#indieweb 2024-09-30

2024-09-30 UTC
[schmarty] and want-to-build joined the channel
hello everyone
I wan to build my own website, a smolblog
for small things
I hope this is a good place to talk about that
[snarfed] joined the channel
want-to-build++ yes it is!
want-to-build has 1 karma over the last year
also I have another question for IRC, how can I use browser based chat and yet receive messages from the times that I was not online? Is there a way?
no, you'll want to join from either Slack or Discord for that: https://indieweb.org/discuss
I see, thanks! I actually enjoy IRC way much more, it is really small and cute :3
troojg, athan, svitax, Dryusdan, [tantek], [qubyte], [KevinMarks] and rvalue joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "The secret power of a blog" https://tracydurnell.com/2024/09/29/the-secret-power-of-a-blog/
rvalue joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] has 33 karma in this channel over the last year (83 in all channels)
[preview] [Joe Crawford] A person with a website is powerful.
[preview] [Joe Crawford] A person with a website is powerful.
[Jo]++ for all the cool website changes!
[Jo] has 10 karma in this channel over the last year (20 in all channels)
GuestZero and Menchers joined the channel
Menchers, barnaby, Xe, onla and GuestZero joined the channel
could you make a discussion forum with webmentions?
It is from eight years ago, but I found it through a blogger who had quoted it.
But you probably won’t get much attention."
"When you’re just an enthusiast, you can write about anything you want. You can publish long interviews with writers that only 20 people have ever heard of, knowing full well that maybe two dozen people will read all the way to the end. You can write serious, long reviews of books from small presses and faraway countries. Your only restriction is the limit of your curiosity.
strategictravele, barnaby, ogray, Menchers and onla joined the channel
This hub page could integrate something like mastodon or other similar platform for technically non-savvy people who would want to participate in the discussion. They could practically post new topics or comment others posts through the hub's interface. Their posts would go to their own (micro)blogging page through the integration handled by the hub aswell as show up as copies at the hub's page
like everyone else's webmentions
ren-, barnaby and ren joined the channel
Thanks capjamesg
ttybitnik, ogray, ren, onla and Menchers joined the channel
onla: https://openmentions.com/ is trying to be a webmention-based forum
spew, GuestZero and GuestZero_ joined the channel
snarfed: Yeah it seems so. Has not gained much popularity, maybe some day. indieweb.xyz seem to do some redirects to unrelated sites
yeah indieweb dot xyz gone, now. was hoping loqi would answer me. https://indieweb.org/Indieweb.xyz
toastal, [morganm]1, yar, [morganm], [marksuth]1, hidjy[d], bret, GuestZero, benji, [marksuth], isutton and gRegor joined the channel; toastal left the channel
Slack is adding "http://"
what is indieweb.xyz
Indieweb.xyz (archived) was a syndication service organized into subs until ~2023-02-26 at least, similar to Reddit, created by Kicks Condor https://indieweb.org/Indieweb.xyz
what is indieforums
IndieForums is an IndieWeb friendly forum that allows users to post content or replies on their own site and cross post to the forum automatically using Webmention notifications both to the forum itself and to the original posts on other authors' websites https://indieweb.org/IndieForums
Homebrew Website Club Edinburgh is starting soon! Join us! https://events.indieweb.org/MurGckGA1W2U
[KevinMarks] and Menchers joined the channel
This micro.blog is being advertised at indieweb.org and indieforums.net. It's a paid service, $5 a month. I thought that when I come to this corner of the internet, I'm not expecting to see this kind of business model
athan joined the channel
there’s also a WordPress plugin and other things which you can host yourself, http://micro.blog is a web host.
what is micro.blog
Micro.blog is a social web site & posting service started by Manton Reece with built-in support for using your own domain and other IndieWeb building-blocks, ActivityPub/Mastodon, and POSSEing to many services such as Tumblr, Medium, Flickr, and Bluesky https://indieweb.org/Micro.blog
what is web hosting
Web hosting can be the primary regular cost in maintaining an IndieWeb site; this page lists several options from free on up depending on your publishing needs, like a static, shared, private, or dedicated server https://indieweb.org/web_hosting
Very indieweb-friendly service
bret joined the channel
and we definitely support paid services! building and running things is almost never free. if you don't pay (or donate), then it's generally either ad supported or not sustainable, neither of which we prefer
bterry and bterry1 joined the channel
Ok yeah true
[preview] [jmacdotorg] plerd: Ultralight Dropbox-friendly Markdown-based blogging.
Do you know some other barebones-like indieweb-friendly tools/platforms like this
I'm not exactly sure how that is indieweb-friendly but it says on the readme
__DuBPiRaTe__ joined the channel
Well, "sending webmentions". What does that mean in simple terms
someone named jmac seems to be hanging out here who could be related to this plerd
benji joined the channel
What is webmentions
Webmention is an open web standard (W3C Recommendation) for conversations and interactions across the web, a powerful building block used for a growing distributed network of peer-to-peer comments, likes, reposts, and other responses across the web https://indieweb.org/webmentions
Yep, that's the same jmac
what is plerd
Plerd is a free and open-source static site generator project developed by Jason McIntosh, optimized for use with single-user blogs https://indieweb.org/Plerd
In the plerd readme it says to consult plerdwatcher and plerdall docs for details but I'm lazy. I'm wondering what it means in case of plerd
What’s your question?
That might be getting into more dev topics, our #indieweb-dev channel is better for that. That said, I'm not sure anyone here other than jmac has run Plerd
they can "send". I saw somewhere else on some other project that they can "receive" webmentions. Can you do only one of the two in some cases or is the wording just different and they all send and receive if they support it
Usually you want both, but yes it is possible to split them up. There are some services that you can use to send them, like Telegraph
what is Telegraph
Telegraph is an open source API and service for sending webmentions, part of the p3k suite https://indieweb.org/Telegraph
I found plerd accidentally when I was checking random tilde blogs. One blog was made with plerd, but that blog didn't have an identifiable webmention support http://tilde.club/~silver/2015-07-18-plerd.html
Do you have a site already or getting started?
who is jmac?
just getting started. I'm interested in static sites and very barebones. The webmention thing is intriguing but I don't really have anything to say and I don't blog really (still I would choose static site and barebones if possible) Probably I could comment on someone else's blog using webmentions though
for a static site and "barebones" approach I think there's more #indieweb-dev specific solutions
[morganm]2, isutton, lazcorp, athan and GuestZero joined the channel
[tantek] Re: visions for the web. One UX thing on my mind is how time-based aggregation can be used to make feeds easier to parse.
My feed reader updates every day at 5am, so I get a "morning paper" of sorts with blogs.
There is no concept of state, so I don't have to worry about clean vs. busy inboxes or a pressure to read everything or that I'm somehow falling behind.
Yeah, good to identify, name, and iterate those pain points (busy inboxes, pressure to read everything, unbolding etc.) to help encourage more UIs that address/avoid them (rather than reproduce them).
I love aaronpk + sknebel's grids. I think there are so many more things like that one could make that emphasise the idea of activity. Maybe if someone clicks on my mascot it gets a hat for everyone, and cycles through several hat styles 😂
bterry, Menchers and isutton joined the channel
I really like the idea of a newspaper layout for a feed reader
I want my blogs delivered to my epaper reader every morning
[aciccarello] joined the channel
That'd be so cool
actualy that was the original inspiration for news.indieweb.org now that I think about it... I had it delivering the weekly newsletters to my kindle
but I want a three column layout with "continued on page A13" all over!
Not to get all #indieweb-dev but is there a way to target an eink browser in page styles?
Looks like there might be
But that's for #indieweb-dev
jgee118692253458, ttybitnik and grufwub joined the channel
_pi_r2_0[d] has done some work in this realm with his website!
isutton joined the channel
did anyone here participate in (write blog posts for) "Small Web September"? https://smallweb.dreamwidth.org/5194.html
capjamesg[d] finally read that Guardian article you shared with the subhead "The books community that my site joined was driven by enthusiasm not clicks, goodwill and not money – and that culture has gone"
I want to incorporate some of the concerns there somewhere on the wiki but not sure how it will be the most helpful
Hadn't heard of that challenge until just now :)
Tomorrow starts Weird Web October if anyone is interested: https://weirdweboctober.website/
what is blogtober
It looks like we don't have a page for "blogtober" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "blogtober is ____", a sentence describing the term)
nm unless someone is participating in it
have also heard Inktober
no recent (this year) blogtober mentions on masto social tags, a few on Twitter
The link rel as a means to "get the word out" is new to me. https://octothorp.es/
troojg joined the channel
I've been meaning to try to better understand what is going on there, but I think #indieweb-dev might be a better place to explore that
ren-, isutton, athan and jeremycherfas joined the channel