#dev 2024-12-06
2024-12-06 UTC
troojg joined the channel
[KevinMarks] I think they're all built with React anyway because Meta, but with different release cadences because app store

glacier and Salt joined the channel
Kolev So, in theory, personal sites are supposed to be registered at yourfirstname.yourlastname.name, with email forwarding set up for yourfirstname@yourlastname.name by the owner of yourlastname.name. But how feasible is this in reality?
[Joe_Crawford] Where does that theory come from? I mean, sure, that's a theory. Show me where joe.crawford.name is available for me to give money and I can evaluate feasibility better. Doing a search I don't see who can sell me usage of that.
[Joe_Crawford] Or even mailto:joe@crawford.name though when I go visit crawford.name I get nothing. Not sure what I'm missing though. Perhaps there's some new marketing I've missed.
Kolev Intended use: Personal sites of individuals. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.name
[mattl]1 I have matt.lee.name and there was a random company in Germany that registered them but I renew through Gandi now.
[mattl]1 One of the few domain names I still have with Gandi
gRegor joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] https://www.verisign.com/en_US/domain-names/name-domains/index.xhtml?section=overview tells me to choose a registrar. I clicked namecheap. When I enter joe.crawford.name it says I can't get that. And when I enter crawford.name it says it's taken. If this is a commercial service I can't figure out how to give money to it today.
[mattl]1 I think it’s called dot name
[Joe_Crawford] In the early Internet my recollection was that Verisign was the absolute worst to work with.
[mattl]1 They’re still terrible!
[Joe_Crawford] I'm glad to know they're so consistent!
Kolev [mattl]1, how did you even get matt.lee.name?
[mattl]1 I bought it about a decade ago. I forget
[mattl]1 [Joe_Crawford] looks like http://Gandi.net will sell you what you want
[Joe_Crawford] Huh. Look at that. https://shop.gandi.net/en/domain/suggest?search=joe.crawford.name US$15.60/year. Then US$39.98 per year. This is an expensive theory.
[mattl]1 What’s the theory?
[Joe_Crawford] [mattl]++ Kudos to Verisign for misleading me into thinking every registrar on their "Choose a registrar" page can actually sell this thing. I guess the theory was Kolev's. Not mine. It's good to know about. But it doesn't interest me.
Kolev [mattl]1, .name's intended use is joe.crawford.name.
[mattl]1 I don’t recommend it but I have it
[mattl]1 — Dr. Matt Lee on most technology
g1 joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] Intended by whom, I would say. Lots of people want lots of people to specific technology things. Some of those things are a poor use of my resources.
[Joe_Crawford] Not the least of which the theory suffers inasmuch as even with this scheme There are more people than unique names. If everyone *had* to do this I'd probably end up with mailto:joe4236@joe.crawford.name which doesn't strike me as appealing.
Kolev [Joe_Crawford], at the other end of the spectrum, you have people putting everything in .com, even things that are not COMmercial, like personal blogs.
[Joe_Crawford] What ought we do to people misusing the system like this Kolev?
[Joe_Crawford] (full disclosure, I do this)
[Joe_Crawford] In terms of deciding on top level domains for ones site is to avoid country domains where you don't live. Some are benign, but then there are cases like https://indieweb.org/.io
Kolev [Joe_Crawford], I aim not to judge people doing .com, but I myself like to at least try to do things the "proper" way.
[mattl]1 .com doesn’t mean commercial anymore.
[Joe_Crawford] Great. Do you have a question?
[mattl]1 The “proper” way would be to get http://mattl.boston.ma.us but that’s not a possibility anymore.
Kolev [mattl]1, I found myself yearning for caleb.mo.us but it's not available.
[mattl]1 If you can get a variant of your name .com you should. I missed out on http://mattl.com but I’d definitely be using it
[mattl]1 Plus domain names are like Space Marines. You can buy a bunch of them and not do anything with them. But opportunity is there.
Kolev calebkc.com is available.
[mattl]1 Buy it :)
gRegor, GWG and geoffo joined the channel; al3xaurus left the channel
[snarfed] I can confirm Kolev's description of the dot name TLD originally being only register-able at the third level, eg first.last.name. they also gave you the mailto:first@last.name email address, but only that one. I registered ryan.barrett.name I think over 20y ago, when that was how it worked
[snarfed] and iirc the TLD registrar changed hands once or twice, and none of them ever served DKIM or SPF for last.name domains, so email deliverability gradually degraded over time: https://snarfed.org/is-email-deliverability-impossible-with-a-name-email-address
[mattl]1 [tantek] as I’m sure you know I have a lot of spicy opinions about DNS
[mattl]1 Also http://Gandi.net got bought and is now 2-3x more expensive than it was
[mattl]1 But for a long time they were the absolute best
[Joe_Crawford] bitterness and spite are underrated qualities despite how problematic they can be.
[mattl]1 Thank you 🙏
[bneil], IWSlackGateway, [tantek], Pixi, Kupietz and Guest6 joined the channel
[qubyte], MyNetAz, ttybitnik and __DuBPiRaTe__ joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] We didn't look at that in yesterday's FrESH but we did look a bit at the video on https://nerdy.dev/css-wrapped-2024 -- I can't help but notice that that page by a developer relations person at Google accepts webmentions, and does I think backfill from both Mastodon and Bluesky, if I'm reading the page right. That's pretty fricking indieweb.
[Joe_Crawford] I also remember a time when browsers crowing about their new features would not bother to mention that other browsers even _existed._
[Joe_Crawford] Let alone when showing off a shipping feature including icons for competitor browsers!
[Joe_Crawford] But [tantek], your points are absolutely not wrong. It's a Chrome Wrapped not Web Platform Wrapped.
capjamesg[d] Yeah.

capjamesg[d] I wasn't thrilled by seeing that they showed so many features that aren't supported in all browsers.

capjamesg[d] My first thought seeing some of them was "oh, cool!" then "oh, wait..."

[Joe_Crawford] I mentioned the Jen Simmons / Kevin Powell video yesterday, and one dynamic that's positive in browsers is their teams paying attention to what the others ship and when seeing positive reactions to them, prioritizing them. "Co-opetition" I guess some call that.
[Joe_Crawford] I did mention that at FrESH and I added it to the notes for yesterday
gRegor, eitilt and [schmarty] joined the channel
gRegor and barnaby joined the channel
dissolve22[d] its interesting to start back at step 0 with setting up indieauth and everything. its been quite some time since I did any of this
dissolve22[d] selfauth
dissolve22[d] found i had it slightly misconfigured. I'll have it updated soon to fix that
dissolve22[d] I wrote the thing, dogfooding and all...
dissolve22[d] there is def a lot of work it has needed for some time
dissolve22[d] @GWG thanks, but we will see how active I actually remain going forward
dissolve22[d] @doesnm what version of php?
dissolve22[d] hmm, tried on 8.2.26 and didn't get that issue
dissolve22[d] my host may be hiding warnings though, which wouldn't surprise me
dissolve22[d] @doesnm did you try the fix proposed there?
dissolve22[d] looks safe to do, i may just push this fix
dissolve22[d] @doesnm try the latest version. just pushed a fix
dissolve22[d] though additionally, you generally want warnings turned off for anything in production
sebbu joined the channel
dissolve22[d] oh yeah, heh
dissolve joined the channel
bebethatmustbeme ahh, feels good to be back in irc oddly
bebethatmustbeme i'm on discord mostly, then slack for work, and signal with friends
bebethatmustbeme but the discord didn't feel right for this for some reason
bebethatmustbeme and Kolev joined the channel
gRegor [Joe_Crawford], you probably have seen this, but just in case, I've found it handy: https://youmightnotneedjquery.com/

[Joe_Crawford] I was overthinking the removal of existing classes and getting it wrong with a regex
[Joe_Crawford] simpler just to do className = foo
[Joe_Crawford] and that is a GREAT site 🙂
[Joe_Crawford] I'd forgotten about it!
[Joe_Crawford] Thanks [gRegorLove]++
ttybitnik joined the channel
capjamesg[d] Kolev You can sign in to https://brid.gy/mastodon/start with your Mastodon account, then tell Brid.gy to follow a feed on your website.

bterry joined the channel
capjamesg[d] I'm not exactly sure how it works, but I'm sure someone here can help!

capjamesg[d] Kolev have you read https://fed.brid.gy/docs#web-get-started?

Kolev [snarfed], I'm *very* new to this POSSE business. And I currently do not have a domain of my own. I just have a static site on bluehome.net/csh/ and would like to try POSSE.
[snarfed] right! you're heading the right way on http://brid.gy
Kolev So now I need to add webmention. I'm thinking of starting afresh with a new static site generator. Any to recommend?
Kolev That, or just manually-written HTML.
gRegor joined the channel