#indieweb 2024-09-09
2024-09-09 UTC
[manton], to2ds, [schmarty]1, Xenguy and Dryusdan joined the channel
[morganm] https://www.morganwebdev.org/ I updated my website a little bit today, gave it a little bit of a ✂️ and changed some page labels.
ren and Kodiak joined the channel
Loqi A multi-photo (also called a carousel on Instagram) is a photo post with multiple adjacent photos, either in a series, or tiled / arranged in some layout https://indieweb.org/carousel

[tantek] carousel << great example use of a carousel to represent a single very wide image: https://www.instagram.com/p/C_qPO9IP-1x/ (or also check https://www.ddinstagram.com/p/C_qPO9IP-1x/)

Loqi ok, I added "great example use of a carousel to represent a single very wide image: https://www.instagram.com/p/C_qPO9IP-1x/ (or also check https://www.ddinstagram.com/p/C_qPO9IP-1x/)" to the "See Also" section of /multi-photo https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=96919&oldid=83290

Loqi [indienews] New post: https://modem.io/blog/blog-monetization/ (from https://foreverliketh.is/bookmarks/how-to-monetize-a-blog.html)

Loqi [indienews] New post: https://foreverliketh.is/bookmarks/how-to-monetize-a-blog-02.html

thegreekgeek_ joined the channel
Loqi [indienews] New post: https://modem.io/blog/blog-monetization/ (from https://foreverliketh.is/bookmarks/how-to-monetize-a-blog-03.html)

Loqi [indienews] New post: "How to Monetize a Blog" https://modem.io/blog/blog-monetization/ (from https://foreverliketh.is/bookmarks/how-to-monetize-a-blog-04.html)

catgirlin.space [woozycat](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1183246214595092561.webp?size=48&quality=lossless&name=woozycat)
catgirlin.space [edit] [woozycat](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1183246214595092561.webp?size=48&quality=lossless&name=woozycat)
toastal joined the channel
wet.soil Hello! My name is Kodiak, I'm an aspiring independent researcher starting up a blog to share what I learn in my studies. My website is https://www.kodiakpinel.micro.blog , and I hope to find a community amongst the people here :)
epoch I removed the 'www' from the link and it seems to work: https://kodiakpinel.micro.blog/

wet.soil Thanks for figuring that out, I’ll omit the www next time I type it out
stella joined the channel
stella hello
stella i guess i'll share my website here as well
stella https://coffin.ir/
srazkvt and toastal joined the channel
capjamesg[d] wet_soil[d] I love your website design!

ttybitnik and jan6 joined the channel
Loqi [indienews] New post: "Comment Day - Let's Make it a Comment or Email Day?" https://sarajaksa.eu/2024/09/comment-day-lets-make-it-a-comment-or-email-day/

athan, claudinec, to2ds, srazkvt, AramZS, lojik, jonnybarnes and athan_ joined the channel
[tantek] I literally did that to start the note I posted yesterday, and then I couldn't help myself with writing out all the subsequent brainstorm thoughts in two steps. 1. write them all down in whatever order they came out of my head, just to get them out of my head. 2. re-order the sentences/paragraphs for better subtopic clustering, flow across subtopics. 3. edit it down to shorten, simplify, and hopefully make it more "fun" to read.

toastal left the channel
[tantek] and then if you really wanted to mess with them, you could put "fee schedule for solicitations", $ amounts to read an email regarding 'content writing services' or other specific business services. And then verbage like by using this form you agree to these terms and immediate invoicing for Net-30 payment. Then next time they contact you, say no thank you and per terms on your contact page, send them an invoice

gRegorLove_ joined the channel
rvalue- and ttybitnik joined the channel
[snarfed] alternatively, public shame them, a la https://snarfed.org/2023-01-07_gdpr-troll-shakedown-from-mustafa-sisic-of-europe-data-protection
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
claudinec joined the channel
athan joined the channel
[tantek] On another topic, this seems adjacently relevant to our interests: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/article/2024/sep/08/goodbye-tinder-hello-strava-have-hobby-apps-become-the-new-social-networks — as in, whatever is motivating people to migrate from those mass networks to smaller sites, is there something there we can learn from in the design and use of our own websites?

[qubyte] and athan joined the channel
[schmarty] oh dang 😕 https://cohost.org/staff/post/7611443-cohost-to-shut-down (h/t to mattl in another slack)

to2ds and bterry joined the channel
[tantek] ^ yeah, this kind of operational risk is one of the reasons I myself at least have always been resistant to calls for an "indieweb foundation" or whatever, because it felt like something that would be *less* sustainable (and lots more busywork for those involved in running anything "official" = path to burnout). perhaps better topic for #indieweb-meta

[aciccarello] joined the channel
[aciccarello] I wrote down some [thoughts for my own site](https://github.com/aciccarello/ciccarello.me/issues/161) on those http://manualof.me pages. I'd like to incorporate them into my site but don't necessarily want the "manual of anthony" format. "Communication protocol" also sounds clunky to me, but I do want to communicate those things clearly. It might motivate me to actually make a contact page rather than just linking my email everywhere.
bret, [snarfed]1 and [fluffy] joined the channel
[fluffy] I’m very unsurprised that cohost is dying but it’s sad to see. My original design for Publ was something more Tumblr-esque and I always had designs on maybe making an indieweb Tumblr replacement, and I was always super disappointed that Cohost’s financing model made them beholden to keeping their source proprietary and deprioritizing interop.

[jacky] joined the channel
Loqi [indienews] New post: "Publ v0.7.30" https://publ.beesbuzz.biz/blog/39-Publ-v0-7-30

[fluffy] But I also had a very low level of confidence in their technical abilities due to a lot of the fundamental ways that the site was designed, and a lot of it reeked of them making things harder on themselves because that is How Software Is Made Today and not because of any insight into how to build something sustainable and maintainable.

Xenguy, athan, aldur, [benatwork] and rozenglass joined the channel