[Murray]Thanks schmarty 😄 I'm getting there; so far getting away from React has massively simplified things, but I hit search yesterday and that is... a lot more complex 😅
rvalue-, [sebbu], barnaby, asarandi and bterry joined the channel
[tantek]Looks like most of my recent posts were being dropped on the floor by Mastodon instances despite them confirming receiving them via Bridgy Fed. Issue tracking them is here: https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/884
[tantek]I haven't figured out what in particular makes Mastodon quietly drop posts but I think it may have to do with length, or number of links, or maybe number of hashtags or some combination thereof
pcarrierhmmm if I hit "toots and replies" in semaphore.social (my client) it also shows "✏️ I want the Read Write Suggest-Edit Accept-Edit Update Web."
[snarfed][tantek] software icons for followers is a good feature request! nontrivial, since I'd need to figure out how to sniff and discover each instance's software, but doable
[snarfed]and there are dozens of fediverse servers, with all sorts of different user-agent syntax, there's no single standard format that's easily parseable across them
[tantek][snarfed] I thought there was a site like fedi info or something that was querying servers out there and tallying up software stats. So there's a way to do it. Maybe this should be a #indieweb-dev thread tho
[tantek]Oooh: pcarrier said: « and if I hit "load more" I get "All setup here at IndieWebCamp Portland!"] » <-- that implies there's a problem at Bridgy Fed, not Mastodon. Where / How is gotosocial doing its "load more"?
[schmarty]tantek: seems like gotosocial is a mastodon instance (or similar). "load more" is probably just a feature for paging through whatever posts gotosocial knows about already. mastodon doesn't actually ask your "outbox" for more posts.
[snarfed][tantek] pcarrier's instance could have known about your previous posts before he followed you, he or someone else could have entered one of your post URLs (either bare or BF-wrapped) into his instance's search box
[snarfed]right. like I said, he could have searched for it...or he saw a reply to it in his feed, or browsed to it (through his instance's UI) some other way
[tantek]or frankly, would searching for my other permalinks in a Mastodon instance "repair" that instance and have them show up in my profile on that server as well?
[snarfed]probably! but like you said, this clod start behavior, and profile timelines that aren't contiguous, is kind of expected behavior in the fediverse, not something you "fix"
Loqi[preview] [Tantek Çelik] ✏️ I want the Read Write Suggest-Edit Accept-Edit Update Web.
The consumer Infinite Scroll Web leaves us feeling empty.
Too few of us participate in the Read Write Web, whether with personal sites or Wikipedia.
A week ago when we wrapped up #I...
[tantek]no dice on w3c.social either with that attempt, though the search progress bar had the weird iMessage behavior of progressing nearly all the way to the right and then pausing for many seconds
jimwwhich reminds me that i should figure out why my tags aren't working on Bluesky posts even though I was pretty sure I was generating the facets correctly.
[tantek]is anyone here using Bridgy Fed with a static site? I don't see any particular how to for "static" or e.g. GitHub Pages on https://fed.brid.gy/docs
[schmarty]tantek: my site probably qualifies for this? i'm not exactly sure what to document, though. i followed the http://fed.brid.gy docs for setting up some redirects on my server, make sure to add a syndication link to http://fed.brid.gy in posts i want to go there, and my builder pings http://fed.brid.gy as part of sending webmentions.
[tantek]"what to document" -> perhaps stub a "How to setup with a static site" subsection on https://indieweb.org/Bridgy_Fed with some of the steps you took?
[snarfed]the redirects, true! those can be tricky for dynamic sites too. fortunately they're not required, you only need to set them up if you want your address to be @[domain] instead of @web.brid.gy
[tantek][snarfed] that's why I'm asking for help with adding docs incrementally to /Bridgy_Fed on the wiki, so that eventually it may be in a "complete" enough form to add as a PR to the official docs
[snarfed]true! docs on the wiki may make more sense. I'm still pretty unlikely to take on the burden of maintaining more instructions in BF's docs themselves for arbitrary software that I don't use or know, but wiki sounds good!