#indieweb 2024-12-10
2024-12-10 UTC
troojg, cambridgeport90 and aldur42 joined the channel
Kolev capjamesg[d]++
Moult what's Aurora?
Kolev Moult, Aurora is used to generate <https://jamesg.blog/>.
Moult Kolev: aha https://github.com/capjamesg/aurora
Kolev Yep!
bterry, aldur427, rvalue, eitilt, klymilark and shoesNsocks joined the channel
Moult [tantek]: does a ttyrec player count?
Loqi 🎁 Welcome to the IndieWeb Gift Calendar! The 2024 IndieWeb Gift Calendar is the 8th annual group effort to gift (ship) one or more IndieWeb-related thing(s) each day of December that others can use to improve their IndieWeb experience https://indieweb.org/gift_calendar

Moult if people like playing back ttyrecs, yes >:)
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "ttyrec" yet. Would you like to create it?_B (Or just say "ttyrec is ____", a sentence describing the term)

Moult it's a recording of stuff done in a terminal
Moult [tantek]: so if you want to show someone how to do something in a terminal, you can record it and send them a ttyrec, they can then play it back. it's the raw terminal output so it can be heavily compressed and is much lighter than a video. players can also play it back write-by-write (i.e. frame by frame)
Kolev Moult, you mean Asciinema?
Moult Kolev: it's a predecessor to asciinema
Kolev Moult, ah.
Moult Kolev: i believe asciinema is a bit heavier but also has a few more features.
Moult https://docs.asciinema.org/manual/asciicast/v2/#asciicast-v2 that's the asciicast format, basically it uses json for data, and includes headers like environment, terminal size, etc. but given it's json, it's pretty heavy
Moult in contrast ttyrec is just a 12 bytes of header including a timestamp and chunk length, then the raw chunk.
Moult but ttyrec doesn't have data like terminal size, encoding, etc
Moult [tantek]: i don't, i just wrote a ttyrec player yesterday for the nethack community
Moult [tantek]: would be pretty straightforward to write a few words and a screenshot and publish the code
Moult [mattl]: it's utf-8 encoded json
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
Moult [tantek]: alternatively there's a post about gemini which i did about a week back
gRegorLove__ joined the channel
Moult https://thinkmoult.com/exploring-gemini.html if anybody is interested
[morganm] joined the channel
parnikkapore_x, cedric, MyNetAz, [Murray] and Salt joined the channel
capjamesg[d] [tantek] That's a good question!

capjamesg[d] I have had a name collision or two in my URLs.

capjamesg[d] Uusally, if a category already exists I will name a static page something different.

capjamesg[d] That's why my search page is on /search-pages/. /search/ is my category page of search pages.

capjamesg[d] I should probably have a system that tells me if a slug is already assigned.

Moult ttyrec player app: gemini://thinkmoult.com/pyttyplay-nethack-player.gmi
barnaby, bloot, nemonical, MyNetAz, aelaraji8 and GuestZero joined the channel
Loqi recommendations are a list or other collection of things, places, and/or experiences that are recommended by someone or a group, on personal websites and on a few silos https://indieweb.org/recommendations

eitilt, [benatwork] and klymilark joined the channel
nemonical I posted my first post today! https://nemonical.art/2024/12/10/my-first-post/
nemonical I didn't just say that I posted my first post, I did actually make something, I promise
gRegor and bret joined the channel
gRegor I added some emojis to my food and drink recommendations, fixed a missing link: https://gregorlove.com/lists/food-and-drink/

sebbu2 joined the channel
rvalue- joined the channel
Kolev gRegor, plant-based?
Kolev I'm plant-based! 😀
gRegor Kolev, ah, well if you're ever in Chicago, Palm Springs, or Glendale, CO, I have a recommendation on https://gregorlove.com/lists/food-and-drink/ :)

Kolev gRegor, nice! Thank you.
Kolev Wow, how many veg folk do we have here?
[tantek] Kolev, quite a few, also we have a strong encouragement to cater IndieWebCamp events vegetarian by default. It's a bit buried but here: https://indieweb.org/IndieWebCamp_Organizing#Confirm_Catering

Kolev Very nice!
[aciccarello] Threads takes an important baby step toward true fediverse integration - The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2024/12/4/24313229/threads-follow-fediverse-mastodon-users-post-notifications
[aciccarello] Has anyone tried following a bridge fed account on threads?
[aciccarello] Oh, I'll check the archives then
[tantek] here's a pointer for a bunch of the debugging / trial & error: https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2024-12-05#t1733436605319800

[aciccarello] As far as coffee shop vs cafe, I use them interchangeably. But if I were to define a difference I'd say one is defined by selling coffee which may or may not have seating, the other is about a place to enjoy coffee or pastries, which doesn't sound very different. 😂
jonnybarnes and zayd joined the channel
Zegnat Wikipedia compares coffee shop to a diner in the US. And of course also points out the completely different connotation in the Netherlands (which leads to me almost never using the term) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coffee_shop

capjamesg[d] I love diners.

[aciccarello] I love the style of the old diners on the east coast
[aciccarello] I remember listening to the juke boxes in this one https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O%27Rourke%27s_Diner
[aciccarello] Sorry, getting off topic
[aciccarello] Regarding POSSE reviews, I did that for a couple of my experimental review posts: https://www.ciccarello.me/posts/2024/04/19/pier-view-coffee/
Kolev [tantek], I associate a diner as having more food than a coffee shop.
[aciccarello] Same, I associate diners more with breakfast foods like eggs
[aciccarello] Coffee shops in my mind usually have 50% more of the menu being beverages
Kolev Also, I love savory breakfast foods so much. I had tofu scramble and hash browns for dinner last night.
[tantek] Well great, Wikipedia starts the /coffeehouse page with "A coffeehouse, coffee shop, or café" 🫠

klymilark joined the channel
[mattl] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veggie_Galaxy is a favorite of many a W3C meeting from the era where they were at MIT. I used to live behind this place and put on 40lbs.

Zegnat Mmm, there is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konditorei for a place that sells pastries / baked goods and often has the option to get simple drinks like coffee. But that maybe does not fit [tantek]’s description as they would not get the goods from somewhere else (most of the time)

capjamesg[d] I have been in the Demel Konditorei in Austria!

capjamesg[d] I thought that meta image looked familiar.

capjamesg[d] I had a good cake there.

capjamesg[d] Let's move to the cafe for this.

capjamesg[d] [snarfed]++

capjamesg[d] I love that we have a channel with the name cafe in it and there's spillover into the main channel 😂

gRegor I guess, the topic is category names for /recommendations or /review

cambridgeport90 joined the channel
Zegnat OSM splits amenity and cuisine into separate taxonomies. So they might use two tags: amenity=cafe + cuisine=coffee_shop (cf. https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Coffee)

[lazcorp] joined the channel
[lazcorp] The British Tearoom/Teahouse is "a small room or restaurant where beverages and light meals are served, often having a sedate or subdued atmosphere" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teahouse]

capjamesg[d] I love tea rooms.

Kolev capjamesg[d], I went to a tea room a few days ago. White tea. So good.
MyNetAz joined the channel
Kolev [lazcorp], minimally processed tea leaves.
capjamesg[d] Oh, I haven't had white tea.

capjamesg[d] I love tea.

capjamesg[d] Especially the really floral ones.

Kolev capjamesg[d], tangerine blossom red (black) tea is great.
capjamesg[d] Kolev let's chat in #indieweb-chat.

capjamesg[d] Oops.

capjamesg[d] I mean indieweb-cafe.

Kolev I'll probably get my own domain by January.