#miggymofongohow much money does it take to put on a 2 day indieweb camp?
#[Joe_Crawford]As an ad-hoc event they need not cost money at all.
#[tantek][Joe_Crawford] I don't think that's a good setting of expectations
#[tantek]It's similar to: Linux doesn't cost any money to setup
#[Joe_Crawford]for San Diego (2023) costs associated were zero. There were folks who helped organize, and we held it in the courtyard of a bakery/coffeehouse and communicated our size and such
#[tantek]miggymofongo, if you'd like, other IndieWebCamp organizers typically hangout in the #indieweb-events channel
#[tantek][Joe_Crawford] yes the "folks who helped organize" is carrying a lot of weight there, not dissimilar to the "folks that help setup Linux systems"
#[Joe_Crawford][tantek] quite right. there are costs, but the question was specifically to "how much money?"
#[tantek]no I got that, however it was answered the same way that "how much does Linux cost" which is unhelpful to the actual problem(s) the person asking is trying to solve (in this case, organize an IndieWebCamp)
toastal, tacticalvlgr, GuestZero, __DuBPiRaTe__, Guest6, JadedBlueEyes, jonnybarnes, isutton, bterry, [Murray] and AramZS joined the channel; toastal left the channel
[Jo], ttybitnik, toastal, JadedBlueEyes, bterry, AramZS, athan, GuestZero, jimw and isutton joined the channel
#trwnhon suggestion of tantek i am sharing a "publishing experience" i had recently, where i was putting together a page of mostly context-free self-replies and loose threads of consciousness. i was debating how best to design my uris to communicate the nature of this kind of thing. i initially was going to use /threads or /context-free. someone suggested the concept was similar to commonplace books, which i thought was fair but ultimately i decided not
#trwnhto go with /commonplace because i felt that it was too vague and didn't capture the nature of what this page was going to be. then someone suggested soliloquy, which felt a lot better but after some further reflection i decided there were soliloquies and asides in equal measure. so i settled on calling it /monologues.
#trwnh(it is not live yet; i will maybe share it when it's ready!)
#trwnhmore precisely what was said was "publishing perspective" naming / organizing decision
#trwnhalso perhaps this bit is more for #indieweb-dev but if i serialize this as an h-feed of h-entry, then i think the post kind usually ends up being "article" even though it doesn't really feel like one? most of these have name and summary but some have no content, plus an implied author. maybe some of them end up falling into the "reply" bucket here and there. or maybe the post kind is not important and i shouldn't think too hard about it. oh well!
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "looptober" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "looptober is ____", a sentence describing the term)