#indieweb 2024-09-04

2024-09-04 UTC
[snarfed] it's missing instructions if i want to host the host-meta / webfinger myself instead of redirecting, ie if i'm planning to support multiple services
[sebbu] hah yes that's not supported right now
I'm happy to work with you to try it manually if you want though! easy first pass is just to base your webfinger response on what's in Bridgy Fed's webfinger for your site right now
what other webfinger-based services would you include?
I'd suggest taking that to #indieweb-dev tbh
gosh darnit even my greatly shortened summary "repost" of my "Twenty years of microformats" post got dropped on the floor by Mastodon
[tantek]: it seems like this conversation is more appropriate for #indieweb-dev (Microformats)
[preview] [Tantek Çelik] Twenty years ago this past February, @KevinMarks.com (@KevinMarks@xoxo.zone) and I introduced #microformats in a conference presentation. Full post: https://tantek.com/2024/044/t1/twenty-years-microformats Aside: This is a summary of a longer post ...
yes yes stop looking in URLs Loqi
trying an even shorter version of that post
my Atom subscribers are going to get annoyed but oh well
wow that even shorter "Twenty years of" post got dropped on the floor by Mastodon: https://tantek.com/2024/247/t2/twenty-years-microformats-shorter
[preview] [Tantek Çelik] Twenty years ago this past February, @KevinMarks.com and I introduced #microformats in a conference presentation. Full post: https://tantek.com/2024/044/t1/twenty-years-microformats Aside: This is an even shorter summary of that post from ~200 days...
almost at the binary search trial & error part
only 6 hashtags and I've definitely posted posts with more hashtags than that, so that's not it
only 3 (non-hashtag) links, and I've also posted far more links than that in posts
oh no, the common element across all 5 posts is mentioning and auto-linking @Kevinmarks(.)com
no sorry, all 5 *recent* posts, AND the 2 earlier posts that mentioned @ Kevinmarks .com
oh dear, doing a full search to see if I mentioned Kevin in any other posts. that would be so weird if that was it
nope that's not it, the years-posse-microformats-adoption which Mastodon dropped did not mention @ Kevinmarks .com
maybe it doesn't like posts with 'years' in the title or slug.
interesting, however the 4th & 5th most recent posts listed in my "Adventures" post do not have 'years' in the title or slug.
retrying with changing just the Kevin Marks reference
assuming all I have to do is change the slug to get Bridgy Fed to treat it as a new post
oh my goodness that was it!
ok [snarfed] I have seriously narrowed it down
something that Bridgy Fed is delivering to Mastodon when the content has a naked domain @-reference is causing Mastodon to choke and drop it on the floor
alright switching to #indieweb-dev
fwiw, your most recent showed up for me via the #indieweb tag and i don't recall that the others did.
yay! thanks for confirming jimw
this is a very weird bug and I'm glad I've tracked down a "simple" way of triggering it vs not
I'm hoping that's sufficient forensics for [snarfed] to look into what is different between the two posts and what is being sent to Mastodon
more details in #indieweb-dev
athan, thegreekgeek, thegreekgeek_, bret, ruzka_sk and ruzka_sk19 joined the channel
gRegorLove_, yar, [mattl], jmjl, [mattl]2, thegreekgeek, robotsnowfall_, athan_, _fluffy, AramZS, gRegorLove__, Saphir, toastal, Moult, asarandi, cuibonobo, bterry, ttybitnik, sp1ff, SyniToxi and doesnm joined the channel; toastal left the channel
I have domain but not have hosting. What can i use?
doesnm: do you want to build a static site, or run some content management system?
i think static site is better?
doesnm: if it fits your needs sure, but if you want eg comments / webmentions you might want something more.
doesnm: you'll find a bunch of options on https://www.11ty.dev/docs/deployment/ for example. disclaimer: I built and operate https://xmit.co
doesnm: depending on where you host, you might also want to add a CDN in front to accelerate the delivery of your content to viewers everywhere. cloudflare is popular because of a generous free tier. they also support hosting of static content directly.
doesnm: instead of using a vendor, you can also pick any machine with a stable internet connection, at home or in a datacenter. "VPS" are virtualized private servers (so instead of getting a box in a rack, you get a small virtual machine on one such box) and can be rented for a few bucks a month. that means you have to administer a system (usually Linux) yourself though.
hey pcarrier: can you move the tech talk (deployment, VPS) to #indieweb-dev to keep this channel more inclusive and inviting?
doesnm: I'll be in #indieweb-dev ;) don't worry about the tons of options, you can always pick something simple that fits your current needs and change later.
pcarrier: i stop paing for my vps long time ago. If pubnix/tidle is counted as hosting so i maybe setup all stuff on his
answer in dev if it was offtopic
bterry joined the channel; toastal left the channel
Homebrew Website Club Europe/London is starting soon! Join us! https://events.indieweb.org/GalzvIDpEF88
jimw, [aciccarello], SyniToxi, athan_, rozenglass, Virtual and JadedBlueEyes joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Bowl for Kittybox 1.0" https://fireburn.ru/posts/byypbyN
heck yeah i finally made it to 1.0
well, version numbers are arbitrary anyway, but I'd say "this is good enough"
i've been developing this new micropub client over a week maybe?...
scratch that, two weeks actually
and i discovered in the end that I managed to forget refreshing tokens... (I diligently save the refresh tokens to the keyring, but I forgot to write code to actually use them)
anyway party time 🎉
dmowitz and SyniToxi joined the channel; dmowitz left the channel
vikanezrimaya++ congrats!
vikanezrimaya has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
timdream and [Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
[marksuth]++ thanks for hosting HWC!
[marksuth] has 17 karma in this channel over the last year (22 in all channels)
vikanezrimaya has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
[marksuth] has 18 karma in this channel over the last year (23 in all channels)
[marksuth] has 19 karma in this channel over the last year (24 in all channels)
[marksuth] joined the channel
Okay...I have returned....but to find that it seems Known isnt being actively worked on anymore Q.Q
it's not buzzing, but it doesn't seem dead: https://github.com/idno/known/commits/dev/
thats good to hear, maybe I can track someone down over there to help with installing this. I did it once before many moons ago, but for some reason I am getting nowhere this time. I am determined to figure this out xD
So thanks to Adam over at omg.lol — all omg.lol pages should now pass https://indiewebify.me/validate-h-card/ — mine wasn’t working so I made some manual adjustments and then showed him what I did and he fixed it up for everyone.
what is omg.lol
omg.lol is a web hosting platform on which you can build a web presence, offering features like hosting a simple landing page, email forwarding, and URL redirection, and a community around the product https://indieweb.org/omg.lol
[mattl]++ amazing!
[mattl] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
Also right now they’re doing a fundraiser for St. Jude’s hospital and all their prices are 50% off… I just renewed my site for two years for the price of one. Pretty great.
thanks for the heads-up [mattl] — added a new section, can you add a link to an example h-card? https://indieweb.org/omg.lol#IndieWeb_Friendly
Done. I used Adam’s profile.
srazkvt joined the channel
maybe a silly question, but why no Planet IndieWeb?
what is planet?
A planet, in the context of the indieweb, and blogs/feeds for even longer, is a site that aggregates feeds/updates from a variety of sources, typically focused on a particular topic or community https://indieweb.org/planet
pcarrier, it's there, just a bit buried (added a highlight to the top of the page) https://stream.indieweb.org
stream is not what I think of as a planet, it's only on certain keywords right? I expect a planet to have random posts from the community
Also the Stream isn't up to date.
oh? it should be. hmm -> #indieweb-meta
[snarfed] re: Known — would also suggest folks ask about updates and such in #indieweb-known!
neatnik, ttybitnik and [benatwork] joined the channel
t​wistedtranssister: I'm working on trying to revitalize it. Let me know how I can help
[benatwork]++ ❤️
[benatwork] has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (15 in all channels)
oakridge joined the channel
Hey all! I'm Cascade. Long time dev, first time chatter. I tend to lurk. Happy to be here!
I got a personal website up earlier this year: https://cascading.space
[edit] I got a personal website up earlier this year: https://cascading.space
[edit] I got a personal website up earlier this year: https://cascading.space
[preview] Cascade the Protogen
[preview] Cascade the Protogen
[preview] Cascade the Protogen
o/ Welcome, Cascade
cascade_proto++ welcome and nice site!
cascade_proto has 1 karma over the last year