782289671)
[@gisiger] “But to introduce more people, specifically audiences, to the joys of #IndieWeb, there needs to be an easy path for newcomers to trek.” https://disassociated.com/now-we-have-indieweb-how-to-find/ (https://nerdculture.de/@gisiger/112642089433075361)
[@mms] New #blog post about the blog in a new blog theme https://michal.sapka.me/blog/2024/new-blog/ #100daystoofload #indieweb #smallweb (https://emacs.ch/@mms/112642184629795652)
[@bastelwombat] When setting up a blog with projects you're working on, opinions you're having, etc.), what would you use for the domain name? #smolweb #smallweb #indieweb Nickname Firstname/Lastname/Combination of both Just show me the results (https://chaos.social/@bastelwombat/112642542705896835)
Finding the IndieWeb Bookmarked https://disassociated.com/now-we-have-indieweb-how-to-find/. Blogrolls/links-pages, web directories, and web rings, are among ways to promote the work of other IndieWeb adherents. But you need to be within the IndieWeb realm in the first place,... (https://lars-christian.com/notes/657a83a6ef/)
[jantuomi], [KevinMarks] and Oscar joined the channel
[@artlung] Yesterday at the #IndieWeb Front End Study Hall event we talked about some older computer animation techniques which can inform how we do CSS. This #HTML and #CSS demonstrates basic “color cycling.” https://codepen.io/artlung/full/jOoZQRe (https://xoxo.zone/@artlung/112644260873427756)
[Murray] joined the channel
[@rscottjones] Webnotes: a simple replacement for comments, pingbacks, and webmentions: https://rscottjones.com/webnotes/ #blogging #personalweb #indieweb #wordpress (https://mastodon.social/@rscottjones/112644386143015328)
[@rscottjones] I’m removing comments, pingbacks, and webmentions from my website in favor of what I’m calling Webnotes. https://rscottjones.com/webnotes/ #blogging #personalweb #indieweb #wordpress (https://mastodon.social/@rscottjones/112644382974501909)
[davidmead] and [bneil] joined the channel
^ those are just manual comments / references. No need for a new name, certainly not something as generic as "webnotes" (supposed to be like "footnotes")
I was literally doing manual "comments" links like that in my old blog 2002-2008. Nothing really new here
I have a better ideas for "webnotes", how about just /notes that you publish on the web?
Whatever you call them, I do like the hand-curated aspect of adding comments and links to external mentions. Trackbacks and webmentions don't really line up well with how I want to present them on my own site. It ties into the whole discussion about how “owns” the discussion on a post and how they can control it. (A discussion popping up in ActivityPub/Mastodon with regards to whether users should be able to control who ca
who owns, not how owns.
Apples and oranges. Webmention is a protocol, not presentation. Comments, likes, reposts are presentation
On the indieweb, it's always the site owner that owns the discussion on a site, full stop. So if you do or don't want to show any presentation from any particular webmention you received, that's completely up to you!
Sure, and I would be interested to see implementions of Webmention that more explicitly put the site owner in the loop. The vibe I've gotten feels more about pure automation.
Totally agreed
I think social media has set poor expectations/norms that all replies / responses are to be displayed by default, no matter who they are from
My own implementation just does some verification of an incoming Webmention and throws it away because of a `#TODO` that I haven't back around to yet. 😀
[@marcolas] OK, how about a quick FOSS graphics tutorial? How to Draw Arrows in KolourPaint: https://www.friendlyskies.net/notebook/how-to-draw-arrows-in-kolourpaint... (https://oldbytes.space/@marcolas/112645141179359374)
[@artlung] Hosting IndieWebCamp Sacramento and Calls for Co-Hosts #IndieWeb #Sacramento https://lifeofpablo.com/blog/hosting-indiewebcamp-sacramento-and-calls-for-co-hosts via #IndieNews / @pablo (https://xoxo.zone/@artlung/112645231718582297)
[@Kaiern] Creating My Own Little Online Garden of Tranquility https://kaigulliksen.com/creating-my-own-little-online-garden-of-tranquility/ #blog #blogging #indieweb (https://mastodon.art/@Kaiern/112645313757065306)
[snarfed] and [qubyte] joined the channel