#indieweb 2024-09-02

2024-09-02 UTC
sdk, Hi, oodani, Xenguy, athan, Halian, thegreekgeek, fabricsheet7, ren, trwnh, sknebel, GWG, sivoais and strikingLoo joined the channel
barnaby, trwnh, teasea, toastal, Xenguy, asarandi, ttybitnik and [Murray] joined the channel
I tried to get a single blog post written in August, both because of International Blog Day and Blaugust. I managed to write it up, and then discovered that I had completely broken my site and it no longer renders new pages. I've spent chunks of the last week finally getting around to lifting/shifting the code to a new, simpler codebase 😅
But yeah, as a result, the blog post is still not live...
thegreekgeek joined the channel
n e:)
it happens
Murray++ you can do it!!
Murray has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (11 in all channels)
[benatwork], omz13-, [Murray], [tantek], teasea, dustinm`, cygnoir, jmjl, khimaros, marlun, ramsey, cuibonobo, sivoais, Guest1209, IWSlackGateway1, strategictravele and [jacky] joined the channel
hello, I'm Shubh a developer from India. check out my site here: https://cshubh.com
[edit] hello, I'm Shubh a developer from India. check out my site here: https://cshubh.com
[qubyte], [Bruno_Pulis] and ttybitnik joined the channel
I didn’t know Blaugust was a thing, but achievement unlocked, I guess! https://qubyte.codes/blog/favourite-music That said, this post is a garden post rather than a blog post, so perhaps it’s not quite a fit. It needs a lot more work too. I rushed it out while on holiday.
Welcome, cshubh[d]!
[morganm], mdemo, [schmarty]1, Halian|, geoffo_, JadedBlueEyes0, paulgrmn_, Schnouki_, darylsun_, ancarda_, eb__, raghavgururajan_, okCiel_, suki_, khimaros_, schmudde1, vroman, athan, AramZS and barnaby joined the channel
capjamesg[d], finally following up from our conversations where I was summarizing my experience / desire of suggested edits from IndieWebCamp, and posted about it: https://tantek.com/2024/245/t1/read-write-suggest-edit-web
[preview] [Tantek Çelik] ✏️ I want the Read Write Suggest-Edit Accept-Edit Update Web. The consumer Infinite Scroll Web leaves us feeling empty. Too few of us participate in the Read Write Web, whether with personal sites or Wikipedia. Eight days ago when we wrapped u...
rdg joined the channel; rdg left the channel
and once again, about 10 times as long as I intended 🙃
root joined the channel