#LoqiURL design is the practice of deliberately designing URLs, in particular, permalinks, typically for a better UX for everyone who creates, reads, and shares content https://indieweb.org/URL_design
#[tantek]Kolev ^ good questions and some exploration of that there ^
#Kolev[tantek], I'm definitely following capjamesg URL design.
#Loqicapjamesg[d] has 76 karma in this channel over the last year (216 in all channels)
#[tantek]2funkylarma, I like the ideas you were sharing in #indieweb-cafe on that topic, would be great to continue that on topic chat here!
gRegor, bterry, sebbu2 and petermolnar joined the channel
#[Joe_Crawford]On my iPad: just upgraded to 18.2 of iPadOS. Logged out of IndieWeb Slack on iPad. Logged back into indieWeb Slack. Also see `incoming-webhook` as the identifying username for anyone not natively using Slack.
#Loqistickers are adhesive labels usually with graphics to show an affiliation (like the IndieWeb sticker), a technology (like microformats), or accomplishment, often placed on the backs of laptop screens, and a form of swag https://indieweb.org/stickers