LoqiURL design is the practice of deliberately designing URLs, in particular, permalinks, typically for a better UX for everyone who creates, reads, and shares content https://indieweb.org/URL_design
[Joe_Crawford]On my iPad: just upgraded to 18.2 of iPadOS. Logged out of IndieWeb Slack on iPad. Logged back into indieWeb Slack. Also see `incoming-webhook` as the identifying username for anyone not natively using Slack.
Loqistickers are adhesive labels usually with graphics to show an affiliation (like the IndieWeb sticker), a technology (like microformats), or accomplishment, often placed on the backs of laptop screens, and a form of swag https://indieweb.org/stickers
btrem@Kolev I've struggled with that, too. I ending up going with yyyy/mm-slug for articles, posts, etc., and /feed/ for my list of such articles. Not sure how happy I am with it, but I think it's better than having an extra `posts/` in all my urls.
[tantek]2or rather I'm starting with flat names at the root (works for Wikipedia!) for topic-based pages until there's a real world need to do otherwise
LoqiA list is a feature on personal sites, often a page (not a post), for collections of things that may not need separate posts, and distinct from a listicle https://indieweb.org/lists
btremMy SSG avoids putting the document format in urls by writing each post to its own subdirectory as index.html. But I didn't like the trailing slash. It took a fair bit of wrestling to get what I wanted, yyyy-mm-fileslug (with /no/ .html at the end!).
gRegorI can kind of see both angles to it. My /lists page is intended as an index of my lists, not really the format or type, so maybe that's the difference. It's a "list of lists".
gRegorAlso on my site those are all "just" pages basically, so it's not like it's pulling together specific posts or something, which is usually what a site is doing if there's a "/posts" prefix
btremI've been opposed to .html or .php or whatever in my urls for a long time. .php is particularly bad imho because (a) users don't care what tech you use to build your site; and (b) you might change that tech.
Loqifriendly reminder btrem, we try to keep jargon (SSG, PHP) out of this channel to make it more inviting to newcomers, can you move this to #indieweb-dev?
btrem...whereas with .html in a web site address (that term ok with you, Loqi? :-D), at least that tells the visitor what format the page is in. I still don't do it, but one could make the case that it's relevant to a visitor.
aaronpkfor example if I post a note and it's kind of long, I might later add a title and then it becomes an article! i don't want to move the post to a new URL just because of that