#indieweb 2024-08-01

2024-08-01 UTC
muskrat joined the channel
Homebrew Website Club - Pacific is starting soon! Join us! https://events.indieweb.org/DsBjlAnfxEAp
I have noticed that in the Olympics coverage they are using "@-names" to refer to Instagram handles now. Twitter/X is completely gone. This is a big shift
claudinec joined the channel
Considering flipping over my auto-linker @-name default linking accordingly or maybe some discussion in #indieweb-dev
Cendrine, chenghiz_, jmjl, BigShip, [tantek], [Arunkumar_Govi], IWSlackGateway and jjuran joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Choosing Tools" https://tantek.com/2024/213/b1/choosing-tools
finally after several webmention attempts
alright syndicated to IndieNews and emailed capjamesg[d] per the request on his post
Funny enough I started with an article title with four times as many topics as I ended up writing about, and after writing about of the four, went back and added a small fraction of one more to end the article on a more upbeat note
about one* of the four
barnaby joined the channel
[tantek]++ great blog post!
[tantek] has 24 karma in this channel over the last year (114 in all channels)
I would love to read more on the "While democratization of tools is nearly always a good thing, I can think of a small handful of examples that demonstrate that sometimes it is not. That’s worth a separate post." point in a separate post.
I, too, want a good synchronised note-taking app that works across macOS and iOS.
I use Notion which is nice but there are tiny things that increasingly frustrate me (delays in syncing, layout shifts, the cursor not appearing where it should, among others).
jonnybarnes, chenghiz_, eb, lane, darylsun, Schnouki, shreyasminocha, sm2n, okCiel, paulgrmn, victorneo, srushe, Spur, vikanezrimaya, capjamesg, suki, nnrx, ancarda, raghavgururajan and shoesNsocks joined the channel
1writer is a very good plain text notes app for iOS and Mac.
AramZS, lazcorp, StarrWulfe, rvalue, Guest6, shoesNsocks and [aciccarello] joined the channel
Does anyone use a short domain email address as an alias to use when sharing an email address in person?
You might want a separate email for this, but I'm thinking about all the stores where they ask for a member email address.
oh you said short domain, nm
Yeah, my name/domain is a little hard to spell so I'm thinking about alternatives
capjamesg[d], my tools post inspired another by a formerly active IndieWeb community member! https://tommorris.org/posts/2024/a-world-run-by-tools/ (not officially part of the Blog Carnival but feel free to add it if you want to related or subsequent etc. section)
I think I will add it to a section on my post
now what to call that section (since it's not technically a "comment")
what is a post footer
Post or posts may refer to individual pieces of content published on an indieweb site such as notes, articles, & responses, or the act of creating the aforementioned content (present tense), or Posts about the IndieWeb https://indieweb.org/post_footer
lol clearly I have gone down this rabbithole before. glad I left some breadcrumbs (links to examples)
oh drat apparently I have links to TUAW(.com) which is now a GenAI zombie 😞
darn it
[aciccarello] maybe aaronpk? his site is http://aaronparecki.com but afaik his email is at http://aaronpk.com? not sure
my email is @parecki.com which also means i have to spell it out letter by letter when checking in to a hotel
[indienews] New post: "IndieWeb Movie Club: August 2024 - The Matrix (1999)" https://marksuth.dev/posts/2024/08/indieweb-movie-club-august-2024-the-matrix-1999
Yeah, the spelling things out is what I'm looking to avoid
I might also have a specific email address for stores/businesses to keep it separate from my personal.
i think it's a little sad that a lot of the kiosks have buttons for @gmail.com @outlook.com @hotmail.com too
oh yeah, photograph that for the NASCAR page!
especially if you find one with "http://aol.com"
I don't hate that. It's better than stressing while someone waits for you to mistype gmail
It is funny to see what providers they have shortcuts for
haha i'll take a photo next time i see one
aciccarello, re: "specific email address for stores/businesses to keep it separate from my personal", I think that's a use-case for a celebrity / pop-fiction character name email address for the lulz
Oh, that'd be fun
just to see if the person at the store/business blinks or otherwise reacts πŸ˜‚
You could also throw in a fun new TLD like .meme or .star
nah that's likely to get misintepreted or misheard or they'll add a .com after it anyway
lol apparently .club is popular among a certain set: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.club
Loqi: A personal favorite!
I like masked emails now to keep everything separated.
[manton] joined the channel
wow completely missed this silo fail that wasn't even that old: https://www.theverge.com/2021/6/15/22534253/irl-social-network-facebook-groups-calendar-events-messaging (died in two years)
My friend used to give companies email addresses of the form {companyname}@{hisname}.com so he could tell who had sold the email.
I mean I still do that
that also confuses many service workers (the human kind)
Front End Study Hall #008 is starting soon! Join us! https://events.indieweb.org/BVfQ91G65DtL
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
^^ Yes indeed. Zoom is opened
will try to get there in a bit, heads-down documenting the TUAW disaster
ok cleaning up my own home (blog) before putting Google News on blast. fortunately I only had one TUAW link from my blog AFAIK
[aciccarello]: I tried once. My email is also first-name @ last-name which is annoying. But I have licit.li as a domain for my blog, so used that for my email temporarily. Still ended up having to help people write it :(
You do not just need short, you need something that does not need spelling and required no corrections. You probably want a .com, just because everyone knows email addresses that end in .com
(I sometimes had people write .ly instead of .li ...)
Yeah, I'm trying to pick a new short domain with both length and sound in mind
right, speakable / listenable URLs
what is URL design
URL design is the practice of deliberately designing URLs, in particular, permalinks, typically for a better UX for everyone who creates, reads, and shares content https://indieweb.org/URL_design
alright, cleaned up my blog, back to document TUAW
Internationalisation is big there too ... what is speakable in one language might not be in another. (Case in point, my name :P )
something dumb like catdogspoon.com might be better than one word if the one word is only going to be spelled correctly by native speakers
sp1ff joined the channel
to add fuel to the fire (of the Olympics abandoning Twitter's @-namespace in preference to IG @-namespace), https://techcrunch.com/2024/08/01/twitter-app-mac-store-2024/
FrESH was just me and Todd but we made the most of it. πŸ™‚
timdream and geoffo joined the channel
Bummed to miss it! Ran out of time documenting TUAW then had to run to another appointment
I didn't even know there was a Mac app version of Twitter
[Joe_Crawford]++ for CSS wizardry!
[Joe_Crawford] has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (70 in all channels)
to2ds++ for good questions and solid ideas!
to2ds has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
psa that the OldTwitter extension exists (more or less) on Firefox, and fully on Chrome
[Joe_Crawford]++ for organizing + hosting!
[Joe_Crawford] has 26 karma in this channel over the last year (71 in all channels)
I couldn't attend this one, but I'll try to join the next one!
hawbringer, oakridge and chenghiz_ joined the channel