[mattl]2I’ve tried to keep it under 300 and sometimes I see a link. I think the line breaks are handled differently or something like that. Might be 290-ish?
LoqiMicro.blog is a social web site & posting service started by Manton Reece with built-in support for using your own domain and other IndieWeb building-blocks, ActivityPub/Mastodon, and POSSEing to many services such as Tumblr, Medium, Flickr, and Bluesky https://indieweb.org/microdotblog
capjamesg[d]The State of the Browser event is on this weekend, with talks on topics from web components to web MIDI and more. You can get tickets for both in person and online attendance: https://2024.stateofthebrowser.com/
capjamesg[d][edit] The State of the Browser event is on this weekend, with talks on topics from web components to web MIDI and more. You can get tickets for both in person and online attendance: https://2024.stateofthebrowser.com/
sebbu2, GuestZero, IWSlackGateway2, GuestZero_, ttybitnik, athan, AramZS, toastal, athan_, jetpack, barnaby, jmjl, srazkvt, neatnik, gRegor, andreic, SyniToxi and andrei_c joined the channel; toastal left the channel
[tantek]If you contribute posts to Mathober, please feel free to start a /Mathober page with your IndieWeb Examples and we can promote it on the home page etc.
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "handover" yet. Would you like to create it?_ (Or just say "handover is ____", a sentence describing the term)
capjamesg[d]The handover was when HWC Europe ran on long enough for the start of HWC Eastern to begin, allowing for a multi-hour, cross-continent HWC with three separate hosts. It happened on 11 September 2024.
capjamesg[d](We can refine the definition as necessary, but this feels momentous enough to have a wiki page given for how many months we have been talking about this :D)