#indieweb 2024-09-10

2024-09-10 UTC
Does anyone have a good way to self host photos? I may try and get an old PHP script working for it. Trying to figure out the sitemap for my own website. I don’t like a busy homepage but I think I may have a few more links than I do now and adopt something very basic for photos with tiny thumbnails and then link to a larger image and that links to the original.
ughhhh don't get me started on photos
every time i try to scope out what i want to do with photos it explodes into a huge project
Yeah, it's easily a project that can go out of control. I think the part that is easy to overthink is how/where store the metadata about the images (alt text, captions, dimensions, whatever).
I got banned from Flickr for unknown reasons but I did use their Uploader desktop app so I’m assuming it uploaded something like a meme which triggered something on my account.
There was “Gallery” back in the day but no idea what state it’s in.
Yeah, I ended up rolling my own system because I wanted to get off Flickr and I was able to not let myself get too out of control with features.
I did think of spinning up my own Pixelfed instance for my photos, but that was way more heavyweight than I wanted to deal with.
I may just wind up spinning up another WordPress install and using that or just making a category for images and doing some 11ty stuff to make it all work out.
What is Wordpress multisite
It looks like we don't have a page for "Wordpress multisite" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Wordpress multisite is ____", a sentence describing the term)
What is multisite
Multi-site Indieweb is a hybrid approach to Indieweb in which a wide range of people have two (or more) indieweb enabled platforms for a multitude of reasons https://indieweb.org/multisite
lain` joined the channel
How does one go about suggesting a future IWC? Let’s say I’m planning an event and would like IWC as part of it…
Is this a reasonable place to chat about content types? I'm trying to square blog posts, migrated tweets and making some of my atomic notes (like PKM raw materials) public before they get properly refined into something more substantial.
PKM shared eagerly as a wiki by one/ digital garden seems just complicated enough to keep me second guessing myself.
what's PKM?
sorry, personal notes
stands for Personal Knowledge Management... obsidan folder of markdown 😄
For local writing, I tend to think of atomic notes as little composable thoughts that may or may not get composed into bigger ideas or collected into something. So, "note" has context for me in that way that's more than and at odds with https://indieweb.org/note
[edit] For local writing, I tend to think of atomic notes as little composable thoughts that may or may not get composed into bigger ideas or collected into something. So, "note" has context for me in that way that's more than and at odds with https://indieweb.org/note
I've been starting to put things like this: https://ryanparsley.com/note/webmentions on my blog and continuing to refer to it as a note. Things get funky when I think about migrating 16 years of tweets into the mix.
[edit] I've been starting to put things like this: https://ryanparsley.com/note/webmentions on my blog and continuing to refer to it as a note. Things get funky when I think about migrating 16 years of tweets into the mix.
[preview] [Ryan Parsley] I rather like the idea of a static site blog, but wouldn’t mind enabling conversations to know if any of this resonates with anyone out there. Webmention may be just the thing I need. With this standard, I can see and link to mentions of my content...
[preview] [Ryan Parsley] I rather like the idea of a static site blog, but wouldn’t mind enabling conversations to know if any of this resonates with anyone out there. Webmention may be just the thing I need. With this standard, I can see and link to mentions of my content...
I’m curious about this too.
status feels like what I want to call my archived tweets intuitively, but I want to play nice with the microformat idioms
[edit] "status" feels like what I want to call my archived tweets intuitively, but I want to play nice with the microformat idioms
Xenguy and lanodan joined the channel
If you squint and look at the activity stream definition
> A status is similar in structure to a note, but carries the additional meaning that the content is primarily describing something its author is doing, feeling or experiencing.
You could say the nonsense I used to post on twitter had additional context of how I was doing or feeling. IDK, probably overthinking this and should simply proceed with status
All the posts I've seen feel up to interpretation and I suspect I found myself square in a narcissism of minor differences pit.
would love to hear I'm wrong or misreading something if that's the case.
notes are good enough
The whole status thing is a legacy Twitter Facebook term
They're just shorter notes in practice
yeah, it feels old fashioned 😄
[mattl] re organizing an IWC, let's take that to #indieweb-meta
what do you think about the need I feel to disambiguate from unstructured ramblings of a microblog and unstructured chunks of words that I want to do more with?
just tag them?
be less precious about articles?
meaning, move what I call notes like the above link out of notes
I might be dating myself but I def think of AIM status messages as the OG notes
And really .plan files are just an older version of that
What is .plan
It looks like we don't have a page for ".plan" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say ".plan is ____", a sentence describing the term)
What is plan
It looks like we don't have a page for "plan" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "plan is ____", a sentence describing the term)
.plan is a file on a Unix machine that shows personal notes and status. Users can use the finger command to see the .plan of a remote user.
Neat, .plan is new to me
John Carmack used his .plan during the development of many games
I knew that name was familiar
From DOOM to AGI
tbh it makes sense, DOOM runs everywhere; AGI would want to as well 😆
What is doom
It looks like we don't have a page for "doom" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "doom is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Doom is a video game made on NeXTSTEP by iD Software.
What is NeXTSTEP
It looks like we don't have a page for "NeXTSTEP" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "NeXTSTEP is ____", a sentence describing the term)
What is nextstep
It looks like we don't have a page for "nextstep" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "nextstep is ____", a sentence describing the term)
sp1ff joined the channel
What is nextstep
voxpelli, toastal and gRegor joined the channel
I think we really need to have Loqi fallback to Wikipeda
Creating all these generic definition stubs is not really helping anybody
bloot, Banana, toastal, [pfefferle], geoffo, srazkvt, GuestZero and rozenglass joined the channel; toastal left the channel
I think an answer was staring at me as I awkwardly avoided eye contact. In the PKM parlance, an "atomic note" would be a "stub".
GuestZero, [Jo], srazkvt, athan and ttybitnik joined the channel
"We are unable to make cohost open source. the source code for cohost was the collateral used for the loan from our funder."
mitchelangelo, GuestZero, rozenglass and AramZS joined the channel
oh interesting! thanks! guess there was a loan on top of their investment then
is the founder going to start another site with it? I didn’t use cohost much but was there something it did really well on a technical level that someone might extract and sell?
to2ds joined the channel
My understanding was the "did really well" part was all community. Technically and feature wise I keep reading lots of descriptions of disappointments. There's probably some lessons in there
Like it's great to be remembered and missed and all, but maybe that shouldn't be as high a priority as technical sustainability?
Anyone here actually use cohost and have screenshots?
I have an account and can take some
srazkvt joined the channel
That would be great. One of things we can do is help preserve the UI examples/learnings of prior work, whether OSS or proprietary, to use as references or ideas.
ttybitnik and barnaby joined the channel
It was fun to mess around with in-post CSS, and see other people's 'CSS crimes'
GuestZero and bterry joined the channel
Micro.blog crossposting defaults to just the post title and a link--can I set it to include the whole post, or a preview?
what happens when you omit the title?
[tantek]: Worked like a charm =)
woohoo! microdotblog++
microdotblog has 1 karma over the last year
microblog has 1 karma over the last year
schelcj, andreiciulinaru, rockorager, athan, GuestZero, jimw, athan_, ttybitnik, rvalue, JadedBlueEyes4, aikaeksen, BigShip and gRegor joined the channel; toastal left the channel
Oh right, I think I remember that coming up before. I keep forgetting that because both my accounts are on instances that show the whole post anyway.
athan joined the channel
Yeah, notes on micro.blog under 300 characters have no link. Over that and they're truncated + link. Articles show the title + link.
athan joined the channel