#indieweb 2024-09-15

2024-09-15 UTC
troojg, jacky and [manton] joined the channel
Hadn't heard of that
jacky, alephalpha0, Xenguy, ren, oblivxi0us, lazcorp and [qubyte] joined the channel
I need to get ahead of these things... What’s on for October?
vroman1 joined the channel
Thanks tantek. I'll reply in #dev about tech stack.
I have just switched between Discord and web chat page after signing-in using indielogin (first time). Really nice thing!
rvalue joined the channel
About that switch from discord to HTTP chat. I entered my nickname as "vroman", but I'm seeing it displayed as "vroman1". Is that related as yesterday, through Discord, I had the ".vroman" handle associated? Is there any way to remove that last "1"?
flowji, dmowitz, [mattl], JadedBlueEyes1, JadedBlueEyes7, Xe and jacky joined the channel
Good question. Might be a constraint on how IRC compares unique usernames?
Might be a timeout issue too. Eventually I think one expires or leaves so you can use the other
On another topic, one of the things I really like about both Swarm and Strava is that I can post as many photos about a "thing" that I want and it doesn't spam people or make friends feel "overwhelmed" the way "simple" reader UIs / clients do
Also being able to go back and add/remove photos from a "thing", activity, checkin etc. I can do the thing at the time, and add photos later whenever I want
There's a good balance of calmness there for both the "publisher" and the "reader"
but does the reader get notified that the article he already read has been updated ?
also, i already see a vroman on IRC (with znc), and most servers don't support multiple clients connecting to the same nick (they might be connected to the same account though, like with grouped nicks)
http chat and console client (or bouncer) will be 2 different nicks
athan joined the channel
That can be the issue, sebbu. Maybe there’s a nick collision with vroman on IRC (probably me on a ZNC session connected to libera). I will try to join from there and see what happens. I'm just exploring the best way to be here through different options (namely HTTP chat, Discord, and IRC).
Also, when joining via HTTP chat, it took several seconds after I appeared there.
[edit] That can be the issue, sebbu. Maybe there’s a nick collision with vroman on IRC (probably me on a ZNC session connected to libera). I will try to join from there and see what happens. I'm just exploring the best way to be here through different options (namely HTTP chat, Discord, and IRC).
Also, when joining via HTTP chat, it took several seconds before/ I appeared there.
friendly reminder .vroman, it seems like this conversation is more appropriate for #indieweb-dev (ZNC)
Connected from IRC
Seems this was the "issue", not being at issue at all, just the handle being already used from somewhere else
well, the issue is that you CAN run multiple discord instance at the same time (desktop client, web client, mobile client, etc...) and appear always with the same nick
can't do that on IRC (well, not on most servers)
(some servers with SASL can do that)
rozenglass and dmowitz joined the channel
never used that kind of SASL magic, seems an interesting read about how it works on IRC
schelcj, rozenglass, ren, barnaby, troojg, jacky, ttybitnik, athan, IWSlackGateway, [qubyte], [aaronpk], [KevinMarks], [tantek], rvalue-, jacky_, [manton] and [snarfed] joined the channel
[tantek] yeah.
I learned about Artsy but it seems to be about buying art.
There are search engines but that’s not really what I am looking for.
I want to be able to search over paintings I have really appreciated.
like letterboxd but for museum exhibits? that should totally be a thing. or a way to "check in" to a viewing of painting or other object of art in a gallery
people often create Swarm venues for museum exhibits, that's the closest I've seen
do paintings have permalinks?
you could presumably post a /like of a painting, and then search over those
I don’t want to check in, but I do want to keep track of specific pieces of art I have liked.
is there a paintingsdb like imdb?
Ideally it wouldn’t involve me having to take my phone out while admiring the art either 😆
capjamesg[d]: can't beat paper
capjamesg[d], while standing in front of the painting, you hold your smart watch up to your mouth and say "You know what? I like this painting". Requires changing your "Siri" or "Google Assistant" prompt to "You know what?", and your smart watch having the information about which painting you are looking at
jacky_ paper is good.
I really need a pocket pencil.
still got a bunch of their little books
jacky joined the channel
capjamesg[d] I use my pocket camera (which has built-in comms) to capture artwork I like
jacky joined the channel
[tantek] I saw someone using an iPod Nano on Friday.
I miss those too
iPod Nano with a built-in camera would be amazing
I was walking down the street and noticed someone sitting, controlling a pink iPod Nano.
misses those too too
[mattl] joined the channel
[tantek]: "do paintings have permalinks?" The people at Wikidata are working on it… https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikiProject_sum_of_all_paintings
troojg joined the channel
This seems like a nice interface to the data if you just want to browse the artworks: http://www.zone47.com/crotos/
rozenglass, xgpt, keehar and troojg joined the channel
dmowitz, I'ld be more interested in normalizing the relations between pages (for example, the templates you see on the right or on the bottom on some pages, with links to similar pages classed by category)
a long time ago I tried to used wikidata query services, and it was impossible to use because of that
jacky and barnaby joined the channel