#indieweb 2024-12-07
2024-12-07 UTC
barnaby, cambridgeport90, cdravcte2, gRegor, glacier, aldur42 and CRISPR joined the channel
Moult anybody here nethack players?
glacier I played a little bit of it, but have more experience playing roguelikes with tilesets like Stone Soup
Moult glacier: i played dcss without tiles and quite enjoyed it, but it's a very different feel to NH
Moult it's more like a fighting game
glacier I never got far enough in nethack to do a fair comparison, I kept getting stuck on level 3 because of not being able to find the staircase down and dumb things like that
glacier I have a hard time remembering all the text commands and don't really enjoy inspecting a manual for the random times I feel like playing
Moult i always found it surprising abou tthe "can't find the staircase down" thing. i never had that issue
Moult but yes nh is really a game you need a wiki open next to you sometimes
glacier I thought playing Stone Soup would prepare me for not missing staircases but I think I was spoiled by auto search and the tiles. It is usually easier to tell if you've fully explored an area with tiles than in nethack where the corridors don't really give you an indication of openings
glacier it's probably something like that, I walked past an opening in a passage with a rock in it blocking a path and I couldn't figure the right way around it
glacier I did enjoy some of the nethack deaths I experienced though since they were a novelty compared to SS like drinking water off the ground and its poisoned (lol) or getting killed by a bunch of mimics in a shop
Moult [snarfed]: i get the impression everything is off-topic in this channel
glacier oops sorry
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "on topic for the indieweb channel" yet. Would you like to create it?_3 (Or just say "on topic for the indieweb channel is ____", a sentence describing the term)

[tantek] on topic for the indieweb channel is /discuss#indieweb

Loqi 💬 Join #indieweb discussions via Discord, Slack, web chat, or IRC, (they are all bridged!) with focused channels for developers, WordPress, and meta topics! https://indieweb.org/on_topic_for_the_indieweb_channel

barnaby joined the channel
immibis Moult: complaints about the topic policy are off-topic. please use #indieweb-meta
rvalue and cyanteeth joined the channel
Moult immibis: hahahahaha
cyanteeth, strategictravele, ttybitnik, Guest6, earlps, nemonical and Guest1 joined the channel
Guest1 @snarfed seems like misuse https://fed.brid.gy/web/tokyomotion.net
cyanteeth joined the channel
petermolnar Moult: you're not alone with that impression. Fragmenting the channels have been a pain point for me for a long time now.

petermolnar immibis++ for the impeccable sarcasm

aelaraji4, MyNetAz and cdravcte2 joined the channel
arekenaten capjamesg[d] just wanted to say I've been really enjoying your advent of patterns series!
capjamesg[d] cosenc[d] Thank you so much!!!

[aciccarello] and Guest6 joined the channel
cyanteeth joined the channel
Xe, shoesNsocks, [manton], timdream and gRegor joined the channel
petermolnar a channel barely having conversations is never welcoming. it's also hiding the real depth of the community. An off topic channel, sure, the stream is get, but the rest, i disagreed from the start.

petermolnar * i get

gRegor, __DuBPiRaTe__ and sebbu2 joined the channel
gRegor Good morning, indieweb. IndieWebCamp San Diego is getting started https://events.indieweb.org/2024/12/indiewebcamp-san-diego-2024-7C9aq9A4Zv9m

gRegor We'll be taking some notes in #indieweb-events and in the etherpad linked there, and on /2024/SD/Schedule

cyanteeth and eitilt joined the channel
gRegor Interesting ephemeral post social media idea: https://nnnnnnnn.co/izzzzi.html

peterkaminski joined the channel
Halian Hey
CRISPR joined the channel
[Al_Abut] joined the channel
Halian I haven't yet set up a personal site ;w;
Halian ;_;*
rrix joined the channel
Halian Problem is I'm not very interesting, so it'd likely just be a link to my main conworld, the Safìr Alliance, as well as a “coming soon™” spot to link to my other world, the Hoennverse
rrix joined the channel
cyanteeth and [morganm] joined the channel
[morganm] Organizing any kind of online community is hard and this org is trying to combine being welcoming to completely new people to having their own websites with also experienced technical discussion about web stuff. It's hard to pull off and is a constant labor and should be optimized. Normal to get a little burned out just something to nurture
Kolev I finally figured out how to log into the wiki. Now I need to figure out how to post notes to website, Bluesky, and Mastodon.
gRegor and JadedBlueEyes joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] Kolev++ yes 💯
[tantek] [morganm] that's a good summary explanation of why we have #indieweb (welcoming to completely new people to having their own websites) and #indieweb-dev (experienced technical discussion about web stuff). It is literally too "hard to pull off" and requires much more "constant labor" to mix it all up and stay welcoming and not getting even "a little burned out". I may cite that dichotomy when I write another post on this. can chat more about

[capjamesg] joined the channel
[capjamesg] [Paul_Robert_Ll] I appreciated reading https://paulrobertlloyd.com/2019/036/a1/look_around_you/

[capjamesg] I would argue this applies to software development too.