#indieweb 2024-10-12

2024-10-12 UTC
I think Twitter was/i the former, not the latter?
no matter
sounds a bit more user-friendly (less jargony) than "fediverse instance" or "fediverse server"
[snarfed] now I'm trying to think of how I would copywrite such an "automated DM"
I think this sort of thing requires careful design to avoid pissing people off who have a bias against being contacted by robots ๐Ÿ˜‚
"Hi! Just so you know, my fediverse provider had a bad bug that accidentally removed all of my followers, including you. Feel free to follow me again if you're still interested. Sorry for the inconvenience!"
At least as far as Twitter is concerned, the most random DMs I get are people asking if they can turn my artwork into NFTs which are probably bulk messages (answer is no) and Let's Tag Everyone In This Same Message to sell crypto spam.
[snarfed] yes I can post something like that publicly
for the DM, I think it may be better to not pretend to be me and be transparent about it coming from the service?
I mean, if you write it yourself, is there a difference?
[philosophy ๐Ÿฟ]
BridgyFed, please take a memo for me
kinda literally
is remembering back to my typewriter / business letter classes where there was a particular way of signing a business letter with the initials of the secretary that prepared it
oh yes, like Tร‡:bf or Tร‡/bf was the syntax back then
[snarfed] what happens if they DM a reply?
I'm worried that pretending it's me will make people think they can use DMs with a BF user reliably with "normal" DM expectations, when that's not the case (it's not an implemented or planned to be feature)
hence something more like
"BridgyFed (fediverse provider for @tantek.com) notice: due to bad bug in our code, we accidentally deleted @tantek.com's "ActivityPub actor" (since restored) which had the unfortunate side-effect notifying every follower whose instances then unfollowed @tantek.com. If you still want to follow @tantek.com, please opt-in to doing so. Nothing is being done automatically. Apologies for the inconvenience! @tantek.com@tantek.com (sent by
sorry, fix grammar etc. feel free to simplify
"BridgyFed (fediverse provider for @tantek.com) notice: due to a bug in our code, we accidentally deleted @tantek.com's "ActivityPub actor" (since restored) which had the unfortunate side-effect notifying every follower whose instances then unfollowed @tantek.com. If you still want to follow @tantek.com, please refollow at your discretion. Nothing is being done automatically. Apologies for the inconvenience! @tantek.com@tantek.com (sent by
hey [tantek], we try to keep jargon (ActivityPub) out of this channel to make it more inviting to newcomers, can you move this to #indieweb-dev?
sorry Loqi ๐Ÿ˜ข
I wouldn't worry about any DM feature confusion. I'd guess most of your followers have never heard of BF, and don't know that you're using it, which is why my draft kept it simple and didn't mention it
given that I wonder if this would just add more confusion
but if you're trying to explain that you didn't manually type the message to each follower manually, separately, then I guess I get it
(and to be clear, I can send whatever you want ๐Ÿ˜)
yeah that's more it
because I suspect some may use it as a hey! haven't chatted in a while... and then go right into txt-message style comms
whereas if they see it as an admin notice, they're unlikely to reply
maybe it should say whether replies to the DM are expected / ok or not ?
ah, sure. yeah a "[notice: sent via Bridgy Fed, this account doesn't yet support receiving DMs]" footer might do it
I mean, no Bridgy Fed account supports that right?
only a couple commands, not DMs to the human user themselves
[This message sent by Bridgy Fed on behalf of @tantek.com. Bridgy Fed accounts do not yet support receiving DMs]
this could be useful to brainstorm/document anyway as a microcopy pattern, potentially for other such fedi/bridging services
for sending admin related notes
let me iterate / simplify in BBEdit a bit
also curious if the bridge emoji would be a useful indicator
ok maybe this iteration is #indieweb-dev -like enough to go there
[snarfed] more on the user side of things, it appears I'm getting zero reactions (likes reposts) again on Bridgy Fed? I mean maybe that's true but for four posts in a row now it's highly statistically unlikely (though perhaps more likely with fewer followers since they nearly all got dropped)
pixelglade and aldur joined the channel
yeah, fewer followers is the likely cause there
Ok let's go with that until proven otherwise
cambridgeport90, mdemo2, rvalue, Pixi, Maxpm and toastal joined the channel
toastal, nemonical, cambridgeport90, dmowitz and box464 joined the channel; toastal left the channel
[KevinMarks] it's been shared a few times :)
[qubyte] joined the channel
I also shared this on mastodon and I donโ€™t think Iโ€™ve ever had such a strong positive response. Clearly it strikes a chord.
cambridgeport90, box464, klymilark, ren, rvalue-, sebbu and dmowitz joined the channel
[mattl] [Joe_Crawford] and I chatted a bit over virtual coffee about why isn't there a nonprofit that preserves domains with static content
This seems related, via [aaronpk] in another Slack. Sharing here because of the focus on usecases rather than tech: https://openid.net/cg/death-and-the-digital-estate/
Their first meeting is Nov 15 and I encourage anyone interested in online and digital /longevity to participate!
Halian joined the channel
[tantek] that looks really interesting. Exactly the kind of thing that could address what I was carping about.
worth adding to events.indieweb.org?
If anyone is thinking of going!
i will be there
Definitely add it!
Can someone ask OpenID Foundation to give me some of their money too?
What is their funding source and why do people give them money?
troojg, dmowitz, dmowitz1, [asuh], [tw2113], dpk, [qubyte], [morganm], user23, rrix, geoffo, cambridgeport90, JadedBlueEyes and athan joined the channel; toastal left the channel