#indieweb 2024-10-10

2024-10-10 UTC
[Murray] joined the channel
Homebrew Website Club - Pacific is starting soon! Join us! https://events.indieweb.org/VZJQwWYXD9Ks
Halian and aesthetikx joined the channel
[capjamesg] checking out your site, I like the varying themes on different posts!
Halian|, athan and Halian joined the channel
Heya folks πŸ‘‹πŸ» wandering over here to say hi. Tried joining via IRC, but apparently my IP is banned? Been a web nerd for a good long while. My blog turned 22 this year, neglected though I keep meaning to post more πŸ˜… https://blog.lmorchard.com/
[edit] Heya folks πŸ‘‹πŸ» wandering over here to say hi. Tried joining via IRC, but apparently my IP is banned? Been a web nerd for a good long while. My blog turned 22 this year, neglected though I keep meaning to post more πŸ˜… https://blog.lmorchard.com/
Hi there!
GuestZero, [tantek], [Jo], [Murray], [snarfed]1, IWSlackGateway, IWSlackGateway1, bret, saptaks_znc, toastal, saptaks, Halian| and Halian_ joined the channel; toastal left the channel
Welcome, lmorchard[d]!
Nat_icannotweave_ink_[d]: Thank you!
I like writing about different things.
Artea, nemonical, box464, GuestZero, [KevinMarks], Guest6, [jeremycherfas], greybeard, ttybitnik, toastal, AramZS and Lloyd1 joined the channel
I'm working on adding webmentions to my site and learning indieweb as I go along. I was wondering what the deal with trailing slashes is, and how to handle that?
what are trailing slashes?
It looks like we don't have a page for "trailing slashes" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "trailing slashes is ____", a sentence describing the term)
I lost the URL I found, but, https://webmention.io/api/mentions.jf2?target=https://sia.codes/posts/webmentions-eleventy-in-depth/ notice how that has a trailing slash? Sometimes I've noticed that the trailing slash or not gives different webmention.io feed results
trailing slashes aren't anything special
a URL that ends in a slash is a different URL from the URL without the slash
Of course, but if someone mentions something.com/note/1/ and then someone else mentions something.com/note/1 - that's two different feeds that for all intents is the same url
*same page I guess
those are only considered the same because one redirects to the other
ideally the webmention receiver would recognize that one is a redirect and store the webmention at the canonical URL, but webmention.io doesn't do that because it's not actually part of the website
Ah I found the one I was on about:
Ah I found the one I was on about:
I suppose requesting both versions to be safe would work but would increase the request count
yeah I understand - just seems tricky to work with
i suppose webmention.io *could* fetch the target page and check for a redirect and store it only on the redirected-to URL, which would work as long as the website actually redirects non-trailing-slash to trailing-slash as opposed to serving the page from both URLs
That would be a nice feature yeah
it won't fix it if the canonical URL is the one with the slug and then the author later changes the slug, but it would handle the simple case of the trailing slash
Fair enough
I keep coming across slash vs no slash with different tools and frameworks, even google's handling of sitemaps, and its something I just wanted to ask about in case :D
[schmarty] joined the channel
ok captured the feature request here, no promises on a timeline https://github.com/aaronpk/webmention.io/issues/217
Awesome, thank you for considering it
aaronpk has 7 karma in this channel over the last year (124 in all channels)
in unrelated news, anyone have a suggestion for a new name for webmention.io? :D if I need to move off of .io, I might as well give it a better name
rvalue and GuestZero_ joined the channel
aaronpk[d] are you done with ccTLDs or is that still an option? πŸ˜„
i should probably stay away from ccTLDs in the future
I agree
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
Extend of `.net` or `.dev` come immediately to my mind. Maybe `.coop`?
Err… extension must be what I meant. Coffee deficit.
i'm not too worried about the TLD, gotta pick a name first
[tantek] and spew joined the channel
Something like incoming.link?
lmorchard++ welcome!
lmorchard has 1 karma over the last year
i think i want to go for something less literal
something more web searchable tbh
time for a new-name brainstorming section on https://indieweb.org/webmention.io ?
this is a bit meta or dev like tho
how do you brainstorm something publicly like that without enabling (encouraging?) squatting?
mald0r0r joined the channel
personally? i would not worry about it πŸ˜‚
same lol
rvalue- and gRegor joined the channel
Front End Study Hall #012 is starting soon! Join us! https://events.indieweb.org/BnmYHaqAF11F
^ yes indeed. Pull up a chair. I'll be talking about MySpace and how I think it relates to CSS.
Join us! ^^
[mattl], [snarfed], sebbu and GuestZero joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] has 34 karma in this channel over the last year (87 in all channels)
I learned so much!
bterry1 joined the channel
any reason something like http://webmention.io couldn't just be http://webmention.indieweb.org ?
lazcorp joined the channel
Am I the only person who didn't know that pressing Shift + Esc while in Firefox or Chrome brings up a process manager telling you the memory/CPU usage of each tab (plus extensions)?
I knew it was there, didn't know the keyboard shortcut for it
[mattl] bc wm io is a 100% aaronpk thing
And there are others like the heroku one
Better to have many such services than one that is implicitly favored by being at a community domain
Didn't know that keyboard shortcut, cool
wobbol joined the channel
yeah *.indieweb.org is for community infrastructure, webmention.io is not that, same with my other things like aperture.p3k.io (speaking of other domains I might need to move)
Shared in #indieweb-dev already, but...a beginner-friendly guide to HTML: https://htmlforpeople.com/
What made WordPress successful?
it ran on super-cheap hosting easily.
i forget what the time-frame they used, but basically the promise was a five-minute install or something like that.
WordPress was much easier to install than Movable Type plus Movable Type screwed up their licensing.
plus it was "more hackable" (insert programming language fight), so more people hacked on it
PHP is also an easier language for people to get into and run on cheap shared hosting than Perl/etc were.
and ... inserted. thanks jimw πŸ˜‚
[mattl] What happened with Movable Type's licensing?
I just realised I had never asked why WP was so successful among all of the website builders.
Part of it was just the vagaries of timing and some herd-following. I can imagine alternate timelines where Textpattern or Serendipity or something else ended up being the top PHP-based blog/CMS tool.
capjamesg[d], I believe Wikipedia has a pretty big write-up on what happened with Movable Type's licensing missteps
unfortunately web.archive.org looks like it offline now and the link is dead otherwise, but http://varchars.com/archives/2004/05/76.html was a piece about PHP-based blogging systems that was written about the time of MT 3.0's release, which is when the licensing discussion blew up.
jimw: it seems like this conversation is more appropriate for #indieweb-dev (PHP)
capjamesg[d], 3rd paragraph and onward has a decent summary: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Movable_Type#History
bterry1 joined the channel
It's a shame, Movable Type once installed was a nice GUI SSG that we had twenty years ago.
Installing it was a bit annoying, but looks like they haven't really been able to do much to overcome that in the last 20 years. It's Perl so permissions are a bit more precise than WordPress, and the rest is history.
athan, Halian and [morganm] joined the channel
Hello indieweb -- bereft of inspiration lately
mood ._.
For real. Im sure I'll have some inspiration in the future but not atm
don't stress! breaks are ok, life happens
cambridgeport90 joined the channel
what is life happens
life happens is a summary expression of numerous things that people experience in their actual physical lives that suddenly take higher priority than nearly anything else (like participation in volunteer-based communities), and the IndieWeb community is here to acknowledge, accept, and be supportive of community members experiencing this https://indieweb.org/life_happens
what is inspiration
It looks like we don't have a page for "inspiration" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "inspiration is ____", a sentence describing the term)
morganm, you're not alone apparently, the wiki is also bereft of /inspiration πŸ˜‚
When I'm home I'll add something
Coffee may be involved
Inspiration has 1 karma over the last year