#indieweb 2024-12-08
2024-12-08 UTC
hatkirby, eitilt and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[tantek] capjamesg[d], to put it on topic on the record since it was a gift for the calendar, I have updated my post about Why, What, How to Post based on your feedback to hopefully better express the scope/intent and more scoped CTA: https://tantek.com/2024/337/t1/why-what-how-to-post

eitilt, MyNetAz, ren, gRegor and parnikkapore_x joined the channel
[morganm] https://htmlforpeople.com/ <---- Ive been really settling on this course as the best total introduction to HTML and website making, lately
[morganm] If someone asks how to get started I link them that
eitilt and MyNetAz joined the channel
Moult [morganm]: you've got broken links on the main page
Moult [morganm]: e.g you link to https://htmlforpeople.com/intro without a trailing slash which you haven't handled correctly
Moult [morganm]: e.g. try `curl https://htmlforpeople.com/intro` notice how you get nothing back, compared to `curl https://htmlforpeople.com/intro/`
[morganm] I dont see that issue when I click the links? Its not my website
[morganm] Its just a good course Ive found, but they will likely be very responsive to any feedback
Moult [morganm]: yeah most browsers will canonicalise the url so you won't notice the error
[morganm] What browser did you use when you found the issue?
Moult [morganm]: it'll break on some text browsers though. yeah sorry probably should report the error to them
Moult [morganm]: elinks
[morganm] Im curious, is a text based browser important to you for some particular reasons? Is accessibility and progressive enhancement not good enough on mainstream browsers? I just looked up elinks and its very interesting
Moult [morganm]: i don't use many "web apps". and when i'm looking for content on the web, it's almost always text. minor exceptions are the occasional image search, video, or map
Moult [morganm]: https://thinkmoult.com/using-elinks-browse-web.html
[morganm] Is there a preferred web based test that checks for compatibility with text based browsers? Something like https://Yellowlab.tools or a simple Enter a URL and check the compatibility ?
Moult [morganm]: not that i'm aware of. if someone builds a website that doesn't work on a text browser, they probably don't know how HTML works
[morganm] Just thinking about my own website, and another website I operate
Moult that, or don't care.
Moult [morganm]: originally when building websites the first thing you'd do is build the most critical content and test it without any css or javascript and see if it semantically captures everything
Moult [morganm]: and you'd also build it so that functionality would work without javascript - javascript was there to enhance the interaction, not be the sole way that you could view the site
[schmarty], eitilt, eitilt1, Guest7387, barnaby, paotsaq, Guest6, nemonical, barnabywalters and gvg joined the channel
immibis please keep discussion about how to keep the channel more inclusive and inviting in #indieweb-meta
cyanteeth joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] Moult you said “originally when building websites the first thing you'd do is build the most critical content and test it without any css or javascript and see if it semantically captures everything”—I’d like to add some nuance to that. I don’t think that’s always been true.
[Joe_Crawford] JavaScript and CSS came several years into the webs existence. But the idea you describe, “progressive enhancement” which is still a terrific lens to create web sites and web applications, came after “graceful degradation.”
[Joe_Crawford] Graceful degradation was about creating the best that one could and then testing that it could also be usable for people with different browsers, different technical capabilities, different bandwidth. I think progressive enhancement is the better lens to use to look at making websites but neither are universal ideas. Sometimes you just want to make a page for your own needs.
[Joe_Crawford] It’s when we think about wanting a wider audience for a page we have to consider what we’re imposing on those folks.
[Joe_Crawford] I have to say, during that era of graceful degradation, it was the rarer developer who considered those without JS, CSS, Java applets, Flash, RealMedia, cable modems. Our era now is far better.
ren and chrisaldrich joined the channel
chrisaldrich Good morning campers! 🏕

cyanteeth, bterry, peterkaminski, barnaby, angelo, geoffo, gRegor-mobile and LJoestar joined the channel
LJoestar Hello there! I'm new here. I following a few years the indieweb project and I would like to participate on it with my own site and other related sites. I'm triying to understand the current status so, I was triying to find a "index" or search engine to find sites connected to the project, but, I didn't find anything. This alreaday exists?
jonnybarnes joined the channel
[snarfed] welcome LJoestar! try https://indieweb.org/chat-names and https://indieweb.org/directory ?
LJoestar Thanks! I'll see it, thanks a lot
eitilt, sebbu2, gRegor and rvalue- joined the channel
Loqi A list is a feature on personal sites, often a page (not a post), for collections of things that may not need separate posts, and distinct from a listicle https://indieweb.org/lists

eitilt1 joined the channel
petermolnar is anyone using https://what3words.com/ to link to a location?

[ilovecomputers] joined the channel
[ilovecomputers] How do you logout of the wiki?

[ilovecomputers] Okay, figured it out, go to home page of the wiki, scroll down to "Login," and change your domain on http://indielogin.com

chrisaldrich joined the channel
chrisaldrich What is typecasting?

Loqi Typecast is a method for syndicating/broadcasting content to the internet by posting to one's personal website by typing up a post using a typewriter https://indieweb.org/typecasting

user23 joined the channel
Kolev Makes sense.
bret and jetpack joined the channel
Moult [Joe_Crawford]: i'm not talking about graceful degradation
Moult [Joe_Crawford]: or progressive enhancement, or mobile first, or any of that
Moult [Joe_Crawford]: i'm talking about even before that - HTML was meant to be semantic. what you're describing came later when people realised they forgot how to build sites and tried to do better... and alas it never worked out and now we've got the current state of the internet
cyanteeth joined the channel
[morganm] Very interesting perspective. Id be interested in some test suites that showed compatibility with text only browsers. I don't think elinks works with Macos easily so I couldn't install it with homebrew.
[morganm] Hello, all btw, I am working on my little websites today including my personal website
Kolev link?
[morganm] <Https://morganwebdev.org|Https://morganwebdev.org> . Working on a blog post in the background
Kolev [morganm], thanks. Looks nice.
Moult [morganm]: give it a try, and when you do manage to install it, write a post :)
barnaby joined the channel
aelaraji, gRegor and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
Loqi [indienews] New post: https://gregorlove.com/2024/12/for-indiewebcamp-san-diego/

troojg joined the channel