[tantek]The OSM mess of a coffee venue taxonomy gave me an idea though. first document the various amenities of coffee-serving venues and see if clusters emerge
funkylarmaMorning all, introduction post incoming. I'm a late 40's white male from the UK who works as a WordPress developer in a marketing agency by day. Father of two children who are becoming internet curious and has inspired me to try and make some good of the content we consume, which in a round about way led me here.
funkylarmaYes, in a fashion. I started a WordPress site many many years ago. More recently I have managed to find most of the content and currently putting it back out as static site with 11ty
[lazcorp]I wanted to make the instructions on how to get a Feed Reader and import the starter pack as simple and friendly as possible, to prevent people being put off by too much jargon
[lazcorp]I think it would be great to have a website with similar simple instructions for getting a Feed Reader, and then a selection of Starter Packs covering different subjects to help people get set up with a feed reader and be immediately following blogs/sites that relate to their interests
[lazcorp](I was writing all the above in a way that would not have Loqi pop up and tell me to move it to #indieweb-dev - that's the jargon-free nature of the instructions we need)
KupietzAnnnnnnyways... the reason I came to chat... Hey all... every time I go to monocle.p3k.io to add a new site to the reader, I can't find the link to add a new site to a channel. Anyone know how I do that?