#indieweb 2024-10-02

2024-10-02 UTC
snowolf, spenc, troojg, athan and lifeofpablo joined the channel
Good evening IndieWeb!
spenc joined the channel
toastal joined the channel
Evening and happy October!
blogging prompts for the month of October!
• #Blogtober
• #Inktober
GuestZero and rvalue- joined the channel
[preview] Putting the “Person” in “Personal Website”
"And yet: as much as the Fediverse is different (the governing structures, the incentives, the moderation, the absence of ads and engagement tricks), so much of it is also unsettlingly familiar—the same small boxes, the same few buttons, the same mechanics of following and being followed. The same babbling, tumbling, rushing stream of thoughts. I can’t tell if we’re stuck with this design because it’s familiar, or if it’s familiar be
jjuran_, cedric, sp1ff, GuestZero and [qubyte] joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "v0.7.31 released" https://publ.beesbuzz.biz/blog/569-v0-7-31-released
ogray joined the channel
I have published an announcement for this month's IndieWeb movie club: https://jamesg.blog/2024/10/02/movie-club-oct-2024/
[edit] I have published an announcement for this month's IndieWeb movie club: https://jamesg.blog/2024/10/02/movie-club-oct-2024/
[preview] IndieWeb Movie Club October 2024
[preview] IndieWeb Movie Club October 2024
ogray joined the channel
I made a tiny zine from one of my blog posts using https://github.com/benjaminparry/web-zine
thats nice!!
__DuBPiRaTe__, E_Bomb, dmowitz, ttybitnik and juandragop joined the channel
[preview] Matthew
[preview] Matthew
[KevinMarks], isutton, Guest6, AramZS, user23, Xe, dmowitz, [tantek]1 and tacticalvillager joined the channel
Wepa what's up gente I just joined the server! I'm 30 year old organizer/toddler web developer/dog dad from Puerto Rico. interested in putting on an indiwebcamp type of event for formerly systems involved youth to get them set up with their personal web presence and basic web dev skills/IT understanding. i just finished the nos.social creator residency and accepted a role as a community relay manager to onboard Puerto Ricans to
[edit] Wepa what's up gente I just joined the server! I'm 30 year old organizer/toddler web developer/dog dad from Puerto Rico. interested in putting on an indiwebcamp type of event for formerly systems involved youth to get them set up with their personal web presence and basic web dev skills/IT understanding. i just finished the nos.social creator residency and accepted a role as a community relay manager to onboard Puerto Ric
[Murray] and dmowitz joined the channel
lol @ "30yo toddler"
noi and bterry joined the channel; noi left the channel
isutton and dmowitz joined the channel
Homebrew Website Club Europe/London is starting soon! Join us! https://events.indieweb.org/Pioov9S1Nd63
__DuBPiRaTe__, gRegor, athan, dmowitz1, [schmarty], isutton, jmjl-, gvg, alephalpha0, ttybitnik, troojg, pyzn and bterry joined the channel