#dev 2024-12-05
2024-12-05 UTC
eitilt joined the channel
Kolev [snarfed], are you happy with WordPress?
[Joe_Crawford] Every content management tool makes one happy in the first week. After that, _"it's complicated."_
[Joe_Crawford] Drupal never made me happy. But I only used it when I was getting paid to.
[Joe_Crawford] But I went to a Drupal Camp a jillion years ago and I got to enjoy aspects of it for a time.
[Joe_Crawford] No it is. 💯 . It's a CMS to make a CMS.
Kolev FSF uses Drupal. Don't know anyone else that does.
[Joe_Crawford] But that kind of makes it a CMS.
Kolev [mattl], oh? Hm.
[mattl] Yeah, http://fsf.org runs Plone.

bterry joined the channel
superkuh Drupal was what turned me to static websites.
[Joe_Crawford] Drupal org website says 1 in 8 sites run Drupal. Does Netcraft track? Always depends on methodology to count "the whole web" but I've encountered enough Drupal in workplaces to see it's a real number.
Kolev I see loads of WordPress sites.
[Joe_Crawford] On the ever-changing web 43 and 100 or one and eight are likely to be in flux continually.
[KevinMarks] bluesky supports linked text but gets grumpy about it sometimes

[KevinMarks] because links are scary

troojg joined the channel
Loqi outbound link wrapper is a domain and service used by a site (like a social media silo) to create links from that site to other sites, using that domain for such links instead of the URL to the actual link to another site https://indieweb.org/outbound_link_wrapper

[KevinMarks] outbound link wrapper << Bluesky has one for links that have link text that isn't the exact URL (except for bsky handles) example post https://bsky.app/profile/gregorlove.com/post/3lc7cfvfnoo2s

Loqi ok, I added "Bluesky has one for links that have link text that isn't the exact URL (except for bsky handles) example post https://bsky.app/profile/gregorlove.com/post/3lc7cfvfnoo2s" to the "See Also" section of /outbound_link_wrapper https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=98815&oldid=96646

[KevinMarks] OK, that's weird, it expands the links in the preview

barnaby and jeremych- joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] So, funny story. IFTTT suddenly broke for me.
[Joe_Crawford] "Change to professional account? You need a professional Instagram account to connect Instagram to IFTTT-IG. A professional account gives you access to free tools that help you grow your business or followers."
Kolev I'm glad I only have Mastodon.
[mattl] Well, http://Libre.fm is fairly cool, I'd say

[Joe_Crawford] [mattl]++ yes it is!
[Joe_Crawford] I've used the same setup with IFTTT for 10 years. First one is this one. https://artlung.com/blog/2013/11/06/messing-about-with-ifttt/
[Joe_Crawford] No, 11 years.
Kolev What is IFTTT?
Loqi IFTTT (IF This Then That) is a service for connecting apps and services with automation https://indieweb.org/IFTTT

[Joe_Crawford] It's the mechanism I've used for 11 years to do PESOS from Instagram.
Kolev POSSE and PESOS. Got it.
Loqi PESOS is an acronym for Publish Elsewhere, Syndicate (to your) Own Site https://indieweb.org/pesos

Kolev [mattl], do you have POSSE set up?
jeremycherfas joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] IFTTT's Instagram page says: https://ifttt.com/instagram : _"Meta has recently deprecated their Instagram Basic Display API, impacting integrations across various platforms. We understand the interruption this has caused for users who have long relied on their Instagram Applets. We are working on an update to ensure our support for Instagram will continue. The IFTTT team will be in touch with Instagram connected users with more
[Joe_Crawford] information shortly."_
[Joe_Crawford] I'm disinclined to change my IG "professional status" - I do like using IFTTT but based on what I read I think it will require me to do more Facebook junk and potentially change my ability to cross post to Facebook. That I don't like. It also is trying to sell me on a pile of tracking crap I don't need or want.
[Joe_Crawford] I guess it's free to be a Professional account but it still is giving me heavy code smell vibes.
[Joe_Crawford] What's kind of interesting is that this was triggered only after I put in an explicit http link into my caption. I think I tripped over some kind of "hey, you're trying to link to the open web" flag. How dare I attempt reference an external website.
troojg joined the channel
carrvo [tantek]++ knowing PHP is considered so adaptable reassures my choice to use it!
carrvo [snarfed]++ the cookie suggestion worked! I now have the login flow I have been looking for prototyped!
carrvo Next step is to clean up my experiments, document/post what I needed, and throw it up on my real site!
jeremycherfas, eitilt, Pixi`, jimw8, [Murray]1, [Joe_Crawford], [mattl]1, [snarfed], [alanm], chenghiz_, box464, kushal, ramsey, [0x3b0b], [morganm] and strugee joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] Played around with `offset-path` and PAC MAN https://codepen.io/artlung/pen/raBxMPb
Ferret joined the channel
capjamesg[d] aaronpk My webmention.io feed has "?== link.author_name %" in it a few times. My feed parsing code -- using granary! -- is picking that up as the feed author name.

capjamesg[d] This refers to my private feed; the one with the API key.

capjamesg[d] It is happening when parsing https://artlung.com/blog/2024/11/26/design-is-a-verb-i-verb/

capjamesg[d] [edit] It is happening when parsing https://artlung.com/blog/2024/11/26/design-is-a-verb-i-verb/

GuestZero and Oscar joined the channel
capjamesg[d] aaronpk++

capjamesg[d] Thank you!!!

__DuBPiRaTe__, [bneil] and box464 joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] [aaronpk] does my post have something odd in its microformats?
eitilt and gRegor joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] Okay. Thanks!
sebbu joined the channel
barnaby, anarchomuffin, geoffo and [lazcorp] joined the channel
capjamesg[d] [Joe_Crawford] An action photo from FReSH:

[Joe_Crawford] Hah! An interim state from https://codepen.io/artlung/pen/ogvbqzq - with a radial gradient with 100% applied to that `:after` element
[tantek] (well some CSS, but the dot leaders are done kind of in a hacky way with markup) https://tantek.com/CSS/Examples/dotleaders.html

[Joe_Crawford] Hah. I had not. That's great though! Tables FTW. Is 2000 the year?
[mattl]1 with a <th scope="row"> in the first column, this would quite decent.
ttybitnik joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] [tantek] https://codepen.io/artlung/full/RNbryMr
angelo joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] So much nicer than `<table>`s.
[mattl]1 [Joe_Crawford] now update the 24 year old prices.
[Joe_Crawford] lol! [trollface]
[mattl]1 there's a place near me that hasn't updated their website prices in about 20 years but when you go there the prices have basically doubled.
al3xaurus joined the channel
[mattl]1 I have one on http://mat.tl/links/
Kolev I find it awkward giving associates/friends/families email accounts on calebherbert.net.
[snarfed] yeah https://www.threads.net/fediverse_profile/tantek.com@tantek.com but [tantek] you need to interact with a Threads account or post via AP (via Bridgy Fed) before your account will show up there
capjamesg[d] [Joe_Crawford] mix-blend-mode: luminosity; is cool.

capjamesg[d] After vs. before:

[snarfed] these are old, so some have probably changed, but not all: https://www.threads.net/@shnarfed/post/C07mW0cSHxC
[jeremycherfas] and [manton] joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] [tantek] I made a decision to lose the dots layout entirely on a mobile. The dots are near, but I don't find them.... necessary for a small viewport. But yes, tables absolutely *work*.
[Joe_Crawford] _dots are *neat*_
capjamesg[d] [snarfed] I have a Granary question.

capjamesg[d] I have a document that's being parsed as "'displayName': '‚ÄúCommunicating Chorrectly with a Choreography‚Äù is out!'" but the title is “Communicating Chorrectly with a Choreography” is out!

capjamesg[d] (note the curly quotes)

capjamesg[d] It looks like an encoding thing?

capjamesg[d] I'm using the Python code. Atom -> AS2

capjamesg[d] The Atom feed looks okay in the browser.

capjamesg[d] I'm just making a requests.get()

capjamesg[d] But actually it looks like it's happening before conversion?

[Joe_Crawford] mix-blend-mode++ capjameg[d]++
[Joe_Crawford] capjamesg[d]++
[snarfed] capjamesg items[0].name looks ok to me in https://granary.io/url?input=atom&output=as2&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdecomposition.al%2Fatom.xml
capjamesg[d] Hm...

capjamesg[d] ) and it looks like the weird encodings are in the .text response there.

capjamesg[d] Tracing back, I'm doing resp = requests.get(

capjamesg[d] feed, headers=

{"User-Agent": USER_AGENT}
, allow_redirects=True, timeout=30#
capjamesg[d] Am I supposed to add a flag to requests?

capjamesg[d] [Joe_Crawford] Can I mix other colours into an image? It looks like mix-blend is taking into account my background.

[Joe_Crawford] the background-insensitive version ought to be `background-blend-mode` - but be mindful if you have alpha on some aspect of the element you're working on, either opacity or clipping or such then some bg will filter through
[Joe_Crawford] _see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/blend-mode_
capjamesg[d] [snarfed] But the feed is XML?

capjamesg[d] One sec.

capjamesg[d] I just tried https://gist.github.com/capjamesg/fd7f2bc914fdf92b60222aa1725f1001 and I still get the weird letters.

capjamesg[d] [edit] I just tried https://gist.github.com/capjamesg/fd7f2bc914fdf92b60222aa1725f1001 and I still get the weird letters.

[snarfed] (although interestingly I fail that and use .text myself, eg https://github.com/snarfed/granary/blob/c29dd723f8b82ca5874f2122de64b2e9cd2c1fd7/app.py#L280 , and somehow it's working. odd)
capjamesg[d] Ah, maybe not.

capjamesg[d] It looks like I need to extract it myself.

capjamesg[d] The encoding, that is.

[mattl]1 Has anyone else tested following their own Mastodon profile from Threads?

capjamesg[d] Or assume UTF-8.

capjamesg[d] And it looks like it's UTF-8!

capjamesg[d] Chardet returned something else.

capjamesg[d] Thank you!!!

capjamesg[d] [snarfed]++

[snarfed] oh interesting, requests itself uses charset_normalizer or chardet to guess encoding if it's not in Content-Type or Content-Encoding, https://requests-cache.readthedocs.io/en/stable/modules/requests_cache.models.response.html#requests_cache.models.response.BaseResponse.text
capjamesg[d] [snarfed] My reader works as expected now! Thank you!

[tantek] [snarfed] huh I was already doing that it appears. from my /following page: " Tantek · [tantek]@threads.net "

capjamesg[d] Before vs. after:

[tantek] Btw just for the logs, current behavior I.e. when I tap on one of those links here in iOS Slack from [mattl] or the one snarfed made for my profile, it actually does open the Threads app (which I'm logged into) which then however bounces me to my external browser to https://www.threads.net/login?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.threads.net%2Ffediverse_profile%2Ftantek.com%40tantek.com%3F__coig_login%3D1

capjamesg[d] let's go shopping?

capjamesg[d] what is a meme?

Loqi A meme in the context of the IndieWeb is a special photo (or photo reply) post consisting of a funny or provocative image with a brief text note overlaid on top of it, usually in all capitals white text outlined in black, similar to a single-pane comic, yet with text that reads like prose rather than a caption https://indieweb.org/meme

capjamesg[d] [Joe_Crawford] I meant to ask: do you have any thoughts on CSS style guides for personal websites? I have been thoroughly enjoying learning from https://design-system.service.gov.uk/patterns/ and it made me wonder the extent to which I'd want a style guide on my site.

capjamesg[d] [edit] [Joe_Crawford] I meant to ask: do you have any thoughts on CSS style guides for personal websites? I have been thoroughly enjoying learning from https://design-system.service.gov.uk/patterns/ and it made me wonder the extent to which I'd want a style guide on my site.

capjamesg[d] The results thus far are https://jamesg.blog/styles/

[tantek] Let's see if I share the post evanpro posted on Threads: https://www.threads.net/@evanprodromou/post/DDKpJsQPk2p

[tantek] ^ clicking on that link https://www.threads.net/fediverse_profile/evan@cosocial.ca does work on web (laptop) if you are logged in to http://threads.net in your browser

[Joe_Crawford] [tantek] during FrESH I started with multiline entries and saw that we couldn't quote get it done with that technique in our limited time. I intend to look at it more though. There are multiple techniques. Eric mentioned it's an area that has gotten some attention in the CSS working group and there's no clear solution. I do think putting those lines into a flex context makes sense in terms of how the thing works. But it needs work as
[Joe_Crawford] to how text aligns in the individual child elements of that context.
[Joe_Crawford] capjamesg[d]++ that looks terrific. We've talked before about how markup ought to behave and setting up a page with basically everything possible is a terrific way to get at that! I certainly have run into regressions across my sprawling site when making seemingly small changes.
[tantek] [snarfed] oh weird, when I look into my Threads app notifications and see recent follows (clustered), then I see listed there mailto:tantek.com@fed.brid.gy, then when I tap on that I see an empty profile for it but with a Follow button! so there is a path in the iOS app, it's just non-obvious

[tantek] however, https://www.threads.net/fediverse_profile/tantek.com@fed.brid.gy also doesn't work in the Threads iOS app. i.e. clicking on that in iOS Slack redirects to iOS Threads app, which then redirects to the browser to login to http://Threads.net

Loqi A style guide on the IndieWeb is a page that describes writing style preferences or visual design elements about a personal website https://indieweb.org/style-guide

al3xaurus and barnaby joined the channel
[tantek] confirmed per [KevinMarks] in #indieweb-random, clicking on that /...@fed.brid... link on laptop did work to prompt me with a profile and Follow button on Firefox (on my Mac), and clicking the Follow button seemed to work

[KevinMarks] Does http://Snarfed.threads.net.ap.brid.gy exist?

[KevinMarks] As a bsky entity?

[KevinMarks] [snarfed] do you have a threads user bridged to bsky?

[KevinMarks] The Threads eng team are trying to do it gingerly as they really don't want to accidentally firehose fedi servers, so they have a lot of opt-in stuff going on, which makes it a but hard to debug.

[tantek] [KevinMarks] that's all fair, however the loss of login state and bouncing a http://threads.net URL to OUTSIDE of the Threads iOS app is a pure bug

[KevinMarks] Yeah, I have been sticking to the web app, but that confused them for a while as well as web on mobile is not an expected use case, and I git accused of being a bot a few times