#indieweb 2024-10-01

2024-10-01 UTC
AramZS, jeremycherfas, onla, troojg, robertritz, athan, isutton, snoreboar, bterry, GuestZero, [aciccarello], [morganm], toastal, athan_, ben__ and tex joined the channel
Welcome to October! There are many blogging efforts / prompts for this month like Blogtober and Mathober: https://fractalkitty.com/2024/09/10/mathober-2024/ β€” if you contribute to one of these, please add it to: https://indieweb.org/blog_carnival#List_of_Blogging_Carnivals
Countdown set by [tantek] on 2024-09-11 at 8:57pm UTC
oh thats a good reminder actually, to check this months prompt for the indieweb carnival
oh and the movie of the month is the wizard of oz!
Yes indeed!
I will post an announcement on my blog at some point.
I haven't seen the movie yet. I am really excited to watch it this month!
robertritz joined the channel
It's a great movie!
GuestZero, robertritz, jeremych-, isutton and [Murray] joined the channel
Wait, there's an indie movie club now? I dip out for a couple of weeks and have totally lost what's happening πŸ˜…
ah nice was going to check the wiki later πŸ™
isutton, athan and toastal joined the channel
jacky and ttybitnik joined the channel
oh i might give that a go
toastal, Menchers, bterry, user23, GuestZero and to2ds joined the channel; toastal and tex left the channel
Sure are a lot of challenges in October. That weirdweboctober looks interesting.
Coincidentally, the first prompt Nature is closely related to my first Inktober πŸ€”
isutton, jacky, user23, emigre, saptaks and petermolnar joined the channel
A daily website prompt feels overwhelming to me
JohnBeales joined the channel
I think that indicates your expectation of what a website might be more than _this_ prompt intends.
isutton, petermolnar, root and to2ds joined the channel
Could a single post be considered a website?
definitions are fuzzy though, I wouldn't worry about those as much as, what do you want to do with it, do you want other people and services to consume it, how do you want that all to work, etc
oh, re these prompts, sorry, got it
I'm guessing these "challenge police" are pretty lax and mostly just interested in you doing fun stuff, so I vote do whatever you want!
My problem is I want to do too much πŸ˜…
I have one page that corresponds to today's theme but no capabilities change header links individually ATM. Sorry Loqi :)
gRegor joined the channel
well, bikeshed.com, xyproblem.info, perdu.com, etc... are single post website :)
there's lots others
[snarfed] is right. The definitions are fuzzy.
what is Weird Web October
It looks like we don't have a page for "Weird Web October" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Weird Web October is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Weird Web October is https://weirdweboctober.website/ a 31 day [[challenge]] to make a website every day in October, inspired by [[Inktober]], and open to anyone to participate by posting about their new sites with the hashtag #weirdweboctober.
[mattl] I think you used a slight shorter variant of the hashtag intended for Weird Web October
[Joe_Crawford] That website was awesome. Within a minute I was bowing to it in deference 😁
[tantek] oh yeah. i've seen both I think.
GuestZero joined the channel
I think you're the only one using the shorter form: https://mastodon.social/tags/weirdwebtober whereas I count 3 folks using the "official" hashtag: https://mastodon.social/tags/weirdweboctober
Okey-doke. Modified my CMS to add the weirdweboctober head links for a single page for today's theme. Wonder if it'll work?
Not sure but I think registration and domain verification might still be needed if using the head links.
The octothorpes thing is optional
bterry joined the channel
Oh well. I'm registered now :)
If anything, just because octothorpe sounds cool.
[tw2113], jjuran_, athan, ttybitnik and spenc joined the channel
Yeah! Experiment with new technologies and let us know your experience!
to2ds joined the channel
Shall do. Curious to know how it all comes together.
trying to make a basic semantic-html/indie-web-compliant blog boilerplate
would the stuff like, Date, Tags, Author etc. be in an <hgroup> ?
i don't quite get yet what that tag is for
<h2>Moon landing</h2>
<h1>News website</h1>
It’s when you have a heading and a subheading
Or you have a heading and a paragraph synopsis
gotcha cool, so it sounds like hgroup is not the move
here's my format so far (only 48 lines, super basic boilerplate) https://paste.debian.net/1331024/
troojg joined the channel
spenc, you may find more markup help in the #indieweb-dev channel
and welcome! spenc++
spenc has 1 karma over the last year
oh sweet, didnt know about that thank you!
__DuBPiRaTe__ joined the channel