jackyhttps://localghost.dev/blog/new-garden-theme/ this theme is giving me inspiration for October (I have _so_ many pixel art packs from the brief moment I wanted to try getting into game development) and making a theme is way easier than making a game 👁️🗨️
xgpt, athan, diantaga2, Dryusdan, Xenguy, aikaeksen and jacky joined the channel
sebbudmowitz, i was trying to get the list of the official successive subdivisions of the country (region, department, township, agglomerations, etc...) with their capital / county seat (or main city or whatever the term is for each subdivision level)
sebbuso people looking for your painting from author or museum (where they're displayed) might not find them easily, without looking through the full list
dmowitzHmm idk, http://www.zone47.com/crotos/ seems to find paintings fine by both querying through author and museum… Obviously only as long as they're in the dataset and have the required metadata.
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "magic link" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "magic link is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiA Capability URL (AKA magic link, hard to guess URL, or secret URL) is a URL that provides access to a resource to anyone who has the URL without an explicit login https://indieweb.org/magic_link
[tantek]^ [mattl] hopefully that's what you meant / is meant by "magic link". If there's another meaning then it may be worth distinguishing in the page